USMB Coffee Shop IV

More coffee! More coffee! More coffee!

Gotta wake up, lots to do. Gonna go by DMV a little later and get a Texas drivers license, if it's not too busy......
I wish you could get your license here in Foley. Absolutely amazing.
When I moved here, I figured I'd make a day of it and packed snacks and brought my laptop. I had to register 3 vehicles and switch license from Florida to Alabama.
I walked in at 9:30 and back out, all done at 9:37.
10 minutes later, I walked into the house and the wife asked if they were closed.
It's not just DMV, but just about everything here is efficient. The wife and I got out CCP's in 10 minutes at the Sheriff's satellite office and that includes the back ground checks.

The New Mexico DMV is nowhere near that efficient. I almost always had a couple hours wait minimum. But the state has contracted with some private licensing agents who call themselves DMV Express who can register vehicles, renew licenses, etc. They charge a little more, but they are fast, efficient, and you're in and out in no time. Well worth the extra $10.
Florida had that for registrations. There were always 50 people in line with no seating. You had to figure on 2 hours minimum.
Good Wednesday to all today.

I was typing away at my computer and several hummingbirds come up to screen window to complain. :)
I have three feeders out there and one of them is empty and they are having a fit about it. :biggrin:
They are very demanding little birds.
Consider yourself lucky. I have a friend who lives on the edge of the Everglades that puts out feeders for wading birds. He has been confronted in his back yard by angry whooping cranes. Yes, real life endangered whooping cranes.
More coffee! More coffee! More coffee!

