USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
Friction is good. Friction is healthy. Friction signals communication. Friction can create something new. Like our Constitution.

Unfortunately, a wide swath of our populace doesn't possess the intellectual or temperamental capacity to leverage and apply it in a constructive way.

These people need to be politically and culturally marginalized so the rest of the country can start fixing things. The sooner the better.

"These people need to be politically and culturally marginalized so the rest of the country can start fixing things. The sooner the better."

Okay Mac, move aside then.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
Friction is good. Friction is healthy. Friction signals communication. Friction can create something new. Like our Constitution.

Unfortunately, a wide swath of our populace doesn't possess the intellectual or temperamental capacity to leverage and apply it in a constructive way.

These people need to be politically and culturally marginalized so the rest of the country can start fixing things. The sooner the better.

"These people need to be politically and culturally marginalized so the rest of the country can start fixing things. The sooner the better."

Okay Mac, move aside then.
Many countries have had a "divorce."

Yugoslavia is the most famous/notorious example. In fact, the United States even facilitated it.

Some people (including me) have no doubt that eventually Americans will peacefully decide that this large continent should be divided up into several nations, each nation hosting people who share common values or characteristics.

For example, it would great if Native Americans were given genuine independence.

Yugoslavia was a wonderful country with nice people - what then came was damned shocking and still I do not understand this terrible disaster. I remember for example when I asked in German a waitress there "Are you able to give us a menu card, please?" and she had answered "Why? You are not able to read it!" We had a lot of fun - and the food was excellent - what was anything else than normal in this time of history in a country, which had the attribute to be "socialistic".

And I remember also this story of a monastery in the days of the violent chaos all over Yugoslavia: When "Christians" came to murder "Muslims" the orthodox abbot of the monastery in the near of their village saved the Muslims there - and when suddenly the fortunes of war changed and "Muslims" liked to burn down the monastery then the Muslims of the village saved their monastery. In this little place and this holy moments God smiled on his children and humanity survived.

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Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

No, we are not. those who shit on the constitution, cheat on elections, and lie to the public constantly are not americans, a media who is nothing but the propaganda arm of the dem party is not american. It may be time to split this country and see which system actually works. Make Trump president of the states he won and Joe president of the states he won. Liberal country east and liberal country west, with the center of the country conservative. We cannot go on like we are are, so divided and constantly attacking each other. Let BLM and Antifa be the police force of libtardia and the US military the police force of the USA.

Its time, lets do it.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Trump is the best president since Reagan. He actually did things that helped the USA and made us a better country. He did it even with the constant lies and attacks by the lying media and the corrupt dems. No matter how this election ends, Donald Trump will be the best president in my lifetime and I have been here since FDR.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

This is what I've been saying for well over a year now. We draw an line from north to south with equal square miles. The Democrats get the west side of our current country near their precious Mexico border, and we take the east side. Anybody in the middle will just have to choose a side. Then we build a huge Trump wall to keep the Democrats out of our side.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans
For now. As soon as you lefties get rid of the electoral vote, there will be no reason for any red state to remain in this union.

Why would red states leave the union if the president is elected by the will of the people?

What about the will of the people is so....abhorrent to conservatives?
Are you really dumb enough to think ^ that horse shit is an effective response to my post?
It may be time to split this country and see which system actually works.

We know what system will work. On their side they will tax the wealthy so high that all the jobs move here. They will have no police, or police with such little authority that they are worthless causing a huge increase in violent crime. Citizens with no firearms would not be able to stop it. With little tax revenue and half of their people on welfare, they would collapse in a matter of just a few years. Their green energy costs would be so high people would starve.

On our side low taxation. If the Democrats had to leave my city, my property value would triple overnight. With much less crime we would have less need for police officers and emergency services. Our home alarm companies may suffer as well. But they will find other jobs because there will be so many on our side. We would have a much smaller and less intrusive government. Written in our Constitution would be no unions allowed to be in government. Our prisons would become prisons again, not lowlife playgrounds; nobody would want to go there.

I hate to take this stance but I see our country slowly slipping away to Socialism and Communism. In my opinion, it's better to save half the country now than lose the entire thing.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
They already did. The other country is called Mexico.
Yeah, but you don't know what communism is. So how would you know what a communist 'sounds like'.

And no, democrats are not 'communist'. They don't call for collective ownership of all means of production, for example. Nor do they call for the abolishment of all rights of inheritance, or the confiscation of all property of emigrants, or the establishment of 'industrial armies' for agriculture.

All of which you'd know...if you knew what a communist actually believed. To you, the term is just a pejorative.

Oh really? Then I suggest you visit the US Communist Party website. Try to find the differences between their platform and yours. Take note who they've supported for President currently and in the past.
What values are those?

Are Republicans grabbing those 'Family Values' by the pussy? Or perhaps the multi-trillion dollar deficit this year is an example of their fiscal responsibility? Refusing most every congressional subpoena is 'transparency'? Or whining incessantly about how neither the demolished economy or the 911's worth of dead every 5 days is your fault is 'personal responsibility'?

The GOP inexplicable demolished their entire brand. They don't really stand for anything anymore. They've devolved into a party that has a unifying ideology of whining. Just....grievance about how unfair everything is.

That seems some pretty weak tea to build a nation around.

Right you are. You shouldn't have to put up with that. You need to support us in having two countries instead of one, then we will never be able to bug you again.
Nope. You can pack your personal shit and go wherever you want, but the land is ours. Perhaps somebody will get around to picking up the beer cans in your yard after you're gone.

Why should we go? There is only one United States of America. We are one of the few capitalist countries out there. However there are liberal meccas all over the world. You can move to North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia. Just think of it!

Places with free government healthcare. Nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. That means no rich people to hate or be jealous of. Government takes care of all your needs. Very little freedom. It would be perfect for you leftists.

Don't get me wrong, we have places like that in the US. They're called prisons. They are not hard to get into and full of Democrats already.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

That's why it's important to separate now, because it will ultimate come to that if we don't. The Democrats found yet another way to cheat the voting system. Get all the uninformed politically ignorant voters who have little interest in voting to vote by putting a ballot on their kitchen table. Politically ignorant people generally vote Democrat. We can't have a country where the final deciders of our leadership are Obama Phone ladies.
So WHO would so all the work in the Democrat part? This place would turn Into one huge third world shithole quickly. Democrats themselves know this.

That's why they'd never go for it. We don't have to look far to see what happens in Democrat ran areas. Detroit, Cleveland, New York, Chicago........ They are already rioting in Portland and a decision hasn't even been made yet.
Nope. You can pack your personal shit and go wherever you want, but the land is ours. Perhaps somebody will get around to picking up the beer cans in your yard after you're gone.

Why should we go? There is only one United States of America. We are one of the few capitalist countries out there. However there are liberal meccas all over the world. You can move to North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia. Just think of it!

Places with free government healthcare. Nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. That means no rich people to hate or be jealous of. Government takes care of all your needs. Very little freedom. It would be perfect for you leftists.

Don't get me wrong, we have places like that in the US. They're called prisons. They are not hard to get into and full of Democrats already.

I understand. You're still in the shock and denial stage. You still think you have some control over what others might do.
Please, let the red states secede. The RWNJs have convinced themselves they can create a conservative utopia, so they should be given every opportunity to do so. If that means the U.S. loses the old Confederacy, Tornado Alley, and the central states bordering Canada, the rest of us will just have to muddle through.

But once they're gone and no longer have access to the tax revenue of the blue states, fvck 'em, they can't come back.


Sounds to me like you support this. Great! Join us in convincing our leaders this is what we want.

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