USMB Coffee Shop IV

Foxfyre, I am going to go with you have type of pinched nerve or it is enflamed. Some type of stronger anti-inflammatory would most likely do you a lot of good.

Disclaimer: I am only a doctor or a cat on message boards.

If it isn't better in a few days, I'll have somebody look at it. That probably is a pretty good bet but for now, I'm just gonna keep hoping it will heal.
We have a huge flea market near me. Plant City Florida is one of the biggest fresh produce areas in the U.S. Much of it is shipped up north. I go about every two weeks and get fresh everything. :)

I can't imagine getting store bought produce or fruit anymore.
Foxfyre, I am going to go with you have type of pinched nerve or it is enflamed. Some type of stronger anti-inflammatory would most likely do you a lot of good.

Disclaimer: I am only a doctor or a cat on message boards.

If it isn't better in a few days, I'll have somebody look at it. That probably is a pretty good bet but for now, I'm just gonna keep hoping it will heal.

Hope you feel better lady. :) An instrumental I wrote for Sherry....and a Neil Young song. Hope you like. Take care.

Foxfyre, I am going to go with you have type of pinched nerve or it is enflamed. Some type of stronger anti-inflammatory would most likely do you a lot of good.

Disclaimer: I am only a doctor or a cat on message boards.

If it isn't better in a few days, I'll have somebody look at it. That probably is a pretty good bet but for now, I'm just gonna keep hoping it will heal.
Have you been to a chiropractor or kinesiologist? I always see a chiropractor and if he can't fix it, then I will see a doctor. With all the meds and psych meds I take, pain killers are a no-no.
Foxfyre, I am going to go with you have type of pinched nerve or it is enflamed. Some type of stronger anti-inflammatory would most likely do you a lot of good.

Disclaimer: I am only a doctor or a cat on message boards.

If it isn't better in a few days, I'll have somebody look at it. That probably is a pretty good bet but for now, I'm just gonna keep hoping it will heal.

Hope you feel better lady. :) An instrumental I wrote for Sherry....and a Neil Young song. Hope you like. Take care.

Thanks WQ. Good stuff.
Foxfyre, I am going to go with you have type of pinched nerve or it is enflamed. Some type of stronger anti-inflammatory would most likely do you a lot of good.

Disclaimer: I am only a doctor or a cat on message boards.

If it isn't better in a few days, I'll have somebody look at it. That probably is a pretty good bet but for now, I'm just gonna keep hoping it will heal.
Have you been to a chiropractor or kinesiologist? I always see a chiropractor and if he can't fix it, then I will see a doctor. With all the meds and psych meds I take, pain killers are a no-no.

I'm under a doctor's care, sort of, having a close friend who is a M.D. If this doesn't clear up in a few days, I'll see an orthopedic. I don't think I could handle a chiropractor the way it is now, plus I don't know any of those here that I would trust.
Up date on my little confrontation at Doc's Tuesday night....
My bartender talked to the cabbie that brought the idiot to the bar. Come to find out, we now know what he was reaching for when he came at me and when he was confronted by the cops outside.
He wanted to stop at a convenience store on the way to the bar and when he went to pay for his cigarettes, the cabbie noticed a large knife on his hip. When they got back to the cab, the driver said he would be more comfortable if he put the knife in the glove compartment until he was dropped off for the night.
Ford (the cabbie) has a free drink coming next time he stops by. His quick thinking saved a young man's life not once, but twice in one night.
I updated the arresting officer and requested a formal request that the guy never cross the threshold of my place again, be added to the record.
He was amazed and expressed thanks that he didn't have to put the guy down.
I reassured him that the kid would have already been prone inside my bar had he come out with the knife. He understood perfectly.

There IS a God! and I'm thankful that he acted through a cabbie Tuesday night.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
Foxfyre's sprained shoulder
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Up date on my little confrontation at Doc's Tuesday night....
My bartender talked to the cabbie that brought the idiot to the bar. Come to find out, we now know what he was reaching for when he came at me and when he was confronted by the cops outside.
He wanted to stop at a convenience store on the way to the bar and when he went to pay for his cigarettes, the cabbie noticed a large knife on his hip. When they got back to the cab, the driver said he would be more comfortable if he put the knife in the glove compartment until he was dropped off for the night.
Ford (the cabbie) has a free drink coming next time he stops by. His quick thinking saved a young man's life not once, but twice in one night.
I updated the arresting officer and requested a formal request that the guy never cross the threshold of my place again, be added to the record.
He was amazed and expressed thanks that he didn't have to put the guy down.
I reassured him that the kid would have already been prone inside my bar had he come out with the knife. He understood perfectly.

