Useful information for gaining more truth-how to use it.

Will Terral ever post a use for any of his information?

Or, ....... is it all useless information?

If it was all useless, would the perpetrators want the information to spread?

Im just wondering Chris,not siding with Terral or anything here.9/11 is important,no question about that,but how come you dont post anything on Terrals thread about the swine flu vaccine which is the REAL threat that looms on us now?

It is subterfuge.


called "chafe", distraction etc.

We cannot trust media, we cannot trust alternative media, the internet. Look what trusting it does.

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Hi Inside Job:

Im just wondering Chris,not siding with Terral or anything here.9/11 is important,no question about that,but how come you dont post anything on Terrals thread about the swine flu vaccine which is the REAL threat that looms on us now?

The answer is very simple: Chris (disinfo agent) is here to spread as much WTC disinformation as humanly possible, while avoiding 'real' 911Truth and Swine11 Topics altogether. The guy is about one stage above 'complete imbecile' :)cuckoo:) IMHO . . .

Here are my three primary 911Truth Topics:

Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition

This Chris :)cuckoo:) guy says all of this is useless information. :0)

9:31 << "When" The Pentagon was first attacked.

Try to get this Chris guy to back away from the "FEMA/The Core" Nonsense and Stupidity for one second to write about 'when' the Pentagon was first attacked. That will NEVER happen, because the guy is a complete 911Truth Moron. Every murder investigation surrounds a well-prepared "Timeline." Right? Of course. Okay, so here is my Pentagon Timeline:

Terral's USMB Pentagon Timeline

Do you think this Chris bozo has one minute to break away from regurgitating his 'WTC Disinformation Propaganda' long enough to discuss the events of the 911 Pentagon Attacks?? No. The guy is CLUELESS and obviously requires more DoD CounterIntelligence Disinformation Training by his handler. Oh yeah, BTW: The fact that all the Shanksville Photos show the same EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . is useless information to this Chris bonehead. The fact that this empty hole was photographed as part of the US Geological Survey on April 20, 1994 (pic) is also 'useless information' to this ridiculous (Chris) 911Dimwit :)confused:) . . .


Do you think this Chris bozo has one minute to break away from regurgitating his 'WTC Disinformation Propaganda' long enough to discuss the events of the 911 Pentagon Attacks??



You described no uses for any information. You post like a counterpart to divecon.

the pentagon is a loose-loose because of the mind controlled military witnesses. At least the WTC witnesses are consistent with the evidence and Robertson does describe a concrete core to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 and being a concrete core invaildates the official cause of death mandating an official inquiry into the FEMA deceptions effect on the NIST collapse analysis.
Hi Chris :)cuckoo:):

the pentagon is a loose-loose because ... does describe a concrete core ... inquiry into the FEMA deceptions effect on the NIST collapse analysis.

I swear that this "FEMA/NIST/Core!!!!" guy :)cuckoo:) is typing with a pencil in his mouth from a padded cell somewhere. A baboon would make more 911 Sense . . .


Wow, that seems exactly the kind of thing the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say. Are you psychic?
no, but it doesnt take one to know you are a fucking idiot

So the perps simply direct you to take the position you do because it serves their purposes.

I've shown that the cause of death is invalid on 3,000 death certificates. That invokes official duty which is as useful as information can get if one is trying to see that due process is done.
no you havent
you LIE
no, but it doesnt take one to know you are a fucking idiot

So the perps simply direct you to take the position you do because it serves their purposes.

I've shown that the cause of death is invalid on 3,000 death certificates. That invokes official duty which is as useful as information can get if one is trying to see that due process is done.
no you havent
you LIE

Oh yes, I've shown it about 10 different ways. The Robertson statement from September 13, 2001 is very solid. This image from 9-11 has no other explanation than showing a concrete core.

So the perps simply direct you to take the position you do because it serves their purposes.

I've shown that the cause of death is invalid on 3,000 death certificates. That invokes official duty which is as useful as information can get if one is trying to see that due process is done.
no you havent
you LIE

Oh yes, I've shown it about 10 different ways. The Robertson statement from September 13, 2001 is very solid. This image from 9-11 has no other explanation than showing a concrete core.
neither of which backs up your delusional claims
no you havent
you LIE

Oh yes, I've shown it about 10 different ways. The Robertson statement from September 13, 2001 is very solid. This image from 9-11 has no other explanation than showing a concrete core.
neither of which backs up your delusional claims

Of course the perpetrators would want you to say that.

