USMB Coffee Shop IV


Hey Foxy spent the weekend with Sherry. Did some recording with her son. I actually like these two. Tell me what ya think? I suspect you are a lot more musically knowlwdgeable than you let on. :)

I really enjoyed them a lot WQ. . .love your song choices too--we share much of the same taste in easy listening/ballads and at least Sherry and I enjoy your singing voice.

Thanks for the kind words. I do know a lot about music though I am not a professional. . . .choir, band, and orchestra all through school including college, taught my kid piano until he caught up with me (within a year) and passed me so I had to turn him over to a more competent instructor. Directed church choir for years as well as directed a community show choir that performed here and there and have enjoyed singing with various community choirs over the years. I once considered a music minor but my piano skills are pretty marginal and the instructor tactfully told me that when you make a "C" in applied music, you probably should consider a different career. :)

(I know how Salieri must have felt--having the desire to be a great composer but lacking the gift to be one.)

I figured. :) A lot more knowledge than you originally acknowledged. Yeah....I started playing piano years ago and was mediocre at best. I more or less gave it up, but I took to guitar like a fish in water. I was a music minor in college, which helped a lot.

Sherry wants me to teach her piano basics. I think she would be better than me. A project for the future.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

I thought it was harder to play the guitar than the piano. Or at least the classical finger style guitar. Strumming a few chords is easy, but playing classical music is a struggle. For one thing there are so many positions up and down the fret board where the same notes appear, and you have to master that before you can play difficult pieces.

Yeah....I play classical as well. I try to play everything on as many frets as possible. :) The standard positions often sound better up the neck. This is a classical piece I wrote recently. Let me know what you think. :)

Spoiler alert:

The first set of numbers is taking the first number and subtracting the second. The second set is the product of adding the first numbers.

Hey Foxy spent the weekend with Sherry. Did some recording with her son. I actually like these two. Tell me what ya think? I suspect you are a lot more musically knowlwdgeable than you let on. :)

I really enjoyed them a lot WQ. . .love your song choices too--we share much of the same taste in easy listening/ballads and at least Sherry and I enjoy your singing voice.

Thanks for the kind words. I do know a lot about music though I am not a professional. . . .choir, band, and orchestra all through school including college, taught my kid piano until he caught up with me (within a year) and passed me so I had to turn him over to a more competent instructor. Directed church choir for years as well as directed a community show choir that performed here and there and have enjoyed singing with various community choirs over the years. I once considered a music minor but my piano skills are pretty marginal and the instructor tactfully told me that when you make a "C" in applied music, you probably should consider a different career. :)

(I know how Salieri must have felt--having the desire to be a great composer but lacking the gift to be one.)

I figured. :) A lot more knowledge than you originally acknowledged. Yeah....I started playing piano years ago and was mediocre at best. I more or less gave it up, but I took to guitar like a fish in water. I was a music minor in college, which helped a lot.

Sherry wants me to teach her piano basics. I think she would be better than me. A project for the future.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

I thought it was harder to play the guitar than the piano. Or at least the classical finger style guitar. Strumming a few chords is easy, but playing classical music is a struggle. For one thing there are so many positions up and down the fret board where the same notes appear, and you have to master that before you can play difficult pieces.

Yeah....I play classical as well. I try to play everything on as many frets as possible. :) The standard positions often sound better up the neck. This is a classical piece I wrote recently. Let me know what you think. :)

Very pleasant to listen to and I can see it as a 'non interfering' back drop in certain movie scenes, etc. But to be truly marketable, a more clearly defined melody would need to be pulled up in a more identifiable way I think. But an impressive effort just the same. :)
I love our California and Pacific northwest people, but I am wishing they would keep the smoke from all their wildfires there. It has been coming across us this past week and the air quality warnings are coming more frequently now and lasting longer. Mind you those fires are a 1000 or more miles from Albuquerque, but it still looked like this across town yesterday:


That's not fog or locally produced smog. That is smoke mostly from California and Oregon. It's almost as bad as the smoke we got from the Arizona fires year before last.
The ex was in Colorado today and mentioned the smoke from California there too. You guys meet up somewhere? :)
Sorry about the smoke. Wish I could make it all go away.

I bet you do. It hasn't been all that long ago that our state was battling wild fires everywhere and not only is the smoke annoying, but the loss in magnificent trees, wild life habitat, wild life, and aesthetic beauty is heart breaking. And that doesn't even include the personal property, homes, businesses, etc. and human lives that are lost to some of the fires.
Had a fire break out yesterday 3 blocks from me. Fire department was on it lickety split. Fire up on the grade was from some idiot towing something and the chain dragging the ground. Manhunt out for that moron. I hope they find him.

Triple digits around here last week and next week. Thankfully, we are hugging the coast, so we get lots of fog. Mist does wonders in dampening stuff.
I love our California and Pacific northwest people, but I am wishing they would keep the smoke from all their wildfires there. It has been coming across us this past week and the air quality warnings are coming more frequently now and lasting longer. Mind you those fires are a 1000 or more miles from Albuquerque, but it still looked like this across town yesterday:


That's not fog or locally produced smog. That is smoke mostly from California and Oregon. It's almost as bad as the smoke we got from the Arizona fires year before last.
Thankfully we're not getting it down here however during the Black Forest and Royal Gorge fires it was like that in the Springs. The wife sends here sympathies and advises you to stay inside and filter your air........
Never thought I would say this but...I long for winter. It's been summer here since January. JANUARY. I'm so damn tan, I look hispanic now.
Other than being irradiated with x-rays again a good thing came out of my visit to the VA. Was told my ID was about to be obsolete, that I needed a new one. So I go down to the main registration office...... Oh we need you to check and resubmit your application information..... Oh shit..... Okay, get it done, a half an hour later an admin guy comes out, "all of your updated info has been resubmitted, you eligibility has changed......."
I went from paying $15 for prescriptions, $30 for standard office visits and $50 for specialty clinics to......... $8 for prescriptions......... only....... :D
Okay I haven't gone out of my way to frustrate you guys for awhile, so here is today's IQ quiz: In the unlikely event that somebody actually wants to solve this himself/herself, if you report the answer, warn that it is a spoiler and put your answer far down in the post. :)


I am not a fan of numbers, especially number puzzles...but I saw the pattern by the third problem.:thup:
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saw marshall tucker and lynyrd skynyrd last weekend . excellent concert at bethel woods. that's the old Woodstock site. skynyrd was amazing. I can't believe the first time I saw them was almost 43 years ago. saw tucker for the first time 43 years ago too.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Forum List
