"Using guns in public to draw attention to yourself defies common sense"

If you don't support the right for a woman to defend herself with a firearm from would-be theives, rapists, and murders, then how can you people claim you are for "women's rights"?

It's amazing how liberals want women to be at the mercy of thugs and rapists.

Who stated that women can't carry a firearm?

You are absolutely confused about the topic. Fox News brain is damaging.

You think that the Obama who told a child we can't end Assault Rifle ownership during his election questions wants to end all gun ownership.....You misguided loonytoon.
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I don't know your stance on gun issues but your post is 100% correct.

Gun owners haven't showed this type of gloating since the OK Corral. A basic "we can get away with anything because we have guns".

De'Ja Vu [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRiWAxMMX5o]#5. The OK Corral - YouTube[/ame]
Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

Speaking of strawman how silly. By their own admission that is why they do it.

Wrong. They do it because it is their right. They do it to defy those who would take that right away.

Wrong and yet another fail. The argument is not whether they have the right. The argument is whether those Open Carry Texas tools were deliberately trying to draw attention to themselves so they could post a video on Youtube. By their own admission they were.

Unless you're in show business or stuck in a burning car - doing ANYTHING in public to draw attention to yourself defies common sense. Like, say, participating in a gay parade or something stupid like that.

Strawman argument.

Would you participate in a gun rights parade if guns were taken away? (I'm sure you would use the sword before the pen on the issue)

Gays are ONLY drawing attention to themselves in the face of absolute oppression. Gun owners are being told they are oppressed by Corporations to drive up gun/ammo sales.

One is real oppression, one is not.

If you are one of those "Why do gays demand so much attention people" then you don't believe in Freedom at all.

No gay wants you to understand them, they just want you to stop judging them. I spent too many years being a raised bigot. You do realize that hatred and bigotry is TAUGHT. NO child automatically hates gays or blacks or whatever..............Children don't see them any different. The parents/family teach the bigotry
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Unless you're in show business or stuck in a burning car - doing ANYTHING in public to draw attention to yourself defies common sense. Like, say, participating in a gay parade or something stupid like that.

Strawman argument.

Would you participate in a gun rights parade if guns were taken away? (I'm sure you would use the sword before the pen on the issue)

Gays are ONLY drawing attention to themselves in the face of absolute oppression.
That's funny.

No gay wants you to understand them, they just want you to stop judging them.
But, its OK to judge pro-gun people?
I bet one of those thugs wouldn't sucker punch someone that has a gun on their hip. So it works!


Those who are scared to leave the house without their gun are also too scared to have it out with someone. They want to be able to blow someone away for loud music or texting.

They're cowards, through and through. They just are and there's nothing that can change that.

Yeah but when the shit hits the fan, we get to come take all your shit and laugh our balls off while we're doing it!!!

Make sure that wiffle ball bat home defense system is well stocked sweetie!!:D

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