There IS a God! and I'm thankful that he acted through a cabbie Tuesday night.

There is an old saying that the Lord works in mysterious ways. And every now and then we are reminded why there is such an old saying. :)
Up with the lark again. (or in my case, the seagulls) I have not been able to sleep for over an hour and it is still only just gone 7AM. The seagulls are a problem here as they open the rubbish bags and throw the contents all over the street. The council have given us strong bags they cannot tear open but the seagulls seem to have mastered how to pull open the Velcro sealer and climb inside the bags. Oh well, I don't begrudge them a few crusts even if I have to clean up the mess.
Up with the lark again. (or in my case, the seagulls) I have not been able to sleep for over an hour and it is still only just gone 7AM. The seagulls are a problem here as they open the rubbish bags and throw the contents all over the street. The council have given us strong bags they cannot tear open but the seagulls seem to have mastered how to pull open the Velcro sealer and climb inside the bags. Oh well, I don't begrudge them a few crusts even if I have to clean up the mess.

We abandoned the free standing bags long ago, and now the bags go inside huge 80-gallon carts that we push to the street for the trucks to pick up--they have robotic arms that grab the containers and dump the contents. The hinged lid seems to be pretty varmint proof except for an especially inventive bear, but we don't get a lot of those here in the city.
Fairly decent amount of sleep last night though still not as interrupted as is healthy, but I sure can empathize with those of you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Shoulder still very painful and I'm not seeing any improvement in mobility in the last couple of days. I may have to break down and see a doc. I hate that.
Fairly decent amount of sleep last night though still not as interrupted as is healthy, but I sure can empathize with those of you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Shoulder still very painful and I'm not seeing any improvement in mobility in the last couple of days. I may have to break down and see a doc. I hate that.

Oh no, wait another two or three weeks at least. <sarcasm off>
You need help with reducing the nerve swelling Foxfyre.

Weird how someone thinks they need to bring a knife to your bar Ernie. Don't you hand out silverware with meals? ;)
Fairly decent amount of sleep last night though still not as interrupted as is healthy, but I sure can empathize with those of you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Shoulder still very painful and I'm not seeing any improvement in mobility in the last couple of days. I may have to break down and see a doc. I hate that.

Oh no, wait another two or three weeks at least. <sarcasm off>
You need help with reducing the nerve swelling Foxfyre.

Weird how someone thinks they need to bring a knife to your bar Ernie. Don't you hand out silverware with meals? ;)
This is Alabama. Most men carry a knife, but damned few reach for it when asked to leave a bar.
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.

Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483

Interesting. I'm sure Schilling AFB in Salina, Kansas, (formerly Smoky Hill AFB) would show a similar pattern, though it has been converted into a municipal airport utilizing the extra long, wide runway designed for B-29 fortresses during WWII and SAC bombers after WWII. Very busy base during the war though. It was closed in 1967 and the land and facilities were turned over to the city with the agreement it could be reactivated should it ever be needed. For decades, commercial airlines have been using that extra wide and long runway to train pilots doing touch and go in passenger jumbo jets. Used to be fun to go out and watch.
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Barin field went the other way. It was built as Foley Municipal Airport in the 30's and taken over by the Navy in 1941.
Foley eventually built another airport about 5 miles SW of the field.
Navy property borders mine for 650 feet to the South and one of the perimeter roads is now a 50 foot right of way along the edge that I have repaired so I have access to the far end of my 3.5 acres.
My 75 yard rifle range is technically on Navy property.
I got up early,I went back to bed, and got up again a few hours later.
I just finished reading ' Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance . So I started reading some of Kant's, critique of pure reason. But when I got to page two I started floundering. It is too difficult to read straight through like a book. You need to ponder each sentence, so I gave up and started reading, 'The Tao of physics'. It is more readable, and I got through two chapters today.

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