USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been busy getting things done around the house and was getting the afternoon nods so decided to take a late dip in the pool. The wife walked over to the pool, stepped down on the first step and almost jumped out..... I dove in did one lap and climbed out, the water was definitely chilly today...... but I'm awake...... :lol:
I feel terrible, was doing laundry (the washer and dryer are in the garage), walked out with some clean clothes, closed the door and suddenly heard a horrible noise, a half a second later realized what it was, spun around and saw part of a very fuzzy tail sticking out of the closed door. Opened the door as fast as I could and Giz took off into the garage, the wife went in to check on him but he went behind some stuff stacked against the wall. She said the tail didn't look crooked and last I checked he was still hiding in the garage. He'll come out in his own time then I can make sure he's alright. Poor little guy.
Just looked behind me and he was laying there on the floor looking like nothing happened. Picked him up and loved on him, very carefully checked his tail, seems okay but he wasn't happy about it and suddenly became skittish when I put him down. I check him again in the morning but he's around the corner, Boo just walked up to him and he trilled.
Just checking in. Had a tournament yesterday and I got a bronze for my kata. Didn't wobble at all and got the highest score I've gotten. Very happy with how I went.
Drove a mate home, her guide dog slept in the back seat, haha. My lovely Sensei got a bronze in team kumite, but nothing for her individual events. Not to worry, she is still a champion.

Best thing is, I have already qualified for the National competition in November! OMG!!!!
I am planning on going to Adelaide for six days in November, though (a seven hour drive) and I need to know when the tournament is on so I can book my holiday around that.

Things are sort of looking up. :)
Just checking in. Had a tournament yesterday and I got a bronze for my kata. Didn't wobble at all and got the highest score I've gotten. Very happy with how I went.
Drove a mate home, her guide dog slept in the back seat, haha. My lovely Sensei got a bronze in team kumite, but nothing for her individual events. Not to worry, she is still a champion.

Best thing is, I have already qualified for the National competition in November! OMG!!!!
I am planning on going to Adelaide for six days in November, though (a seven hour drive) and I need to know when the tournament is on so I can book my holiday around that.

Things are sort of looking up. :)
Noomi! Nice to see ya! Looks like things are going well for you, congratulations!
Just checking in. Had a tournament yesterday and I got a bronze for my kata. Didn't wobble at all and got the highest score I've gotten. Very happy with how I went.
Drove a mate home, her guide dog slept in the back seat, haha. My lovely Sensei got a bronze in team kumite, but nothing for her individual events. Not to worry, she is still a champion.

Best thing is, I have already qualified for the National competition in November! OMG!!!!
I am planning on going to Adelaide for six days in November, though (a seven hour drive) and I need to know when the tournament is on so I can book my holiday around that.

Things are sort of looking up. :)

Woo hoo. WTG Noomi!! Happy you checked in for an update. Don't be a stranger.
Good morning everybody. Rain overnight that was not forecasted for us but was welcome--friends and relatives in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas who are now measuring rainfall in FEET, instead of inches, are not welcoming much more rainfall that is forecast for them. Noted severe flooding in Colorado too. Wish the states that don't need all that rain could push some of it back west, especially into the exceptional and severe drought areas of California. We still have areas of drought but are no longer in the exceptional or severe categories anywhere in the state.

And today is Memorial Day and all that represents.

Good morning everybody. Rain overnight that was not forecasted for us but was welcome--friends and relatives in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas who are now measuring rainfall in FEET, instead of inches, are not welcoming much more rainfall that is forecast for them. Noted severe flooding in Colorado too. Wish the states that don't need all that rain could push some of it back west, especially into the exceptional and severe drought areas of California. We still have areas of drought but are no longer in the exceptional or severe categories anywhere in the state.

And today is Memorial Day and all that represents.

So... why did you request the CS to be 'un'stickied, Ff?

