"Using guns in public to draw attention to yourself defies common sense"

I bet one of those thugs wouldn't sucker punch someone that has a gun on their hip. So it works!


Those who are scared to leave the house without their gun are also too scared to have it out with someone. They want to be able to blow someone away for loud music or texting.

They're cowards, through and through. They just are and there's nothing that can change that.

What, I'm sure if you were in danger the first thing you would do is hide behind someone with a gun. As to gun owners blowing some body away for just being annoyed, that's wrong, your still alive.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

The whole open carry thing is nothing more than trying to get attention and intimidate. OTOH, if one does not have penis, they have to use whatever they can.


Your obsession with penises is unhealthy dude.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

If not to draw attention to themselves and not to make up for tiny male parts, then why?






This one said he took his assault rifle, Glock, ammo to penneys to "make a statement"
Gun nut brings assault rifle, Glock to JC Penney to "make a statement"


Because it's their right to, dumbass.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

Speaking of strawman how silly. By their own admission that is why they do it.

Wrong. They do it because it is their right. They do it to defy those who would take that right away.

That is exactly what the "open carry activists" do. They are cult-like losers who want to feel important and powerful, and walk around in public with AR-15 just because they can.

They are the Westboro Baptists of the 2nd Amendment.

with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

You raise a good point. From outward appearances, what is the difference between an Open Carry "activist" and a mass murderer on his way to shoot up the mall?

This is some of the stupidest bull shit I've heard in a while. Typical whining and crying from a left wing bed wetter. Go and change your panties.

That is exactly what the "open carry activists" do. They are cult-like losers who want to feel important and powerful, and walk around in public with AR-15 just because they can.

They are the Westboro Baptists of the 2nd Amendment.

with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

You raise a good point. From outward appearances, what is the difference between an Open Carry "activist" and a mass murderer on his way to shoot up the mall?

Gun dealer on Open Carry Group in Texas: They?re Like the Demonic Offspring of Westboro Baptist Church | FreakOutNation

“So now I have a f*cking AR strapped across my chest, and I’m walking through Walmart with my Tasty Treats, okay? What do I look like now? Well first off, I look like an a*shole, okay? Plain and simple. I look like an a*shole. Second, I look like a f*ckin’ psycho . . . I look like a lunatic right now.
Quite honestly, if I walked into Walmart like this, even here in Oklahoma, the first thing that’s gonna happen is people are gonna flip plum the f*ck out. The second thing that’s going to happen is those people who are flipping plum the f*ck out are calling 911, and then the cops are going to show up, and I’m going to be ‘all surprised’ about it. No I’m not. I expect that to happen. Why? Because I’m carrying a f*cking AR in Walmart. Seriously.”

Read the rest at the link.

Gun nut brings assault rifle, Glock to JC Penney to "make a statement"

A registered gun owner in Utah yesterday caused a stir when he went to a shopping mall with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder along with an open carry pistol and plenty of ammo. Utah is an open carry state, so what he did was completely legal. As the line goes in The Big Lebowski, “you’re not wrong, you’re just an *sshole,” seems to be fitting.

Outside of fringe gun owners, who really thinks this is helping anyone or any cause? It’s much more likely that it only shows gun extremists to be more extreme and out of touch with the bulk of Americans who find this kind of behavior either scary or offensive. Maybe the owner feels inadequate in some way, so this helps him feel like a bigger man? If gun activists want to help discredit their precious cause, they should keep doing this.

Photo and video at the link of big brave he-man getting ready to blow away a tee-shirt.

That just might be the weakest opening post for a thread that I've ever seen.

You gotta give us more with which to work than that, son.

The post is solid. Your response was weak.

If you have something to say about it then say it. If you don't then don't just make a vague post about not having anything to say and attack the post.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

I believe in gun rights as much as the next guy. You don't think that these "protests" at Starbucks and Chipotle were simply to draw attention to the hot gun issue we have been discussing for months?

They openly stated that they only did it to draw attention to themselves stating, "If you don't use them, you lose them".

Are we obligated to open carry "just in case".

