USMB Coffee Shop IV

I don't get it this ad I just saw on tv...did someone give me pot laced brownies.:dunno:

Endless Fun - Fiat TV Commercial Ad - YouTube

The ad makes the assumption that everyone knows that the souped up version of the Fiat 500 is called the Abarth which is Italian for scorpion. The opening scene car is a black Abarth blowing up the mini skirt. The second is some guy riding a scorpion and the last scene is the red Abarth model. Even I don't get the connection with the dolphins.

So yeah, to anyone who doesn't have that background knowledge the ad might as well be for pot laced brownies. :D
Happy Birthday United States Army. June 14, 1775-June 14, 2014. I feel this guys pain. Been there, done that. Many thanks to those who are serving, and thanks to all who have served.


Thank you for the reminder, BR and a :salute: to all who have served.
took a walk on the beach this morning to watch the sun rise. got home a little while ago and just finishing up breakfast. now its out to do some weeding and wash this heavy yellow pollen off the solar panels. I think tonight is going to be miniature golf, the boardwalk and then some frozen yogurt

It's not the caffeine that I am trying to's just really strong coffee I can't stomach.
But if it has less caffeine, does that make it milder? Maybe I'm thinking cappuccino? I don't know, I tried one of those once, and I couldn't drink it....can't remember which one.

Reading the article, you'll see that espresso has much more caffeine when looked at per ounce than regular coffee, it's only because it is served in such small volume that it can be said to have less caffeine. The article puts regular coffee at an average of 8-15mg per ounce, with espresso at 30-50mg per ounce.

I don't drink espresso, so I can't say for certain, but I wouldn't expect it to be milder than regular coffee. I'd say brew with less coffee, use more creamer or milk if you want a milder coffee experience. :)
Good morning everybody. Got my sleep cycle all screwed up again so I am wide awake until the wee hours of the morning and then sleep like a rock until 10 or so. This won't do. Gotta fix it. But I can't worry about that right now. I'll worry about it later. Hope everybody is having a great Army Day, a great Flag Day, survived Friday the 13th with a full moon without mishap, and looking forward to a great Saturday. . . more coffee which today is Albertson's "Essential" store brand and it is good.
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Never really considered an RV camping.......

When my father was going through what we called the man's change of life, he bought a new Chrystler Newport and a trailer and we traveled all through British Columbia and back. My dad said, "There's nothing like camping with all the comforts of home."

That sounds like a lot of fun. We did that when our kids were little, not to British Columbia, but to Big Bend Nat'l park and other areas of interest in the US.

My parents didn't like camping at all, and they didn't like traveling either.

My father was career Air Force, even after retiring, he still had the traveling bug.
When my father was going through what we called the man's change of life, he bought a new Chrystler Newport and a trailer and we traveled all through British Columbia and back. My dad said, "There's nothing like camping with all the comforts of home."

That sounds like a lot of fun. We did that when our kids were little, not to British Columbia, but to Big Bend Nat'l park and other areas of interest in the US.

My parents didn't like camping at all, and they didn't like traveling either.

My father was career Air Force, even after retiring, he still had the traveling bug.

It's always nice to know what's behind that next bend in the road...

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