USMB Coffee Shop IV

They are reporting that the Lake Bastrop Dam has failed hope everyone made it out ok....went out to where we are building our compound lots of trees down...

Mis-information. Wasn't Lake Bastrop was the lake dam in Bastrop State Park
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Good morning everybody. Rain overnight that was not forecasted for us but was welcome--friends and relatives in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas who are now measuring rainfall in FEET, instead of inches, are not welcoming much more rainfall that is forecast for them. Noted severe flooding in Colorado too. Wish the states that don't need all that rain could push some of it back west, especially into the exceptional and severe drought areas of California. We still have areas of drought but are no longer in the exceptional or severe categories anywhere in the state.

And today is Memorial Day and all that represents.

We're looking at more rain today. I'm cooking 25 pounds of ribs and chicken today and it looks like I'll get wet doing it.
New project, Ernie! Build a gazebo with open sides but solid roof!
I have one, but there's a table and benches that would have to be moved.
Well, everything got cooked and delivered to the bar and the chicken is gone, cole slaw is gone, one cake is history with about 1/4 of a pound cake, one serving of ribs, 2 ears of corn and 5 cup cakes left over. The bar was pretty darned busy for a week day and the poker gods were kind this evening. All in all, a very good day, made better by patriotic music off the DJ program.

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Calming down now... most danger is to newbies trying to cross low water crossings...the peculiar geography of the area makes a flash flood likely and deadly if one isn't careful.

  • Tornado Warning - Solid Red
  • Tornado Watch - Outlined in Red
  • Severe Thunderstorm Watch - Outlined in Yellow (solid for warning)
You can see on the current severe weather map where all the major action is. The dark green is flood watches - light green flood warnings. Most right there in central Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas plus right over Ernie's house. :)
We didn't get but an inch of rain, just after I finished cooking. The folks just west in Mississippi got hammered fr the 2nd day in a row.
Morning everybody. Beautiful day here but our zero chance for rain is now close to 20% so we will have clouds later. So here we are in the parched west needing the rain and we watching in horrified fascination the horrendous flooding in Houston yesterday and last night. The fans and players at the Rockets game were still in the stadium at least until the wee hours of the morning because it just wasn't safe to leave. I know it is all just nature, but sometimes I wish God would rework his redistribution system.
House guests arriving in a few hours so I need to go make up the guest bed and do a bit of tidying up here and there. Ya'll hold the fort please.
Where's Ringel? He has usually chimed in by now every day. Hope he's okay.
Running errands all morning, lowes and Wally World, then a quick stop by the DMV to see what I needed to switch over the drivers licenses. Home now, just had lunch, a Sante Fe Salad then I have a boat load of stuff to do around the house.
Where's Ringel? He has usually chimed in by now every day. Hope he's okay.
Running errands all morning, lowes and Wally World, then a quick stop by the DMV to see what I needed to switch over the drivers licenses. Home now, just had lunch, a Sante Fe Salad then I have a boat load of stuff to do around the house.

Well at least it sounds like you're okay. So it's all good. :)

We are house ready--Hombre is off to the store to pick up something for dessert tonight, for breakfast in the morning, and some snacks while we sit around and visit tonight. I'm off to make myself pretty before our guests arrive.
Also wondering what happened to R.D.? I'm used to MDK checking in only periodically, but R.D. used to be a regular. And she hasn't stopped by in quite awhile. And I know GW is busy but I worry about him sometimes being out on that farm all by himself with nobody checking in on him.
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Re the Coffee Shop, on our fifth birthday on 5-4-15 I had a discussion with C_K re the Coffee Shop and we mutually agreed it was time to unsticky it. The way the board software works, the sticky placed us over the forum rules sticky and that made us pretty invisible to newbies who might want to check us out. And there was also the perception (or sometimes meanspirited accusation) that we were somehow 'favored' and 'privileged' and couldn't make it without that. Taking the sticky off and allowing the Coffee Shop to sink and swim on its own merits took away that kind of criticism.

IMO the Coffee Shop is a place where ideology, politics, religious arguments, baiting, flaming, and other mean spirited, judgmental, or unnecessarily controversial topics just isn't present and people are welcome here whether left, right, somewhere in the middle, or whatever religion or whether they're yankees, southerners, or live elsewhere on the planet.

