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USA Today awards ‘Woman of the Year’ honor to transgender Democrat.

The original mutilation makes it, at the very least, the betrayal of biological fate. Irreversible, even if the original genital is replaced. This may be enough to temp the narcissistic ego that first made the mutilation gesture, into other psychopathologies.
Alleviating gender dysphoria means nothing. It does not alleviate the serious mental issues that they have.
If that is what you want to believe. You also want to believe that gender reasigment is never approprite or helpfull despite evidence to the contrary. I agree that there are issues with the efficacy or reassignment in some cases, I , inlike you do not take a ridgid one size fits all position.
You also refuse to consider the fact that the high suicide rate among those who have transitioned is due to factors other than the transition itself- factors such as the unrelenting fiddicule and rejection that trans people are subjected to regardless of the extent to which they physically transition

I realize that there is nothing that I can say or do to change that. You’re stuck in the mud. My work is done here
Thank you for taking the time to create one more of many unnecessary, pointless, and hatful anti- trans threads. This one though is particularly stupid. You open my saying that “All a woman must do to garner “Women of the Year” consideration in 2023 is not be born a woman”.
Really? Did you not notice that she was named alongside of many other accomplished women, none of whom are trans?

Did you not notice that she was elected to office and that she has a long record of public service? Even the right leaning Post recognizes that:

MN transgender lawmaker named on 'Women of the Year' list (nypost.com)

While it is mentioned that SHE is a transwoman that is not cited as a reason why she was selected. Yet the reprehensible rag that you linked to saw the need to point out that being trans is not an achievement . No it is not an achievement, but I will tell you what is an achievement. An achievement is overcoming the hate and bigotry that that you and your ilk level at transgender people . An achievement is the ability to rise above the hate and accomplish something despite it.

I really have to wonder what is wrong with you people. Maybe you would like to provide some answers. Is it that you are freaked out by any departure from the binary concept that you have been emersed in for so long and just cannot accept that gender is not always what you thought it was?

Is it that you cannot accept the fact that some people are not clearly male or female and that their gender identity just does not correspond to their most salient biological characteristics?

Have you stopped to consider how you would feel if were ridiculed for expressing you gender identity ( or sexuality) ? Is it that you are having doubts about your own gender identity and attacking trans people is a defense mechanism for dealing with those thoughts and feelings?

Lastly, Maybe you think that these few transpeople are somehow a threat to the social order. If so you need to be able to articulate that, first to yourself and then to the rest of us.

Think about this. Maybe your life would be better if you would just let go of the fear and hate and embrace diversity as part of the fabric of human society.

Peace Bro (mance)
The “leftard adhenda”? What the fuck is the leftard adgenda? Maybe you should drop the dumbass talking points and give some thought to what you are saying.

You support individuals ? Really? Have you considered that fact that trans people as a group- a group that you apparently have great disdain for- is made up of individuals? Have you considered that there are likely many Jorgensens who are part of that group? And why are you-at best indifferent – and mostlikely hostile to that grroup? Because we on the left support the? That is beyond stupid not to mention hypocritical .

We give then false hope? What do you people on the right offer them? We might not always get it exactly right, but you people offer nothing but condemnation, marginalization and humiliation and seek to deprive them of needed medical care, as evidenced my the avalanch of anti trans bills across the country. THAT is what’s destructive and danerous. Don’t and claim that you don’t support that shit. Smarten up kid!
Shut the fuck up. I'm tired of your bleating. You've been exposed, as a liar and a fraud. You started out pretending to be a scientist, you got busted, and now you're coming back for more. "Needed medical care". What a bunch of horseshit. No one's denying anyone NEEDED medical care. It's ILLEGAL in this country, to turn away anyone who NEEDS medical care. Go ask any ER physician, they'll tell you. You dumbass fucking leftards just keep slinging mud hoping some of it will land somewhere. Why don't you fucking GROW UP, or is that too much to ask from a bleeding ass leftard?
Shut the fuck up. I'm tired of your bleating. You've been exposed, as a liar and a fraud. You started out pretending to be a scientist, you got busted, and now you're coming back for more. "Needed medical care". What a bunch of horseshit. No one's denying anyone NEEDED medical care. It's ILLEGAL in this country, to turn away anyone who NEEDS medical care. Go ask any ER physician, they'll tell you. You dumbass fucking leftards just keep slinging mud hoping some of it will land somewhere. Why don't you fucking GROW UP, or is that too much to ask from a bleeding ass leftard?
Holly fuck bubba! You are clearly losing your shit. Your cursing and drooling and stomping your feet in a rage does not make you sound smart-just batshit crazy and angry. Just what are you so angry about? . Oh I know. The fact that you were called out on your hypocrissy for voicing support for Christine Jorgensen while at the same time railing against present day transgender people and their “Libtard” allies. Deal with it
And the fact that you have to shout profanities and insults tells me just how unsure of yourself and insecure in your convictions you are.
For the record I never said that I was a scientist and the reference to witholding medical care was regarding gender affirming care. That is being witheld and you know it. Is it possible that you are so stupid that you did not know what I meant ?

