USMB Coffee Shop IV

Checking in and catching up. Came up to my place in Willow with two dead goats. One died because my partner cannot, or will not, listen when I tell him something. The other died because she got her head caught in the fence. Sad, but everything dies, sometime, or other. My partner is trying to play the blame game but it isn't working.
It started RAINING as I arrived, steel gray clouds and raindrops as big as cups of water. I unloaded the truck and was soaking wet when done. We're all warm and cozy now and just chilling. I'll unload the rest of my gear tomorrow, when the rain stops (hopefully). There's been thunder, too. So rare to have a thunder storm in Anchorage.
Foxy, I sure hope you find some relief soon. Chronic pain sucks! I've been waiting for my boss to put me out to pasture with the way I sometimes limp with my hip pain. Good thing he almost never shows up on my shift.
Hey, Djal? How's the re-wiring going at your flat?
I'm sorry about your goats. :(

And I hear ya about hip pain. Left one about kills me. When I go for my walks with the dogs, I hafta take my trekking pole.
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483
Way cool! There are a couple of those T-6's owned and operated here. You can always tell when someone's running one, too...what a sound-of-power!!
I live within sight of Ft Worth Naval Air Station and it's connected to Lockheed-Martin. Lots of airplane noise but I never hear it unless 4 F-18s fly in formation 500 ft over my house. Vibrates the house so hard the Roomba starts running. But I love the sound of freedom.
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483
Way cool! There are a couple of those T-6's owned and operated here. You can always tell when someone's running one, too...what a sound-of-power!!
I live within sight of Ft Worth Naval Air Station and it's connected to Lockheed-Martin. Lots of airplane noise but I never hear it unless 4 F-18s fly in formation 500 ft over my house. Vibrates the house so hard the Roomba starts running. But I love the sound of freedom.
The sound of Freedom...indeed! I work at the airport, on big commercial jets. I love the sound of commerce, as well.
I'm sorry about your goats. :(

And I hear ya about hip pain. Left one about kills me. When I go for my walks with the dogs, I hafta take my trekking pole.
Thank you, Gracie. Sadly, these are both special goats. Snowflake was the best momma goat...ever! She was always willing to adopt another kid that had been abandoned or rejected by its momma. Maybe was crippled at birth, her hind legs paralyzed. My partner took her to his place and nursed her to health, performing pretty intense physical therapy to get her legs working properly. I still have both sets of kids from this year and have to make some emotionally driven decisions.
Checking in and catching up. Came up to my place in Willow with two dead goats. One died because my partner cannot, or will not, listen when I tell him something. The other died because she got her head caught in the fence. Sad, but everything dies, sometime, or other. My partner is trying to play the blame game but it isn't working.
It started RAINING as I arrived, steel gray clouds and raindrops as big as cups of water. I unloaded the truck and was soaking wet when done. We're all warm and cozy now and just chilling. I'll unload the rest of my gear tomorrow, when the rain stops (hopefully). There's been thunder, too. So rare to have a thunder storm in Anchorage.
Foxy, I sure hope you find some relief soon. Chronic pain sucks! I've been waiting for my boss to put me out to pasture with the way I sometimes limp with my hip pain. Good thing he almost never shows up on my shift.
Hey, Djal? How's the re-wiring going at your flat?

