USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. Another rough night sleepijng--pain level down in shoulder but still there and it is very difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. so have been asleep here in my office chair for the last couple of hours. Every little bit helps.
Sleeping upright in a comfy Barcalounger, or a similar chair, helps me when I have joint pain, usually knees, hips, or shoulders.
Me too!
Imagine a guy who hasn't had a drink in 27 years owning a bar.

That's got me beaten by 24 years. I was drunk for fifty years but have been teetotal for the last three.
You might have had to throw me out of your bar a few times if I had been a local. I got banned from one pub, and broke the door of another one.
I confine my alcohol consumption to times when I am home, have finished as many chores as I can get done in a reasonable day, and don't have to go to work that night. Leaves a couple of hours a week. I make most of my own mead, but when I feel like a beer, I pick up a growler. Hate the "hard stuff" because of the way it makes me feel, and my stomach no longer tolerates the tannin levels in commercial wines.
Today is starve day. So with no cream for breakfast....lunch was hot tea and lime jello. Dinner will be amazing chicken broth with a delicious dessert of more lime jello and hot tea again. Then at 6pm, the creme de la creme super dessert of Go-Lytely to the tune of half a gallon, then a nice visit in the bathroom for a couple of hours, then maybe another cup of tea (green tea, decaf with sugar), off to bed.

Tomorrow morning at 6:30am, lucky me gets to drink the other half gallon of Go-Lytely, another visit to the bathroom for awhile, then sitting in the yard waiting until 9am to start off to the medical building where the excavating will begin at 10:30am.

I just called them to MAKE SURE I will NOT be getting the twilight this go round....and that I will be OUT completely. Asleep. No more waking up. They said I would be getting Propowhateveritscalled and nope..I won't feel a thing. Ok. Good. Cuz this time I will break something other than their damn bedrail like last time. THIS time, I will aim for an expensive gadget if I wake up before I'm supposed to. They said it won't happen....fact. So...I'm good with that assurance.

But being me....y'all say a little prayer or whatever that I sleep thru it all and when next I get online, I come here and say "all done and didn't feel a thing!" :lol:
I'll be watching for a report. This is one thing I've been putting off and know I shouldn't. The horror stories abound.
I'm home. I thanked them for the legal high, and not feeling a damn thing. I go in for consultation on the 23rd as to the findings, but Doc did come tell me this time he got all the way up and NO CANCER. He said something about diverticulitis but I was still kinda loopy so not sure if he said it was bad or mild. From how he acted, he seemed happy at what he DIDN'T find.

Anyway..took an hour to do both procedures. Came home, ATE FOOD and now I might go take a nap since last night and early this morning was not fun. I got about 3 hours sleep total. Counting the Knock Out Legal High, 4 hours sleep.


Thank y'all for your prayers. I heard what I wanted to hear. NO CANCER.
Thanks for the news, Gracie. Hopefully, the findings will be easily managed.
More heavy storms moving through, and we seem to be missing the heaviest parts, heck we've had nothing here at our house yet...... Yesterdays storms did some damage in west El Paso.



Those were paved roads......
Can't find it but they did have a picture of a large earth mover half buried in the sand due to the flooding.

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