Gotta wake up, lots to do. Gonna go by DMV a little later and get a Texas drivers license, if it's not too busy......
I wish you could get your license here in Foley. Absolutely amazing.
When I moved here, I figured I'd make a day of it and packed snacks and brought my laptop. I had to register 3 vehicles and switch license from Florida to Alabama.
I walked in at 9:30 and back out, all done at 9:37.
10 minutes later, I walked into the house and the wife asked if they were closed.
It's not just DMV, but just about everything here is efficient. The wife and I got out CCP's in 10 minutes at the Sheriff's satellite office and that includes the back ground checks.
Here ya go to the Tax Office first to get your title, registration and plates after each vehicle passes the state inspection, did that a couple of weeks ago. Then you go to the DMV, here it's called the Department of Public Safety, ya need proof of residency, 2 sources, 2 forms of ID and your Social Security Card (which I forgot when I showed up the first time) and 2 forms I had to fill out. Still I hit the DMV at 11:45 and was out the door at 12:12. Cost me $47 which included $7 I added in voluntary donations. Now I have to register to vote.......
Most all of this stuff I can do online when it's time to renew.
Good morning!
Settling in for a permanent stay, Ringel? Up here, they encourage registration and license renewals on line. They even charge extra if you go in to the DMV for routine services.
All this talk about too much rain, too little rain...I cannot believe our good fortune here (knock on wood). It rained just enough last week and today is a glorious, golden day. Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck inside until I finish this batch of gjetost and one of mozzarella. I'm milking about 4 gallons daily and must do something with the stuff. At least I get a bit of a break today because I put up a gallon for tomorrow morning's delivery. I'm going to freeze a few gallons for soap, too.
Another cup of coffee, a bit of a wash up, vacuum the place, not ever lacking for things to do inside, or out.
Good morning!
Settling in for a permanent stay, Ringel? Up here, they encourage registration and license renewals on line. They even charge extra if you go in to the DMV for routine services.
All this talk about too much rain, too little rain...I cannot believe our good fortune here (knock on wood). It rained just enough last week and today is a glorious, golden day. Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck inside until I finish this batch of gjetost and one of mozzarella. I'm milking about 4 gallons daily and must do something with the stuff. At least I get a bit of a break today because I put up a gallon for tomorrow morning's delivery. I'm going to freeze a few gallons for soap, too.
Another cup of coffee, a bit of a wash up, vacuum the place, not ever lacking for things to do inside, or out.
In Texas one has 30 days to get new plates and 90 days to get a Texas drivers license after setting up "permanent" residency. It was pretty much the same in Colorado but we got away with not doing it for a year claiming we were in state to help take care of my parents........ When we moved down to Trinidad we no longer had a believable excuse...... besides, the Virginia plates were about to expire.........
Good morning!
Settling in for a permanent stay, Ringel? Up here, they encourage registration and license renewals on line. They even charge extra if you go in to the DMV for routine services.
All this talk about too much rain, too little rain...I cannot believe our good fortune here (knock on wood). It rained just enough last week and today is a glorious, golden day. Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck inside until I finish this batch of gjetost and one of mozzarella. I'm milking about 4 gallons daily and must do something with the stuff. At least I get a bit of a break today because I put up a gallon for tomorrow morning's delivery. I'm going to freeze a few gallons for soap, too.
Another cup of coffee, a bit of a wash up, vacuum the place, not ever lacking for things to do inside, or out.
In Texas one has 30 days to get new plates and 90 days to get a Texas drivers license after setting up "permanent" residency. It was pretty much the same in Colorado but we got away with not doing it for a year claiming we were in state to help take care of my parents........ When we moved down to Trinidad we no longer had a believable excuse...... besides, the Virginia plates were about to expire.........
I'm pretty sure most states have similar requirements, unless you're military. I haven't relocated interstate for many moons, so I'm not that well informed about what might be required.
I have spent time in El Paso, have relatives there, actually. It's...bright. The sunshine is harsh, not to mention the heat. I'd have to have a pool, too.
Good morning!
Settling in for a permanent stay, Ringel? Up here, they encourage registration and license renewals on line. They even charge extra if you go in to the DMV for routine services.
All this talk about too much rain, too little rain...I cannot believe our good fortune here (knock on wood). It rained just enough last week and today is a glorious, golden day. Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck inside until I finish this batch of gjetost and one of mozzarella. I'm milking about 4 gallons daily and must do something with the stuff. At least I get a bit of a break today because I put up a gallon for tomorrow morning's delivery. I'm going to freeze a few gallons for soap, too.
Another cup of coffee, a bit of a wash up, vacuum the place, not ever lacking for things to do inside, or out.
In Texas one has 30 days to get new plates and 90 days to get a Texas drivers license after setting up "permanent" residency. It was pretty much the same in Colorado but we got away with not doing it for a year claiming we were in state to help take care of my parents........ When we moved down to Trinidad we no longer had a believable excuse...... besides, the Virginia plates were about to expire.........
I'm pretty sure most states have similar requirements, unless you're military. I haven't relocated interstate for many moons, so I'm not that well informed about what might be required.
I have spent time in El Paso, have relatives there, actually. It's...bright. The sunshine is harsh, not to mention the heat. I'd have to have a pool, too.
Just got back in from my afternoon swim, it's been mostly cloudy all day so yeah, it was chilly........ William the pool guy told me they make solar covers for pools, leave it over the pool till you're ready to go swimming, roll it off then roll it back over when you're done. They work like a charm, turn off the bottom recycle inlet and let the water recycle via the skimmer pumping the warm water on top to the bottom of the pool, supposed to extend the swimming season.
The wife asked me what I wanted to do this weekend, told her I hadn't given it any thought. She reminded me it was my birthday...... I forgot...... :lol:
So I'm doing something she wants...... Road trip to Ruidoso....... :lol:
The wife asked me what I wanted to do this weekend, told her I hadn't given it any thought. She reminded me it was my birthday...... I forgot...... :lol:
So I'm doing something she wants...... Road trip to Ruidoso....... :lol:

Happy Birthday!

Nothing like a short dip in a cold pool on a hot day to make one feel refreshed....... :D

The cats were all watching me from a safe distance, you could see what they were thinking, "crazy human"........ :lol:

Maybe they wanted to join you? :biggrin:


...photoshopped DOG...

This is what cats do best....... other than sleeping...... :lol:

Cat's are not specifically afraid of water, they're afraid of potential predators lurking in the water, most cat's in the wild have no problem getting wet or swimming if they have to. Some breeds have an affinity for water and kittens can be "trained" to not be afraid of going in water or getting baths.
Cat food found in water? Nope.
Warm place to curl up in water? Nope.
Mice in water? Nope
Tuna in water? Hey, there might be something to this water!
Good Wednesday to all today.

I was typing away at my computer and several hummingbirds come up to screen window to complain. :)
I have three feeders out there and one of them is empty and they are having a fit about it. :biggrin:
They are very demanding little birds.
Consider yourself lucky. I have a friend who lives on the edge of the Everglades that puts out feeders for wading birds. He has been confronted in his back yard by angry whooping cranes. Yes, real life endangered whooping cranes.

We have Sandhill cranes and they do the same thing in my backyard when the birdseed blocks are gone.

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