Aw. So sorry about the goats. And people who won't listen or take advice when they really need to. And Hombre and I know something about hip pain too. That's one good thing about my sore shoulder--it is severe enough that I don't even notice my other aches and pains.
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483
Way cool! There are a couple of those T-6's owned and operated here. You can always tell when someone's running one, too...what a sound-of-power!!
I live within sight of Ft Worth Naval Air Station and it's connected to Lockheed-Martin. Lots of airplane noise but I never hear it unless 4 F-18s fly in formation 500 ft over my house. Vibrates the house so hard the Roomba starts running. But I love the sound of freedom.
The sound of Freedom...indeed! I work at the airport, on big commercial jets. I love the sound of commerce, as well.
Speaking of sound, occasionaly the Navy and Marine pilots practice carrier take-offs and landings. If you're in Sams or Walmart outside the base, and the pilots wind their engines to full power, people who've never been there before give us locals a little entertainment by diving and jumping under counters and shelves. Sounds like the world is ending. Sound of freedom.
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483
Way cool! There are a couple of those T-6's owned and operated here. You can always tell when someone's running one, too...what a sound-of-power!!
I live within sight of Ft Worth Naval Air Station and it's connected to Lockheed-Martin. Lots of airplane noise but I never hear it unless 4 F-18s fly in formation 500 ft over my house. Vibrates the house so hard the Roomba starts running. But I love the sound of freedom.
The sound of Freedom...indeed! I work at the airport, on big commercial jets. I love the sound of commerce, as well.
Speaking of sound, occasionaly the Navy and Marine pilots practice carrier take-offs and landings. If you're in Sams or Walmart outside the base, and the pilots wind their engines to full power, people who've never been there before give us locals a little entertainment by diving and jumping under counters and shelves. Sounds like the world is ending. Sound of freedom.

Oceana Naval Air Station is in my neck of the woods. Those Navy guys are flipping crazy. :D
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483
Way cool! There are a couple of those T-6's owned and operated here. You can always tell when someone's running one, too...what a sound-of-power!!
I live within sight of Ft Worth Naval Air Station and it's connected to Lockheed-Martin. Lots of airplane noise but I never hear it unless 4 F-18s fly in formation 500 ft over my house. Vibrates the house so hard the Roomba starts running. But I love the sound of freedom.
The sound of Freedom...indeed! I work at the airport, on big commercial jets. I love the sound of commerce, as well.
Speaking of sound, occasionaly the Navy and Marine pilots practice carrier take-offs and landings. If you're in Sams or Walmart outside the base, and the pilots wind their engines to full power, people who've never been there before give us locals a little entertainment by diving and jumping under counters and shelves. Sounds like the world is ending. Sound of freedom.

Oceana Naval Air Station is in my neck of the woods. Those Navy guys are flipping crazy. :D
Yup, part of the entertainment of Virginia beach........ :D
Gotta love google earth!
There is an old Navy base just south of my property. It was a hopping place, training naval aviators during WW II and again, Korea. Now, the trainees drive over from Pensacola and 4 T-6A's practice touch and go landings 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first photo is circa 1943, the second is the same area but current from Google Earth.View attachment 44482

View attachment 44483
Way cool! There are a couple of those T-6's owned and operated here. You can always tell when someone's running one, too...what a sound-of-power!!
I live within sight of Ft Worth Naval Air Station and it's connected to Lockheed-Martin. Lots of airplane noise but I never hear it unless 4 F-18s fly in formation 500 ft over my house. Vibrates the house so hard the Roomba starts running. But I love the sound of freedom.
The sound of Freedom...indeed! I work at the airport, on big commercial jets. I love the sound of commerce, as well.
Speaking of sound, occasionaly the Navy and Marine pilots practice carrier take-offs and landings. If you're in Sams or Walmart outside the base, and the pilots wind their engines to full power, people who've never been there before give us locals a little entertainment by diving and jumping under counters and shelves. Sounds like the world is ending. Sound of freedom.
Just before entering Jr High we were at Clinton Sherman AFB in Oklahoma, a SAC bomber base....... Our house was in the far southwestern part of the base, miles away from the air strip and when those babies took off the house shook.
Fairly decent amount of sleep last night though still not as interrupted as is healthy, but I sure can empathize with those of you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Shoulder still very painful and I'm not seeing any improvement in mobility in the last couple of days. I may have to break down and see a doc. I hate that.

Oh no, wait another two or three weeks at least. <sarcasm off>
You need help with reducing the nerve swelling Foxfyre.

Weird how someone thinks they need to bring a knife to your bar Ernie. Don't you hand out silverware with meals? ;)
This is Alabama. Most men carry a knife, but damned few reach for it when asked to leave a bar.
I tend to bring a bazooka to a knife fight..........
I can't find a holster that would let me conceal a Bazooka. The .40 is easier to hide and quicker to get on target.
Fairly decent amount of sleep last night though still not as interrupted as is healthy, but I sure can empathize with those of you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Shoulder still very painful and I'm not seeing any improvement in mobility in the last couple of days. I may have to break down and see a doc. I hate that.

