"Using guns in public to draw attention to yourself defies common sense"

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.
Yup. Not everyone has a CCW permit, and for states that allow open carry of handguns, it is perfectly normal to walk around with a holstered gun. It draws no more attention than someone walking their dog.
You don't like people exercising their rights in an over the top, in your face manner?
Too bad.
I bet one of those thugs wouldn't sucker punch someone that has a gun on their hip. So it works!

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

The whole open carry thing is nothing more than trying to get attention and intimidate. OTOH, if one does not have penis, they have to use whatever they can.

I bet one of those thugs wouldn't sucker punch someone that has a gun on their hip. So it works!


Those who are scared to leave the house without their gun are also too scared to have it out with someone. They want to be able to blow someone away for loud music or texting.

They're cowards, through and through. They just are and there's nothing that can change that.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

The whole open carry thing is nothing more than trying to get attention and intimidate. OTOH, if one does not have penis, they have to use whatever they can.
More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I bet one of those thugs wouldn't sucker punch someone that has a gun on their hip. So it works!


Those who are scared to leave the house without their gun are also too scared to have it out with someone. They want to be able to blow someone away for loud music or texting.

They're cowards, through and through. They just are and there's nothing that can change that.
See post #13.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

If not to draw attention to themselves and not to make up for tiny male parts, then why?






This one said he took his assault rifle, Glock, ammo to penneys to "make a statement"
Gun nut brings assault rifle, Glock to JC Penney to "make a statement"


Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

Speaking of strawman how silly. By their own admission that is why they do it.

That is exactly what the "open carry activists" do. They are cult-like losers who want to feel important and powerful, and walk around in public with AR-15 just because they can.

They are the Westboro Baptists of the 2nd Amendment.

with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

You raise a good point. From outward appearances, what is the difference between an Open Carry "activist" and a mass murderer on his way to shoot up the mall?
If you don't support the right for a woman to defend herself with a firearm from would-be theives, rapists, and murders, then how can you people claim you are for "women's rights"?

It's amazing how liberals want women to be at the mercy of thugs and rapists.

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