Now wipe the spit off of your chin and get a grip. Try having an adult disgussiion without the tantrums of a two year old
And the fact that you have to shout profanities and insults tells me just how unsure of yourself and insecure in your convictions you are.

Holly fuck bubba! You are clearly losing your shit. Your cursing and drooling and stomping your feet in a rage does not make you sound smart-just batshit crazy and angry. Just what are you so angry about? . Oh I know. The fact that you were called out on your hypocrissy for voicing support for Christine Jorgensen while at the same time railing against present day transgender people and their “Libtard” allies. Deal with it
And the fact that you have to shout profanities and insults tells me just how unsure of yourself and insecure in your convictions you are.
For the record I never said that I was a scientist and the reference to witholding medical care was regarding gender affirming care. That is being witheld and you know it. Is it possible that you are so stupid that you did not know what I meant ?

Now wipe the spit off of your chin and get a grip. Try having an adult disgussiion without the tantrums of a two year old
Please refer to post # 226
Please refer to post # 226
You can run but you can't hide. Last chance:

  1. State clearly and conceisly what it is that you feel about, and think about trans people
  2. State what you think publiuc policy and law should be regarding trans people
  3. State what you think would constitute best medical and mental health practices for trans people
  4. Explaine what “liberal” policies you think are destructive and dangerous and why
  5. Try doing all of that without attacking anyone and withut profanity, Pretend that it’a an essay contest or that you are writing a letter to the editor that you want published. Prove that you are not an 13 year old emotionally disturbed special ed. kid
You can run but you can't hide. Last chance:

  1. State clearly and conceisly what it is that you feel about, and think about trans people
  2. State what you think publiuc policy and law should be regarding trans people
  3. State what you think would constitute best medical and mental health practices for trans people
  4. Explaine what “liberal” policies you think are destructive and dangerous and why
  5. Try doing all of that without attacking anyone and withut profanity, Pretend that it’a an essay contest or that you are writing a letter to the editor that you want published. Prove that you are not an 13 year old emotionally disturbed special ed. kid
Here:s your answer: :finger3:
  1. State clearly and conceisly what it is that you feel about, and think about trans people
  2. State what you think publiuc policy and law should be regarding trans people
  3. State what you think would constitute best medical and mental health practices for trans people
  4. Explaine what “liberal” policies you think are destructive and dangerous and why
  5. Try doing all of that without attacking anyone and withut profanity, Pretend that it’a an essay contest or that you are writing a letter to the editor that you want published. Prove that you are not an 13 year old emotionally disturbed special ed. kid
1. Other than the few genuine cases of gender dysphoria, they are bat shit crazy.
2. No public policy needed. No one cares.
3. No "gender affirming" care (read sex change) until age 18.
4. Advocating "gender affirming care" to minors without parental permission or, in some cases, even knowledge.
5. Maybe you could show the same concern for 13 year old emotionally disturbed special ed. kids that you seem to be mocking.

How do yu know that? What do you define as a genuine cae? What is the definition of crazy?
My mistake. I was getting ahead of myself. I should not have typed gender dysphoria. What I meant was people who are born with the plumbing of both sexes (hermaphroditism?). Other than that? Yes, crazy.
Just a bunch of miserable people who think their lives would be magically transformed if only they could be the opposite sex. :cuckoo:
4. Advocating "gender affirming care" to minors without parental permission or, in some cases, even knowledge.
No one is advcating for medical intervetion without parental consent. You are confused by reports that educators are acknowledging students who are trans by respecting theirgender pronouns without "outing them" to parents. The kids may need someone to confide in and may not have undrstanding parents. Outing them puts them at risk of emotional and physical abuse. Many LGBT youth are homeless because parents rejected them

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