USMB Coffee Shop IV

Nothing like a short dip in a cold pool on a hot day to make one feel refreshed....... :D

The cats were all watching me from a safe distance, you could see what they were thinking, "crazy human"........ :lol:

Maybe they wanted to join you? :biggrin:

Jasper used to get in the shower with me when he was a kitten, now he steers clear of getting wet. :dunno:
Nothing like a short dip in a cold pool on a hot day to make one feel refreshed....... :D

The cats were all watching me from a safe distance, you could see what they were thinking, "crazy human"........ :lol:

Maybe they wanted to join you? :biggrin:

Jasper used to get in the shower with me when he was a kitten, now he steers clear of getting wet. :dunno:

I think all cats love to look at running water, but most don't actually go in it. :lol:
OK, after losing a load of weight (40lbs) last summer, and then slowly adding foodstuffs back into my diet, I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates embodied in processed breads, pastas, and other such things, as well as sugary goodies, all contribute to my weight gain. So, I've been looking for alternative food choices to fill those parts of meals that are often considered indispensable. Sunday, I made a fried "rice" dish using riced cauliflower that I sautéed in sesame oil, added mixed veggies, a scrambled egg, and some broth. Pork, chicken, or shrimp were optional, but I decided to go with the veggies. Yum! I'm getting ready to prepare my first spaghetti squash, which my daughter assures me works well as a pasta substitute. And one of the guys at work recently got a gadget that shreds things like zucchini into spaghetti-like shreds.
The biggest two worst carbs are potatoes and corn, rice not so bad in limited quantities. Use arrowroot as a thickening agent for gravies and sauces, spaghetti squash has a very mild "nutty" flavor once you get used to it. If you like apple pies make them single crust, you can use almond flour (meal) as a crust and use the sweetest apples you can find, add maybe 1/4 cup of splenda to your filling if you want it kinda sweet. You'll quickly get used to the lack of sweetener in the pies. Use whole grain breads with low carb and high fiber counts.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not a fan of Splenda, or any other artificial/chemically enhanced sweetener. There are many other natural alternatives. I also cut the amount of sugar significantly when cooking, same with salt. I'll definitely try the arrowroot. I've been using rice flour a lot, when I use a thickening agent.
I've been avoiding corn and soy whenever possible, those being almost entirely GMO, at least in this country. I've heard that rice is also a big GMO culprit. I've been surprised how many things you can use cauliflower for. While not a fan of apple pie, per se, I do like German Apfelkuchen. It's a raised crust (similar to pizza crust) layered with sliced apples with a light dusting of cinnamon sugar. Of course, the crust is the worst offender in this case.
OK, after losing a load of weight (40lbs) last summer, and then slowly adding foodstuffs back into my diet, I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates embodied in processed breads, pastas, and other such things, as well as sugary goodies, all contribute to my weight gain. So, I've been looking for alternative food choices to fill those parts of meals that are often considered indispensable. Sunday, I made a fried "rice" dish using riced cauliflower that I sautéed in sesame oil, added mixed veggies, a scrambled egg, and some broth. Pork, chicken, or shrimp were optional, but I decided to go with the veggies. Yum! I'm getting ready to prepare my first spaghetti squash, which my daughter assures me works well as a pasta substitute. And one of the guys at work recently got a gadget that shreds things like zucchini into spaghetti-like shreds.
The biggest two worst carbs are potatoes and corn, rice not so bad in limited quantities. Use arrowroot as a thickening agent for gravies and sauces, spaghetti squash has a very mild "nutty" flavor once you get used to it. If you like apple pies make them single crust, you can use almond flour (meal) as a crust and use the sweetest apples you can find, add maybe 1/4 cup of splenda to your filling if you want it kinda sweet. You'll quickly get used to the lack of sweetener in the pies. Use whole grain breads with low carb and high fiber counts.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not a fan of Splenda, or any other artificial/chemically enhanced sweetener. There are many other natural alternatives. I also cut the amount of sugar significantly when cooking, same with salt. I'll definitely try the arrowroot. I've been using rice flour a lot, when I use a thickening agent.
I've been avoiding corn and soy whenever possible, those being almost entirely GMO, at least in this country. I've heard that rice is also a big GMO culprit. I've been surprised how many things you can use cauliflower for. While not a fan of apple pie, per se, I do like German Apfelkuchen. It's a raised crust (similar to pizza crust) layered with sliced apples with a light dusting of cinnamon sugar. Of course, the crust is the worst offender in this case.
You can use gluten free rice flour blend (Betty Crocker makes one) for pizza crust and your Apfelkuchen, won't raise as much but you're cutting a lot of the simple carbs found in bleached flour.
