USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

I'm not a communist, but it still doesn't matter what you care about.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
It is an accurate description of someone that believes in the principles of Karl Marx. We need another Joe McCarthy and senate hearings to weed out the commies.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
It is an accurate description of someone that believes in the principles of Karl Marx. We need another Joe McCarthy and senate hearings to weed out the commies.

What specifically does a communist believe in?

Because you just throw the word around, willy nilly. It doesn't look like you have much awareness of its actual meaning.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
It is an accurate description of someone that believes in the principles of Karl Marx. We need another Joe McCarthy and senate hearings to weed out the commies.

What specifically does a communist believe in?

Because you just throw the word around, willy nilly. It doesn't look like you have much awareness of its actual meaning.
I'm sure you can google the principles of communism. Then you might understand how democrats dovetail into those beliefs.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
It is an accurate description of someone that believes in the principles of Karl Marx. We need another Joe McCarthy and senate hearings to weed out the commies.

What specifically does a communist believe in?

Because you just throw the word around, willy nilly. It doesn't look like you have much awareness of its actual meaning.
I'm sure you can google the principles of communism. Then you might understand how democrats dovetail into those beliefs.

I've read the Communist Manifesto and am fully aware of the meaning of the term. But you don't seem to. You seem to call anyone who disagrees with you a 'communist'. Its just a name to call them.

That doesn't demonstrate much awareness of the meaning of the term.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
It is an accurate description of someone that believes in the principles of Karl Marx. We need another Joe McCarthy and senate hearings to weed out the commies.

What specifically does a communist believe in?

Because you just throw the word around, willy nilly. It doesn't look like you have much awareness of its actual meaning.
I'm sure you can google the principles of communism. Then you might understand how democrats dovetail into those beliefs.

I've read the Communist Manifesto and am fully aware of the meaning of the term. But you don't seem to. You seem to call anyone who disagrees with you a 'communist'. Its just a name to call them.

That doesn't demonstrate much awareness of the meaning of the term.
If it sounds like a communist, talks like a communist and holds communist ideals it's a communist. Democrats are communists. They weren't always. They are now. I have known many communists. I can recognize them.
The people of this country will grow further and further apart until one side refuses to recognize the authority of the other. Our future is a seriously bloody civil war.

I seriously disagree.

This again would be another manifestation of the conservative disdain for democracy. They can't persuade a majority. So they imagine the only alternative is bloody violence.

Seperation, secession, civil war....its just conservative variations on the theme of distrust of democracy and a desire to eliminate (through separation or bloody violence) those that disagree with them.
I don't see any democracy. I see fraud masquerading as democracy. It's not like the communists accepted the last four years.

I suspect you are limited in what you can see because your head is up your ass. Pull it out and realize your childish trump-like behavior is no longer acceptable.
You're a communist. Why would I care what you say?

Do you even know what a communist is? You seem to be using it like some random pejorative.
It is an accurate description of someone that believes in the principles of Karl Marx. We need another Joe McCarthy and senate hearings to weed out the commies.

What specifically does a communist believe in?

Because you just throw the word around, willy nilly. It doesn't look like you have much awareness of its actual meaning.
I'm sure you can google the principles of communism. Then you might understand how democrats dovetail into those beliefs.

I've read the Communist Manifesto and am fully aware of the meaning of the term. But you don't seem to. You seem to call anyone who disagrees with you a 'communist'. Its just a name to call them.

That doesn't demonstrate much awareness of the meaning of the term.
If it sounds like a communist, talks like a communist and holds communist ideals it's a communist. Democrats are communists. They weren't always. They are now. I have known many communists. I can recognize them.

Yeah, but you don't know what communism is. So how would you know what a communist 'sounds like'.

And no, democrats are not 'communist'. They don't call for collective ownership of all means of production, for example. Nor do they call for the abolishment of all rights of inheritance, or the confiscation of all property of emigrants, or the establishment of 'industrial armies' for agriculture.

All of which you'd know...if you knew what a communist actually believed. To you, the term is just a pejorative.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans


You seek the utter and complete destruction of America and the establishment of a Marxist totalitarian dictatorship as a vassal of a globalist cabal headed by Communist China.

How are you an American?

You're a traitor and the enemy of the United States Constitution as well as the fundamental principles of liberty this nation was founded on.

Yea - and imagine: This traitor born in the USA (principle of independence) who says "we are ALL Americans" (I'm by the way not an American) speaks not even an American language, but an Indian-Germanic one. What an unfreeness - or unfreezeness? - or ¿kuddelmuddel? ...

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Many countries have had a "divorce."

Yugoslavia is the most famous/notorious example. In fact, the United States even facilitated it.

Some people (including me) have no doubt that eventually Americans will peacefully decide that this large continent should be divided up into several nations, each nation hosting people who share common values or characteristics.

For example, it would great if Native Americans were given genuine independence.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

Yes. One nation with the original American freedom, very restricted democracy, no dependent voters voting for other people's stuff. Maybe couple tweaks a wall + communism outlawed.

The other, well it's a shithole, but some like the stench.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
Friction is good. Friction is healthy. Friction signals communication. Friction can create something new. Like our Constitution.

Unfortunately, a wide swath of our populace doesn't possess the intellectual or temperamental capacity to leverage and apply it in a constructive way.

These people need to be politically and culturally marginalized so the rest of the country can start fixing things. The sooner the better.
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There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
Good idea. The Democratic country in the east and northeast will be lovely and successful.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

Anyone can sneak in here and be an American.

Not everyone can be a real Texan though.

Not everyone wants to be a Texan. I had a friend who was born & raised in Texas. He left as soon as he was old enough to enlist. He used to say, "If I owned Hell and owned Texas, I would live in Hell and rent out Texas."

The people who live in any state are the ones most critical. I live in Oregon. I hate what liberals have turned this state into. A few decades back, Oregon was one of the more affordable states to live in. We are now one of the most expensive to live in, and now we have become the legalized illicit drugs meca.

By the way, I've lived in Texas. The only real thing I hated was the humidity.

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