USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

I understand. You're still in the shock and denial stage. You still think you have some control over what others might do.

Not in shock about anything. I've been talking about this for at least a year if not longer. I would welcome never having to put up with liberal BS ever again. The left keep moving to the left and the United States is getting to be like a bad marriage. It's time for a divorce.
Please, let the red states secede. The RWNJs have convinced themselves they can create a conservative utopia, so they should be given every opportunity to do so. If that means the U.S. loses the old Confederacy, Tornado Alley, and the central states bordering Canada, the rest of us will just have to muddle through.

But once they're gone and no longer have access to the tax revenue of the blue states, fvck 'em, they can't come back.


Sounds to me like you support this. Great! Join us in convincing our leaders this is what we want.

You still don't get it do you? Your leader just got his ass kicked, and it doesn't matter what he might be convinced of.
I understand. You're still in the shock and denial stage. You still think you have some control over what others might do.

Not in shock about anything. I've been talking about this for at least a year if not longer. I would welcome never having to put up with liberal BS ever again. The left keep moving to the left and the United States is getting to be like a bad marriage. It's time for a divorce.
you're funny.
Why would red states leave the union if the president is elected by the will of the people?

What about the will of the people is so....abhorrent to conservatives?

The will of people like us is to divide the country so we don't have one country, but two. Hopefully this trend will grow and it actually happens.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

We already have a Red State Whitehouse...
You still don't get it do you? Your leader just got his ass kicked, and it doesn't matter what he might be convinced of.

No, he didn't lose yet. What's going on in Michigan is what went on in Miami-Dade during the Gore election. They are counting ballots without allowing anybody to watch them, mysteriously finding strange boxes of ballots without one Trump vote in them. This is going to court.

But it doesn't matter who wins, I still want to see two separate countries. Liberals are like snow up north. If I never seen them again, I couldn't be happier.
And what happens when the younger generations and the following generations slowly turn Red America blue over the next 20 years?

There comes a point where we must fight.

There is no where to run.

There is no where to hide.

The Republic must live.

Many years ago when I was studying martial arts, my teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

This is a problem that can be solved without bloodshed.
And what happens when the younger generations and the following generations slowly turn Red America blue over the next 20 years?

There comes a point where we must fight.

There is no where to run.

There is no where to hide.

The Republic must live.

Many years ago when I was studying martial arts, my teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

This is a problem that can be solved without bloodshed.
A peaceful and thoughtful division would solve the problem.
I understand. You're still in the shock and denial stage. You still think you have some control over what others might do.

Not in shock about anything. I've been talking about this for at least a year if not longer. I would welcome never having to put up with liberal BS ever again. The left keep moving to the left and the United States is getting to be like a bad marriage. It's time for a divorce.

And this would be yet another example of the conservative disdain for democracy. Since they can't convince or persuade a majority to vote for them, they want to eliminate those that disagree with them (in this case, through others, through bloody violence).

The shift from persuasion to elimination is the scent of death of the modern conservative movement.
And what happens when the younger generations and the following generations slowly turn Red America blue over the next 20 years?

There comes a point where we must fight.

There is no where to run.

There is no where to hide.

The Republic must live.

Many years ago when I was studying martial arts, my teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

This is a problem that can be solved without bloodshed.
A peaceful and thoughtful division would solve the problem.

Talk of secession is how conservatives pout.
And what happens when the younger generations and the following generations slowly turn Red America blue over the next 20 years?

There comes a point where we must fight.

There is no where to run.

There is no where to hide.

The Republic must live.

Many years ago when I was studying martial arts, my teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

This is a problem that can be solved without bloodshed. could just present better platforms and better candidates. And persuade more people to vote for you.

The idea that the best solution for your failure to persuade is either secession or bloody violence.......means that your ilk are at least a little self aware of how poor their arguments and candidates are.
And what happens when the younger generations and the following generations slowly turn Red America blue over the next 20 years?

There comes a point where we must fight.

There is no where to run.

There is no where to hide.

The Republic must live.

Many years ago when I was studying martial arts, my teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

This is a problem that can be solved without bloodshed.
A peaceful and thoughtful division would solve the problem.

Talk of secession is how conservatives pout.
It was a democratic thing that brought on real secession as history tells it. That's recorded fact not some bloviating bullshit.
We serve a God of Justice. Not man, so we know that our God is all over this and will protect our President
So tired of the scandals going on from the left. Y’all it’s almost impossible to over turn already counted votes...... I HATE Democrats

We need FULL AUDITS in WI & MI. Not just recounts
Looking at an election map the nation is a sea of red with isolated blue dots representing democrat controlled cities. California is a deep red state except for a thin blue line along the coast. There is no longer any argument that supports getting more people to vote for you. The very interests of the goals and interests of the two parties are diametrically opposed.

Persuasion is impossible.
And what happens when the younger generations and the following generations slowly turn Red America blue over the next 20 years?

There comes a point where we must fight.

There is no where to run.

There is no where to hide.

The Republic must live.

Many years ago when I was studying martial arts, my teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

This is a problem that can be solved without bloodshed.
A peaceful and thoughtful division would solve the problem.

Talk of secession is how conservatives pout.
It was a democratic thing that brought on real secession as history tells it. That's recorded fact not some bloviating bullshit.

Depends on what you mean by 'brought on'. South Carolina shit its pants when Lincoln was elected.

South Carolina's hysteric over reaction was neither necessary nor inevitable. It was, simply, a misguided attempt to preserve the most loathsome institution in our nation's history: slavery.

And there's zero chance that the US will vote to divide into different countries. Which is why we're discussing Protectionsist's elimination fantasy on an obscure message board.......accompanied by a litany of veiled threats from supporting posters.

As there's little chance you'd persuade the nation to do it its a terrible idea. So conservatives when they want to pout.....try to get what they want through threats of bloody violence.
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Looking at an election map the nation is a sea of red with isolated blue dots representing democrat controlled cities. California is a deep red state except for a thin blue line along the coast. There is no longer any argument that supports getting more people to vote for you. The very interests of the goals and interests of the two parties are diametrically opposed.

Persuasion is impossible.

The problem with that the 'blue dots' are where the people live.

An empty field doesn't get to vote. People do.

And persuasion is entirely possible....if you have compelling arguments and good candidates. But once again, conservatives demonstrate their disdain for democracy.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans
Some of us seem to be more American than others while democommies are in no way American. It takes more than just being here to be an American. Much more and if I had my way you'd have to prove it before you could vote as an American.

If you put party before country, that might make sense.

I'm an American first. could just present better platforms and better candidates. And persuade more people to vote for you.

The idea that the best solution for your failure to persuade is either secession or bloody violence.......means that your ilk are at least a little self aware of how poor their arguments and candidates are.

Or the best is we both go our own way and have our own countries. The best is people go to the polls and vote. If you're too lazy or don't care to make the effort, stay home and don't vote.

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