OK, after losing a load of weight (40lbs) last summer, and then slowly adding foodstuffs back into my diet, I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates embodied in processed breads, pastas, and other such things, as well as sugary goodies, all contribute to my weight gain. So, I've been looking for alternative food choices to fill those parts of meals that are often considered indispensable. Sunday, I made a fried "rice" dish using riced cauliflower that I sautéed in sesame oil, added mixed veggies, a scrambled egg, and some broth. Pork, chicken, or shrimp were optional, but I decided to go with the veggies. Yum! I'm getting ready to prepare my first spaghetti squash, which my daughter assures me works well as a pasta substitute. And one of the guys at work recently got a gadget that shreds things like zucchini into spaghetti-like shreds.
The biggest two worst carbs are potatoes and corn, rice not so bad in limited quantities. Use arrowroot as a thickening agent for gravies and sauces, spaghetti squash has a very mild "nutty" flavor once you get used to it. If you like apple pies make them single crust, you can use almond flour (meal) as a crust and use the sweetest apples you can find, add maybe 1/4 cup of splenda to your filling if you want it kinda sweet. You'll quickly get used to the lack of sweetener in the pies. Use whole grain breads with low carb and high fiber counts.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not a fan of Splenda, or any other artificial/chemically enhanced sweetener. There are many other natural alternatives. I also cut the amount of sugar significantly when cooking, same with salt. I'll definitely try the arrowroot. I've been using rice flour a lot, when I use a thickening agent.
I've been avoiding corn and soy whenever possible, those being almost entirely GMO, at least in this country. I've heard that rice is also a big GMO culprit. I've been surprised how many things you can use cauliflower for. While not a fan of apple pie, per se, I do like German Apfelkuchen. It's a raised crust (similar to pizza crust) layered with sliced apples with a light dusting of cinnamon sugar. Of course, the crust is the worst offender in this case.
You can use gluten free rice flour blend (Betty Crocker makes one) for pizza crust and your Apfelkuchen, won't raise as much but you're cutting a lot of the simple carbs found in bleached flour.
Thanks! I'm not looking for gluten-free, mostly I want to change the amount/type of carbs in my diet. My daughter suggested I look into a modified Paleo diet and that looks like the way to go for me. I once read a book, "Eat Right for Your Blood Type" and that also supports a choice of modified Paleo for me.
OK, after losing a load of weight (40lbs) last summer, and then slowly adding foodstuffs back into my diet, I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates embodied in processed breads, pastas, and other such things, as well as sugary goodies, all contribute to my weight gain. So, I've been looking for alternative food choices to fill those parts of meals that are often considered indispensable. Sunday, I made a fried "rice" dish using riced cauliflower that I sautéed in sesame oil, added mixed veggies, a scrambled egg, and some broth. Pork, chicken, or shrimp were optional, but I decided to go with the veggies. Yum! I'm getting ready to prepare my first spaghetti squash, which my daughter assures me works well as a pasta substitute. And one of the guys at work recently got a gadget that shreds things like zucchini into spaghetti-like shreds.
The biggest two worst carbs are potatoes and corn, rice not so bad in limited quantities. Use arrowroot as a thickening agent for gravies and sauces, spaghetti squash has a very mild "nutty" flavor once you get used to it. If you like apple pies make them single crust, you can use almond flour (meal) as a crust and use the sweetest apples you can find, add maybe 1/4 cup of splenda to your filling if you want it kinda sweet. You'll quickly get used to the lack of sweetener in the pies. Use whole grain breads with low carb and high fiber counts.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not a fan of Splenda, or any other artificial/chemically enhanced sweetener. There are many other natural alternatives. I also cut the amount of sugar significantly when cooking, same with salt. I'll definitely try the arrowroot. I've been using rice flour a lot, when I use a thickening agent.
I've been avoiding corn and soy whenever possible, those being almost entirely GMO, at least in this country. I've heard that rice is also a big GMO culprit. I've been surprised how many things you can use cauliflower for. While not a fan of apple pie, per se, I do like German Apfelkuchen. It's a raised crust (similar to pizza crust) layered with sliced apples with a light dusting of cinnamon sugar. Of course, the crust is the worst offender in this case.
You can use gluten free rice flour blend (Betty Crocker makes one) for pizza crust and your Apfelkuchen, won't raise as much but you're cutting a lot of the simple carbs found in bleached flour.
Thanks! I'm not looking for gluten-free, mostly I want to change the amount/type of carbs in my diet. My daughter suggested I look into a modified Paleo diet and that looks like the way to go for me. I once read a book, "Eat Right for Your Blood Type" and that also supports a choice of modified Paleo for me.
As long as you're not diabetic you should be good. I know you're looking at low carb, using the gluten free stuff I recommended on an occasional basis lowers the amount of carbs that those items in their standard form have.
Nothing like a short dip in a cold pool on a hot day to make one feel refreshed....... :D

The cats were all watching me from a safe distance, you could see what they were thinking, "crazy human"........ :lol:

Maybe they wanted to join you? :biggrin:

Jasper used to get in the shower with me when he was a kitten, now he steers clear of getting wet. :dunno:

I think all cats love to look at running water, but most don't actually go in it. :lol:

That kitty does! Look at him go! Looks like that wasn't his first swim. :)
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Got the water bill today. Our household is alloted 12,000 gallons per month. We did 6753 gallons so we were almost HALF of what we CAN use. Makes me happy. Which means I am going to water my back yard a tad more than I have been. My veggies are screaming for more water so I'm gonna give it to them. :)
Got the water bill today. Our household is alloted 12,000 gallons per month. We did 6753 gallons so we were almost HALF of what we CAN use. Makes me happy. Which means I am going to water my back yard a tad more than I have been. My veggies are screaming for more water so I'm gonna give it to them. :)

Reminds me of Albuquerque when we were in the worst of the drought, the city was begging everybody to conserve water, conserve water, etc. Everybody was put on a mandatory schedule of days you could water outside plants and we weren't allowed to water outside during the hottest part of the day, etc. And the city rallied and we conserved a LOT of water--most were using well under their recommended allotment. So what happened? The city raises our water rates because we weren't using enough water to pay their bills.

Sometimes things get really nutty you know?
Good morning all. Wondering if Chris recognized the photo on the Vigil List last night? :)

Looks like a beautiful day here--still overcast but the clouds will probably burn off soon. No rain forecast today. I'm unusually up at the crack of dawn to get things ready for breakfast so we can send our house guests on their way. They want to get through Texas and Oklahoma before the funnels start dropping today, but they're headed to Kansas???? It's better for non-violent weather in Kansas? Oh well. . . .
Good morning all. Wondering if Chris recognized the photo on the Vigil List last night? :)

Looks like a beautiful day here--still overcast but the clouds will probably burn off soon. No rain forecast today. I'm unusually up at the crack of dawn to get things ready for breakfast so we can send our house guests on their way. They want to get through Texas and Oklahoma before the funnels start dropping today, but they're headed to Kansas???? It's better for non-violent weather in Kansas? Oh well. . . .

Looks like Boston, a lot of neighborhoods in Boston look like that with the old Brownstones. :)
Good morning all. Wondering if Chris recognized the photo on the Vigil List last night? :)

Looks like a beautiful day here--still overcast but the clouds will probably burn off soon. No rain forecast today. I'm unusually up at the crack of dawn to get things ready for breakfast so we can send our house guests on their way. They want to get through Texas and Oklahoma before the funnels start dropping today, but they're headed to Kansas???? It's better for non-violent weather in Kansas? Oh well. . . .

Looks like Boston, a lot of neighborhoods in Boston look like that with the old Brownstones. :)

Ding, ding, ding. Correct. The caption on that photo is "Back Bay Boston" :)
Good morning all. Wondering if Chris recognized the photo on the Vigil List last night? :)

Looks like a beautiful day here--still overcast but the clouds will probably burn off soon. No rain forecast today. I'm unusually up at the crack of dawn to get things ready for breakfast so we can send our house guests on their way. They want to get through Texas and Oklahoma before the funnels start dropping today, but they're headed to Kansas???? It's better for non-violent weather in Kansas? Oh well. . . .

Looks like Boston, a lot of neighborhoods in Boston look like that with the old Brownstones. :)

Ding, ding, ding. Correct. The caption on that photo is "Back Bay Boston" :)

Woo hoo! :woohoo:
More coffee! More coffee! More coffee!

Gotta wake up, lots to do. Gonna go by DMV a little later and get a Texas drivers license, if it's not too busy......
More coffee! More coffee! More coffee!

Gotta wake up, lots to do. Gonna go by DMV a little later and get a Texas drivers license, if it's not too busy......
I wish you could get your license here in Foley. Absolutely amazing.
When I moved here, I figured I'd make a day of it and packed snacks and brought my laptop. I had to register 3 vehicles and switch license from Florida to Alabama.
I walked in at 9:30 and back out, all done at 9:37.
10 minutes later, I walked into the house and the wife asked if they were closed.
It's not just DMV, but just about everything here is efficient. The wife and I got out CCP's in 10 minutes at the Sheriff's satellite office and that includes the back ground checks.
More coffee! More coffee! More coffee!

Gotta wake up, lots to do. Gonna go by DMV a little later and get a Texas drivers license, if it's not too busy......
I wish you could get your license here in Foley. Absolutely amazing.
When I moved here, I figured I'd make a day of it and packed snacks and brought my laptop. I had to register 3 vehicles and switch license from Florida to Alabama.
I walked in at 9:30 and back out, all done at 9:37.
10 minutes later, I walked into the house and the wife asked if they were closed.
It's not just DMV, but just about everything here is efficient. The wife and I got out CCP's in 10 minutes at the Sheriff's satellite office and that includes the back ground checks.

The New Mexico DMV is nowhere near that efficient. I almost always had a couple hours wait minimum. But the state has contracted with some private licensing agents who call themselves DMV Express who can register vehicles, renew licenses, etc. They charge a little more, but they are fast, efficient, and you're in and out in no time. Well worth the extra $10.
Good Wednesday to all today.

I was typing away at my computer and several hummingbirds come up to screen window to complain. :)
I have three feeders out there and one of them is empty and they are having a fit about it. :biggrin:
They are very demanding little birds.

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