USMB Coffee Shop IV

Might be a bit late in the day, but Happy Birthday to the Army, born this day in 1775. Happy Flag Day as well. Let us not forget those who died fighting for that flag, and those that still do:


Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, Mount Suribachi, February 23, 1945.
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Good morning everybody. Got my sleep cycle all screwed up again so I am wide awake until the wee hours of the morning and then sleep like a rock until 10 or so. This won't do. Gotta fix it. But I can't worry about that right now. I'll worry about it later. Hope everybody is having a great Army Day, a great Flag Day, survived Friday the 13th with a full moon without mishap, and looking forward to a great Saturday. . . more coffee which today is Albertson's "Essential" store brand and it is good.

For decades my sleep cycle was up all night sleep all day till I did that SRT gig rthen it was sleep when you can and where you can.......
Now I'm generally up between 5 and 6 in the morning, kinda strange since I've always been a night owl.
Just got back from the Springs, cleaning, putting things away, washing all the bedding, etc getting ready for the flood of family at the end of the month when we finally have the funeral service.
Both my parents were cremated but my brothers want them buried so their ashes will be buried together at Fort Logan National Cemetery.
I took my little one to a Saturday outing for her 1st grade class (they are called "die Mäuse" - "the mice": each individual class gets an animal name and the corresponding stuffed-animal as a mascot each year, and those names are drawn from a hat) at an Island not far away called Grafenwerth.

The outing is explained here:

So, I hadn't seen such dangerous looking weather in a long time, but after some hemming and hawwing, we went out there and almost every kid from that class was there with at least one parent - at an event that is totally optional. It was from 3-7 pm. The kids scampered off to play, with at least one parent supervising.

So, five of us Papa dudes saw a number of soccer balls on the ground, soccer balls that really looked like they needed some training, and before you knew it, the big "kids" were practically scrimmaging soccer. Gotta say, that was fun as he-double fiddlesticks. My legs are now killing me...

So, my little one played and played and played and then one of her best friends came over to do a slumber party; I brought her friend home with us.

The kids mom gave me a big hug and thanked me, this freed them up to go on a date night together. From the sparkle in their eyes, I am thinking they may be making a another child tonight... :eusa_whistle: ) LOL...

So, once home, we took the pooch for a nice walk and I cooked a quick spaghetti bolognese dinner (yes, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], you missed it again, darnit!! LOL - this time without Tiramisu [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] :rofl:), then the two drew and drew and Papa composed a couple of new things on the piano, whereupon the two suddenly disappeared and re-appeared in ballet costumes from my daughter's closet and my little one then gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek and said, "Papa, dear Papa, can you compose a new Walz, maybe" - so, with tears of joy and laughter, I whipped out a little ditty in E-Flat major and let the two dance throughout the living room. Well, this went on longer than I realized, for suddenly, it was 10 pm, just about 90 minutes ago. So, suddenly is was rush-rush to brush teeth, sit on the john, get the nighty-night clothes on, read a book and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

They are just adorable and my little one is a pretty good hostess, too.

But I am now so tired, I may just fall asleep right here in USMB...

what a fantastic day it was.

And the weather? Looked horrible, but it didn't rain. Thank G-d for the small miracles in life.

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