Used electric car battery replacement

How would you like to go to the station tonight to gas up to leave on a trip in the morning only to be told.,,,.,.,.,.,
Gasoline is now being rationed and we have sold our allotment for the month.
It is only going to get worse. My advice is to sell your gasoline car while some are still buying and get an EV.

On another forum, I found this----
carbattery2 - Copy.jpg
Where is gasoline being rationed?
This whole debate will be mute when the fossil fuel industry can no longer produce the needed gasoline to meet public demand.

Summary Table as of 2017
Oil Reserves
1,650,585,140,000 barrels
Oil Consumption
barrels per year
97,103,871 barrels per day
47 (years left)

World Oil Statistics - Worldometer
This whole debate will be mute when the fossil fuel industry can no longer produce the needed gasoline to meet public demand.

Summary Table as of 2017
Oil Reserves
1,650,585,140,000 barrels
Oil Consumption
barrels per year
97,103,871 barrels per day
47 (years left)

World Oil Statistics - Worldometer
I'm not arguing in this thread. I'm just curious. You said gasoline was "now being rationed". I'm wondering where.

And I agree with your statement here. Gasoline is a finite resource and very few will be burning it in cars when it costs $1,000/bbl
It's unlikely that the battery for something the size of a Cooper Mini is going to be swappable with the battery for something the size of a Ford Expedition.
Tha batteries aren’t that big.
Tha batteries aren’t that big.
So you think the battery for an EV Ford Expedition could fit in a Cooper Mini? The long range battery for a Tesla Model 3 has 828 cylindrical cells measuring 46mm in diameter and 80mm tall. That would occupy the volume of a slab one meter on a side and 15 cm thick (using hexagonal packing).
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46mm in diameter and 80mm tall.
please check my math
46mm in diameter and 80mm tall.

46X80=368=[ ]
46 Millimeters = 1.8110236 Inches " in diameter "
80 mm thick/

Thanks in advance
46mm in diameter and 80mm tall.
46X80=368=[ ]
46 Millimeters diameter = 1.8110236 Inches
80 Millimeters = 3.1496063 Inches
Area of a circle
Pi =
pi r^2
R =
I lost track of my thoughts
:)- Ok
please check my math
46mm in diameter and 80mm tall.

46X80=368=[ ]
46 Millimeters = 1.8110236 Inches " in diameter "
80 mm thick/

Thanks in advance
46mm in diameter and 80mm tall.
46X80=368=[ ]
46 Millimeters diameter = 1.8110236 Inches
80 Millimeters = 3.1496063 Inches
Area of a circle
Pi =
pi r^2
R =
I lost track of my thoughts
:)- Ok
Yes, I should have made realistic numbers by, say, stacking them two high to 16 cm, but I just calculated the volume and did the figuring for a 1 meter square.
Yes, I should have made realistic numbers by, say, stacking them two high to 16 cm, but I just calculated the volume and did the figuring for a 1 meter square.

I am a bit slow, I was trying to calculate the volume of your example.
my bad

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