I see it differently. I think open carry is just fine when needed. When Florida was getting overrun by Coke dealers who shot everyone innocent in sight, people wore guns on their hips. No one had a second thought. Some may have thought, "I should do that too".

But open carry for no reason........pretty stupid. It's 3rd world Country Mentallity.

(btw, learn what "strawman" means)
You don't like people exercising their rights in an over the top, in your face manner?
Too bad.

It is a right. No debate about that! You are correct.

But history has shown that when people start abusing their rights, they get their rights taken away.

You can conceal carry and protect the people in that place of business IF a bad guy shows up.....

Walking into a place of business with a rifle in your hand does not make Americans feel safe. It makes America feel like we took about a dozen steps back.

Again, if the some power was trying to attack Americans, these people would be praised. But doing it out of the blue is moronic. Only the truly dense don't understand this.
Cops do it all the time and it's effective.

Cops have these things called "uniforms". It's rare that a criminal steals a cops uniform to go on a killing spree. It's also rare for someone without a uniform to carry a rifle into a restaurant.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

The whole open carry thing is nothing more than trying to get attention and intimidate. OTOH, if one does not have penis, they have to use whatever they can.


They simply open carry because of $$.

Weapons manufacturers buy media and politicians. They create a scare. "They are going to take your guns!"

Bias people don't research it and believe it.

People start buying guns and ammo at a historically high level. Deer hunting bullets for me go up to $1 per bullet. People get mad at "Obama" because of the bullet shortage.

At what point will people get unbias enough to research, "At what point will anyone research anyone with credibility ever stated all guns should be banned. It never happened. Also, who ever stated guns would be grabbed? Grandfather clause is the American standard. It's simple ignorance of politics.

Basically, Corporations aren't stupid. They know to start a fire and sell water. They started the fire by buying the Right Wing, Fox news and the NRA which you can trace the $ back to if you have the time.

If you don't have that time, just reply with the right wing standard response, "you are stupid". Because 8th graders aren't filling their quota.
I bet one of those thugs wouldn't sucker punch someone that has a gun on their hip. So it works!


Those who are scared to leave the house without their gun are also too scared to have it out with someone. They want to be able to blow someone away for loud music or texting.

They're cowards, through and through. They just are and there's nothing that can change that.

They were manufactured as sheeple to be that scared. Don't be too hard on them.

Most of them LITERALLY think that Obama is the anti-Christ, the world is going to end, Muslims are taking over America.........

They are scared to death.

Fox News is powerful. And the lowest IQ's in America listen. The Right needs a true Conservative media source, not this sold out 1 man power source. Every college drop out Fox News hires simply repeats what the 1 MAN, Keith Rupert Murdoch, states they should make their show about.

Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

The whole open carry thing is nothing more than trying to get attention and intimidate. OTOH, if one does not have penis, they have to use whatever they can.
More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Tell me who exactly is anti-gun............

If you try to state Nanci Pelosi on her comments about "Assault Rifles" and believe that they were about all guns then you have been made. The Right Wing media turned her words into a firestorm of "ban all guns" when she only specified Assault Rifles.

So. You have 1 person that wants to end ownership of one style of gun and never said anything about grabbing guns as opposed to phasing them out.



Strawman argument. No one uses guns to draw attention to themselves, with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

If not to draw attention to themselves and not to make up for tiny male parts, then why?






This one said he took his assault rifle, Glock, ammo to penneys to "make a statement"
Gun nut brings assault rifle, Glock to JC Penney to "make a statement"


Your "Henry Rollins" meme is spot on under specific circumstances.

I always prided myself as a great fighter. But the people that brought a knife/gun to a fight were the cowards. What happened to real men?

That is exactly what the "open carry activists" do. They are cult-like losers who want to feel important and powerful, and walk around in public with AR-15 just because they can.

They are the Westboro Baptists of the 2nd Amendment.

with the possible exception of mass murderers but of course none of that makes sense and that isn't the intent of the OP.

You raise a good point. From outward appearances, what is the difference between an Open Carry "activist" and a mass murderer on his way to shoot up the mall?

HOLY HAZLNUT! It doesn't get more real than this.

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