And, it is you that do not back up your claims supporting secret methods of mass murder.

You will not even state if you think Robertson did not ask for a correction her, on September 13, 2001 or whether you think Newsweek refused to correct. Totally unaccountable.

You and herr kaiser have both failed that, and both have failed to produce the documentation you say exists for the towers. I know, and have shown that the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in order to enable NIST's deception.

Besides, all of the photographic evidence shows only concrete surrounding the empty core on 9-11.

Oh yes, I've shown it about 10 different ways. The Robertson statement from September 13, 2001 is very solid. This image from 9-11 has no other explanation than showing a concrete core.
neither of which backs up your delusional claims

Of course the perpetrators would want you to say that.

And, it is you that do not back up your claims supporting secret methods of mass murder.

You will not even state if you think Robertson did not ask for a correction her, on September 13, 2001 or whether you think Newsweek refused to correct. Totally unaccountable.

You and herr kaiser have both failed that, and both have failed to produce the documentation you say exists for the towers. I know, and have shown that the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in order to enable NIST's deception.

Besides, all of the photographic evidence shows only concrete surrounding the empty core on 9-11.
the only reason i'm still responding to your delusional BULLSHIT is i dont want someone to come into you delusional threads and think that because no one is calling you delusional that your bullshit might actually have merit
I wonder sometimes if conspiratorial thinkers do not experience some form of anosognosia particularly since most believe a variety of conspiracies. If a person believes in the tooth fairy no amount of argument will change their mind, in the end it may be that conspiracy thinkers need to be conspiracy thinkers, it serves some deep psychological requirement.

Journal Of Debunking* 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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neither of which backs up your delusional claims

Of course the perpetrators would want you to say that.

And, it is you that do not back up your claims supporting secret methods of mass murder.

You will not even state if you think Robertson did not ask for a correction her, on September 13, 2001 or whether you think Newsweek refused to correct. Totally unaccountable.

You and herr kaiser have both failed that, and both have failed to produce the documentation you say exists for the towers. I know, and have shown that the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in order to enable NIST's deception.

Besides, all of the photographic evidence shows only concrete surrounding the empty core on 9-11.
the only reason i'm still responding to your delusional BULLSHIT is i dont want someone to come into you delusional threads and think that because no one is calling you delusional that your bullshit might actually have merit

In your abject failure to even approach that goal of concealing the methods of mass murder, you expose your utterly unreasonable and disgusting role of, ........ agent.

You words are easy to write, but you have no evidence that any core stood except for a concrete core because ALL of the evidence indicates a concrete core. Independently verifiying evidence such as the .pdf report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is certified in 12 states as a structural engineer. Whos statement is added to that of THE engineer of the Twin Towers, Leslie Robertson. Which is added to images to 9-11 showing what can only be concrete walls surrounding the empty core.

Of course the perpetrators would want you to say that.

And, it is you that do not back up your claims supporting secret methods of mass murder.

You will not even state if you think Robertson did not ask for a correction her, on September 13, 2001 or whether you think Newsweek refused to correct. Totally unaccountable.

You and herr kaiser have both failed that, and both have failed to produce the documentation you say exists for the towers. I know, and have shown that the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in order to enable NIST's deception.

Besides, all of the photographic evidence shows only concrete surrounding the empty core on 9-11.
the only reason i'm still responding to your delusional BULLSHIT is i dont want someone to come into you delusional threads and think that because no one is calling you delusional that your bullshit might actually have merit

In your abject failure to even approach that goal of concealing the methods of mass murder, you expose your utterly unreasonable and disgusting role of, ........ agent.

You words are easy to write, but you have no evidence that any core stood except for a concrete core because ALL of the evidence indicates a concrete core. Independently verifiying evidence such as the .pdf report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is certified in 12 states as a structural engineer. Whos statement is added to that of THE engineer of the Twin Towers, Leslie Robertson. Which is added to images to 9-11 showing what can only be concrete walls surrounding the empty core.
you're a fucking IDIOT
the only reason i'm still responding to your delusional BULLSHIT is i dont want someone to come into you delusional threads and think that because no one is calling you delusional that your bullshit might actually have merit

In your abject failure to even approach that goal of concealing the methods of mass murder, you expose your utterly unreasonable and disgusting role of, ........ agent.

