USMB Coffee Shop IV

Almost forgot, dropped the Prius off yesterday morning as the replacement Multifunction display had come in. Heard nothing all day, okay, something happened, no problem. Called this morning, it's not ready, Jeff (my service rep) will call me back. Finally get a call, it's ready, they're washing it and buffing out the cloudy headlights.......... and we're sending someone to pick you up.........? Yup something happened.......
Get there Jeff is apologizing profusely (I'm laughing), when I dropped it off i handed the "key" to his brother, his brother put it on the board then got busy and forgot to tell Jeff. Jeff noticed the car in the lot at the end of the day as he was heading out to go home and freaked, he thought I had missed the appointment, didn't know the car was there. :lol:
Poor guy, kept telling him it was okay, feces occurs........ Hey, I got a free headlight buffing (it needed it) and the car washed out of it. Told Jeff to mess with his brother and tell him I was pissed........ :lmao:
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Good evening, night owls! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I know I did. I am presently camping in the woods and sitting around the fire enjoying a Punch Cigar. Cheers!
I'm home. I thanked them for the legal high, and not feeling a damn thing. I go in for consultation on the 23rd as to the findings, but Doc did come tell me this time he got all the way up and NO CANCER. He said something about diverticulitis but I was still kinda loopy so not sure if he said it was bad or mild. From how he acted, he seemed happy at what he DIDN'T find.

Anyway..took an hour to do both procedures. Came home, ATE FOOD and now I might go take a nap since last night and early this morning was not fun. I got about 3 hours sleep total. Counting the Knock Out Legal High, 4 hours sleep.


Thank y'all for your prayers. I heard what I wanted to hear. NO CANCER.
Good sleeping position. Stay out of the sun though.

Looks yummy, but they said no greasy food for a day or two. throat hurts now. Probably from the damn tube. I just ate some ice cream. It was GOOD!
I'm not a big fan of pugs. A couple I am friends with have had two or three. One of them actually had his eye pop out. Those damn bulging eyes are just gross. It's bad enough with our chihuahua. :lol:
Good evening, night owls! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I know I did. I am presently camping in the woods and sitting around the fire enjoying a Punch Cigar. Cheers!

And good to see you too mdk. So what's a Punch Cigar? Is that something we should be stocking in the Coffee Shop?
Houseguests arrived around 10:30 this evening. A brief visit and everybody is off to bed--looooooong day driving and everybody has to be ready for a long prison tour tomorrow--they open up the old state pen at Santa Fe periodically and take guided tours through. That is something daughter has wanted to do for ages, so Hombre got them tickets. I'm not going as somebody has to stay with an ailing grand dog. Our friend the E.R. doc is going as Hombre's date.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
ChrisL's interview,
Mrs. Ernie,
Foxfyre's sprained shoulder
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Well, I said I would keep you all updated. I didn't end up getting that job. :(

So sorry Chris. I know you wanted that job really really bad. But don't give up. It is so easy to become discouraged and stop trying, but somewhere out there is the right job for you. Just thank them for their consideration along with a polite and 'unneedy' request to be considered for the next opening.

In the email they sent, they said that they encourage me to apply for other open positions at the hospital and that several other departments are hiring right now, so I'm going to do that today.

Thanks. :)

Due to Hombre being transferred so often in our earlier years of marriage, I had to start over from scratch in each new place. And sometimes it took a LOT of applications and a lot of interviews for a LOT of different jobs before the right fit opened up. One of my kids has a PhD and a resume that won't quit, but this kid has been passed over for dozens of jobs before one opened up. The other kid probably sent out a hundred resumes and interviewed for a dozen different jobs before the current one was offered that has turned out to be wonderful.

I can imagine that must have been a pain to have to start over every time. Lol. :D Yes, the job market is very competitive right now and there aren't a whole lot of jobs available either.

I just assume they probably hired someone with more real life experience in medical records department. I really don't have a lot of experience doing that. I've done it in the past but that was a long time ago. They liked that I have the skills in medical terminology though. That was a plus on my side, but experience was not. :)

Anyway, they have several openings, and I'll apply for those and see what happens from there!
The biggest problem getting into medical records these days is knowing the current software. The real issue is you have to be in the job to learn the software........ The wife had years of medical records...... eons ago., that's why she ended up in ACA compliance & training, she couldn't get a job in medical records which was a good thing as ACA compliance & training pays lots more. A whole lots more........ :thup:

Yeah, I'm not familiar with the computer programs they use. I would need training. I think they are probably looking for someone who already knows the programs they use. :dunno: I took a look at the other jobs they have available, but none are a good match for me. I will keep looking though.

I did get a call yesterday from a woman looking to hire, but it's medical transcription which is what I'm doing now, which I am trying to get away from. Lol.
I'm home. I thanked them for the legal high, and not feeling a damn thing. I go in for consultation on the 23rd as to the findings, but Doc did come tell me this time he got all the way up and NO CANCER. He said something about diverticulitis but I was still kinda loopy so not sure if he said it was bad or mild. From how he acted, he seemed happy at what he DIDN'T find.

Anyway..took an hour to do both procedures. Came home, ATE FOOD and now I might go take a nap since last night and early this morning was not fun. I got about 3 hours sleep total. Counting the Knock Out Legal High, 4 hours sleep.


Thank y'all for your prayers. I heard what I wanted to hear. NO CANCER.

Good news!
Good morning everybody. And dang, I had taken Gracie's procedure off the Vigil List and thought I had also taken Chris and Save off, but see they're still there. Must not have hit 'save' when I made the edit. Oh well. A few extra good vibes can't hurt.

Slept in the bed last night for the first time since my shoulder injury. Not a really comfortable or restful night but went better than I had really expected. Hombre is getting around to get some breakfast ready and he and daughter and SIL and our E.R. doc friend will head for Santa Fe around noon for that prison tour. I'll be grand dog sitting with the hyper active Nellie--a foxhound/beagle mix--and Snookie, a pug/beagle mix who is what we hope only temporarily paralyzed in her hindquarters due to a back injury. I don't know how I am going to handle that with my shoulder injury but I guess we all do what we have to do.
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Had my eyes opened to a few modern marketing techniques yesterday. A little difficult moving us forward when you are not even totally aware of all that is out there. Still, it is interesting to learn and apply what you do understand.

Example: I take about 20-28 pictures of all our preowned vehicles to advertise online. Pretty happy I figured out how to get the pictures online, but now I turns out my approach of work your way around the outside, move to the interior and finish under the hood (tell a story) is not the wisest. Since a substantial number of folks are using smart phones to view us, you need to show a profile pic and move right into special options, because smart phones take time to down load pics much past four. Guess I'll be dragging and dropping a bunch of pictures soon.
Good morning everybody. And dang, I had taken Gracie's procedure off the Vigil List and thought I had also taken Chris and Save off, but see they're still there. Must not have hit 'save' when I made the edit. Oh well. A few extra good vibes can't hurt.

If you hit me, I didn't feel it.

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