Oh no, wait another two or three weeks at least. <sarcasm off>
You need help with reducing the nerve swelling Foxfyre.

Weird how someone thinks they need to bring a knife to your bar Ernie. Don't you hand out silverware with meals? ;)
This is Alabama. Most men carry a knife, but damned few reach for it when asked to leave a bar.
I tend to bring a bazooka to a knife fight..........
I can't find a holster that would let me conceal a Bazooka. The .40 is easier to hide and quicker to get on target.
I don't let em get that close....... They have to get through the mortar fire first........ :lol:
Besides I'm in Texas, "long arm" open carry only...... :eusa_whistle:
Fairly decent amount of sleep last night though still not as interrupted as is healthy, but I sure can empathize with those of you having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Shoulder still very painful and I'm not seeing any improvement in mobility in the last couple of days. I may have to break down and see a doc. I hate that.

Oh no, wait another two or three weeks at least. <sarcasm off>
You need help with reducing the nerve swelling Foxfyre.

Weird how someone thinks they need to bring a knife to your bar Ernie. Don't you hand out silverware with meals? ;)
This is Alabama. Most men carry a knife, but damned few reach for it when asked to leave a bar.
I tend to bring a bazooka to a knife fight..........
I can't find a holster that would let me conceal a Bazooka. The .40 is easier to hide and quicker to get on target.
Disguise the bazooka as a Hurrycane, Ernie. Fools 'em every time.
I got up early,I went back to bed, and got up again a few hours later.
I just finished reading ' Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance . So I started reading some of Kant's, critique of pure reason. But when I got to page two I started floundering. It is too difficult to read straight through like a book. You need to ponder each sentence, so I gave up and started reading, 'The Tao of physics'. It is more readable, and I got through two chapters today.

Trust me. Kant is NOT fun reading, and in my opinion is best done in a study group where your eyes are less likely to cross and the ARRRRGHs of frustration are at a minimum. Certainly no good for pleasure reading. Unless you have some compelling reason to really dig that stuff out, I would recommend a good summary from a source you trust. I HAD to read Kant. I didn't enjoy it.

I thought that Tao of physics was done by Fritjof Capra. :)

Correct, Have you read the Tao of physics? I find it far more readable than Kant. But I am only on chapter 3.
I have a large library of philosophy books, most of which I have not read, but I am interested in improving my mind, before it fades away from lack of use.
I got up early,I went back to bed, and got up again a few hours later.
I just finished reading ' Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance . So I started reading some of Kant's, critique of pure reason. But when I got to page two I started floundering. It is too difficult to read straight through like a book. You need to ponder each sentence, so I gave up and started reading, 'The Tao of physics'. It is more readable, and I got through two chapters today.

Trust me. Kant is NOT fun reading, and in my opinion is best done in a study group where your eyes are less likely to cross and the ARRRRGHs of frustration are at a minimum. Certainly no good for pleasure reading. Unless you have some compelling reason to really dig that stuff out, I would recommend a good summary from a source you trust. I HAD to read Kant. I didn't enjoy it.

I thought that Tao of physics was done by Fritjof Capra. :)

Correct, Have you read the Tao of physics? I find it far more readable than Kant. But I am only on chapter 3.
I have a large library of philosophy books, most of which I have not read, but I am interested in improving my mind, before it fades away from lack of use.

Good Morning Dajjal!
I read it a real long time ago like in or around the middle 70's.
Philosophy books are very dry reading in my opinion. :)
Up this morning at quarter to 4........ didn't sleep well.

We can hope that new CPAP machine when you get it will fix that.
Part of it was I took a 3 hour nap yesterday afternoon. I woke up really sinusy, a t-storm had just rolled through, the humidity shot up and the swamp cooler obviously wasn't working efficiently so I was warm and sticky.
Good morning all. The only time we are really conscious of air traffic is when there are forest fires in the northern mountains. The B-17 tankers refuel and replenish the fire retardant stuff at Kirtland and fly right over the house while descending to land. I kind of like hearing them.

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