(If you don't mind me asking...)
Re the Coffee Shop, on our fifth birthday on 5-4-15 I had a discussion with C_K re the Coffee Shop and we mutually agreed it was time to unsticky it. The way the board software works, the sticky placed us over the forum rules sticky and that made us pretty invisible to newbies who might want to check us out. And there was also the perception (or sometimes meanspirited accusation) that we were somehow 'favored' and 'privileged' and couldn't make it without that. Taking the sticky off and allowing the Coffee Shop to sink and swim on its own merits took away that kind of criticism.

IMO the Coffee Shop is a place where ideology, politics, religious arguments, baiting, flaming, and other mean spirited, judgmental, or unnecessarily controversial topics just isn't present and people are welcome here whether left, right, somewhere in the middle, or whatever religion or whether they're yankees, southerners, or live elsewhere on the planet.

And if we aren't what people are looking for on a message board any more, then oh well. We've had an amazing run. I'll be here as long as anybody else values the Coffee Shop and what we have had and have here.
Good morning everybody. Rain overnight that was not forecasted for us but was welcome--friends and relatives in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas who are now measuring rainfall in FEET, instead of inches, are not welcoming much more rainfall that is forecast for them. Noted severe flooding in Colorado too. Wish the states that don't need all that rain could push some of it back west, especially into the exceptional and severe drought areas of California. We still have areas of drought but are no longer in the exceptional or severe categories anywhere in the state.

And today is Memorial Day and all that represents.

We're looking at more rain today. I'm cooking 25 pounds of ribs and chicken today and it looks like I'll get wet doing it.
Good morning everybody. Rain overnight that was not forecasted for us but was welcome--friends and relatives in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas who are now measuring rainfall in FEET, instead of inches, are not welcoming much more rainfall that is forecast for them. Noted severe flooding in Colorado too. Wish the states that don't need all that rain could push some of it back west, especially into the exceptional and severe drought areas of California. We still have areas of drought but are no longer in the exceptional or severe categories anywhere in the state.

And today is Memorial Day and all that represents.

We're looking at more rain today. I'm cooking 25 pounds of ribs and chicken today and it looks like I'll get wet doing it.

I actually thought about you when reviewing the flood damage east of here, but your area normally gets so much rain, I figure people know how high the water will get and build accordingly. The exceptional floods in Texas are producing water levels nobody has ever seen there.

I was watching a TV ad before I got up this morning about some special work pants (Duluth?) that shed water. Probably they have shirts that do too? Sounds perfect for Ernie's cooking projects. :)
People in low areas build on stilts. My front door is about 20 feet over the banks of Sandy Creek and our flood last fall got within 6 feet. We're so flat here that 10 feet makes a lot of difference.
As near as I can figure, the floor in my house is 28 feet over sea level. One of my neighbors 1/2 mile away had 8 feet of water in his house.
Re the Coffee Shop, on our fifth birthday on 5-4-15 I had a discussion with C_K re the Coffee Shop and we mutually agreed it was time to unsticky it. The way the board software works, the sticky placed us over the forum rules sticky and that made us pretty invisible to newbies who might want to check us out. And there was also the perception (or sometimes meanspirited accusation) that we were somehow 'favored' and 'privileged' and couldn't make it without that. Taking the sticky off and allowing the Coffee Shop to sink and swim on its own merits took away that kind of criticism.

IMO the Coffee Shop is a place where ideology, politics, religious arguments, baiting, flaming, and other mean spirited, judgmental, or unnecessarily controversial topics just isn't present and people are welcome here whether left, right, somewhere in the middle, or whatever religion or whether they're yankees, southerners, or live elsewhere on the planet.

And if we aren't what people are looking for on a message board any more, then oh well. We've had an amazing run. I'll be here as long as anybody else values the Coffee Shop and what we have had and have here.
So once again the whining of a few malcontents dictates the actions of the majority. Man I hate that.

I think the CS will have a long life, because I haven't been around much lately, but one or two trips out onto the open board and I'm quickly reminded how absolutely revolting so many of the posters here are, and thus also reminded just how valuable this place is as a refuge.

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