And if we aren't what people are looking for on a message board any more, then oh well. We've had an amazing run. I'll be here as long as anybody else values the Coffee Shop and what we have had and have here.
I'm thinking that we'll somehow muddle through, Foxy. This is a great group and a wonderful place to come when it gets too wild and wooly in the other forums. Here folks can be folks. Thank you!
Nothing like a short dip in a cold pool on a hot day to make one feel refreshed....... :D

The cats were all watching me from a safe distance, you could see what they were thinking, "crazy human"........ :lol:
Also wondering what happened to R.D.? I'm used to MDK checking in only periodically, but R.D. used to be a regular. And she hasn't stopped by in quite awhile. And I know GW is busy but I worry about him sometimes being out on that farm all by himself with nobody checking in on him.
Gosh, Foxy! Thanks for your concern. I'm still having Sunday dinner with my "bestie" and his GF, and my partner is still making a pain in the ass of himself on his weekends. With close to 40 goats currently in residence, I'm far from alone (he-he-he!)
Well, I did something yesterday I haven't done in a long, long time (and now I remember why). I went to the movie theater and saw the newest "Mad Max" movie. Yep, a little light on plot, but who goes to a "Mad Max" flick for the plot line? Lots and lots of really interesting renditions of vehicles, all sorts, cute costumes, and loads of things blowing up. I just thought I'd like to see it "big screen". It was fun, would have been more fun if the admission prices weren't so outrageous, though. Then I had burgers and dogs off the grill with my buddy and his GF, and my partner.
I saw this just now and had to post it. It is not only true of many do-it-your-self projects but I have to remind myself of this every time I decide to make a cake from scratch instead of using a mix, when I decide to bake my own bread, make my own pizza from scratch, etc. :)

Make yourself a good sourdough sponge. If you use them frequently enough, they go on forever. I've had sourdough starter for years, sometimes. Makes all kind of wonderful things, including bread, chocolate cake, brownies, and much more. This is the best starter recipe I've found yet:
Potato Water Sourdough Starter Recipe Emeril Lagasse Food Network
OK, after losing a load of weight (40lbs) last summer, and then slowly adding foodstuffs back into my diet, I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates embodied in processed breads, pastas, and other such things, as well as sugary goodies, all contribute to my weight gain. So, I've been looking for alternative food choices to fill those parts of meals that are often considered indispensable. Sunday, I made a fried "rice" dish using riced cauliflower that I sautéed in sesame oil, added mixed veggies, a scrambled egg, and some broth. Pork, chicken, or shrimp were optional, but I decided to go with the veggies. Yum! I'm getting ready to prepare my first spaghetti squash, which my daughter assures me works well as a pasta substitute. And one of the guys at work recently got a gadget that shreds things like zucchini into spaghetti-like shreds.
OK, after losing a load of weight (40lbs) last summer, and then slowly adding foodstuffs back into my diet, I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates embodied in processed breads, pastas, and other such things, as well as sugary goodies, all contribute to my weight gain. So, I've been looking for alternative food choices to fill those parts of meals that are often considered indispensable. Sunday, I made a fried "rice" dish using riced cauliflower that I sautéed in sesame oil, added mixed veggies, a scrambled egg, and some broth. Pork, chicken, or shrimp were optional, but I decided to go with the veggies. Yum! I'm getting ready to prepare my first spaghetti squash, which my daughter assures me works well as a pasta substitute. And one of the guys at work recently got a gadget that shreds things like zucchini into spaghetti-like shreds.
The biggest two worst carbs are potatoes and corn, rice not so bad in limited quantities. Use arrowroot as a thickening agent for gravies and sauces, spaghetti squash has a very mild "nutty" flavor once you get used to it. If you like apple pies make them single crust, you can use almond flour (meal) as a crust and use the sweetest apples you can find, add maybe 1/4 cup of splenda to your filling if you want it kinda sweet. You'll quickly get used to the lack of sweetener in the pies. Use whole grain breads with low carb and high fiber counts.

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