You words are easy to write, but you have no evidence that any core stood except for a concrete core because ALL of the evidence indicates a concrete core. Independently verifiying evidence such as the .pdf report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is certified in 12 states as a structural engineer. Whos statement is added to that of THE engineer of the Twin Towers, Leslie Robertson. Which is added to images to 9-11 showing what can only be concrete walls surrounding the empty core.
you're a fucking IDIOT

It appears that acting in the perpetrators interests, you have nothing but ad hominum. No evidence and no reason. Add this to no accountability, and you are a total joke standing for anything except secret methods of mass murder.

Just the fact that the only official depiction of the core, this,


Is then shown to be reinforced as a deprivation of information to the investigating agency, by this NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding, which you refuse to recognize, shows you work to destroy the US Constitution by supportin unlawful government.
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In your abject failure to even approach that goal of concealing the methods of mass murder, you expose your utterly unreasonable and disgusting role of, ........ agent.

You words are easy to write, but you have no evidence that any core stood except for a concrete core because ALL of the evidence indicates a concrete core. Independently verifiying evidence such as the .pdf report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is certified in 12 states as a structural engineer. Whos statement is added to that of THE engineer of the Twin Towers, Leslie Robertson. Which is added to images to 9-11 showing what can only be concrete walls surrounding the empty core.
you're a fucking IDIOT

It appears that acting in the perpetrators interests, you have nothing but ad hominum. No evidence and no reason. Add this to no accountability, and you are a total joke standing for anything except secret methods of mass murder.

Just the fact that the only official depiction of the core, this,

Is then shown to be reinforced as a deprivation of information to the investigating agency, by this NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding, which you refuse to recognize, shows you work to destroy the US Constitution by supportin unlawful government.
you are nothing but a fucking delusional moron
and thats all you will get from me
you have not shown anything to prove what you claim
Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to take that position because you have no evidence. Protecting their interests of evading accountability for mass murder would of course be primary to you.

Meanwhile the deception of NIST who provided the analysis of collapse is proven to be invalid. So, the death certificates of 3,000 innocent people bear an erroneous cause of death. The perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge any evidence and instead have you try and create emotional reasoning by creating a disgusting environment with adversity.
Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to take that position because you have no evidence. Protecting their interests of evading accountability for mass murder would of course be primary to you.

Meanwhile the deception of NIST who provided the analysis of collapse is proven to be invalid. So, the death certificates of 3,000 innocent people bear an erroneous cause of death. The perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge any evidence and instead have you try and create emotional reasoning by creating a disgusting environment with adversity.
the evidence has been presented, but you are too fucking delusional to admit it
Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to take that position because you have no evidence. Protecting their interests of evading accountability for mass murder would of course be primary to you.

Meanwhile the deception of NIST who provided the analysis of collapse is proven to be invalid. So, the death certificates of 3,000 innocent people bear an erroneous cause of death. The perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge any evidence and instead have you try and create emotional reasoning by creating a disgusting environment with adversity.
the evidence has been presented, but you are too fucking delusional to admit it

Link to your evidence, I remember nothing except that you are an unaccountable liar.
Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to take that position because you have no evidence. Protecting their interests of evading accountability for mass murder would of course be primary to you.

Meanwhile the deception of NIST who provided the analysis of collapse is proven to be invalid. So, the death certificates of 3,000 innocent people bear an erroneous cause of death. The perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge any evidence and instead have you try and create emotional reasoning by creating a disgusting environment with adversity.
the evidence has been presented, but you are too fucking delusional to admit it

Link to your evidence, I remember nothing except that you are an unaccountable liar.
coming from a fucking moronic liar like you
Since the "cause of death" on 3,000 death certificates is invalidated by the FEMA deception, the evidence of the deception is very useful to obtaining justice. In fact, justice will not be found without it.

One of the most important features of the infiltrators efforts to evade detection is the massive deceptions and misleading information that the infiltrated US government has injected into the truth movement. All of the 9-11 truth movements quasi leaders promote only useless information.





are all useless information introduced and promoted by agents of one type or another for the purpose of misleading and marginalizing the truth movement and usurping the US Constitution.

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