USMB Coffee Shop IV

So, the tree trimmer guy finally shows up and I show him what I want cut down, two old trees behind the shop, one big old tree beside the house, one massive old Maple next to the road that has five main stems to it, and I'm sure he counted that as five trees, and one tall, skinny chinese elm... TWENTY TWO HUNDRED BUCKS! I have a couple logger friends that I could call but, the majority of this job is going to require a bucket truck, and this guy has one. The two old trees behind the shop have huge limbs overhanging the metal roof. They have to be tied off before cut so that they don't fall and poke a hole in my roof, and the old tree next to the house has one big limb overhanging the house roof that needs the same treatment, so I guess there's no getting out of it. Just suck it up, pay it and have it done.

Ouch. That's painful though. We were lucky. Had an ENORMOUS old apple tree in the back yard that was a royal pain and because it created such a mess for both us and the neighbors finally decided to have it removed. Found a guy who would take it out and remove it in return for keeping the apple wood--prime fireplace wood around here. So it didn't cost us anything. But because firewood is probably much more plentiful in your area, that probably would be an option for your trees.
Yeah I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. If these trees weren't around anything I could just cut them down myself, but they're next to buildings, overhanging roofs, near power lines and along the road, so I'm stuck. It has to be done by someone with a bucket truck, and besides, they have the massive, industrial sized chipper/shredder. The price includes cutting down and removing everything. All I'll have to do is get another buddy of mine over with his stump grinder.

But you're right, $2,200 is a LOT of money. If I was 40 years younger I'd go into the tree trimming business. Damn good money and never out of work. This guy told me he works 7 days a week and can't keep up.
love the flag
Good to see you stop in, Bro.

Life is good here in Wisconsin, hope everything is good over there on the east coast.
all is good here. been keeping really busy. especially over the summer. not logging to much on line time lately
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shots of Tucker and Skynyrd.

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I spent a good part of this morning playing with ants. I dropped a pea sized ball of sugar that was clumped together on the ground..then waited. Wasn't long before a scout ant found it...ran all over it for a few minutes, then hightailed it off to the nest somewhere. I came inside and had a small breakfast, then went back out to check on it and the troops were there busily hauling it off. I followed the trail, of course.
Just now came in from checking on them again, and the ball is smooshed and half sized and a steady line of very happy ants heading off to the tree near the back shed. Another line wanders off to the right so they spread out or its two different nests.

I can sit there for hours and watch them. They just fascinate me.
And with that said...I finally dropped the 3 lbs I have been having difficulty losing. 5 more lbs..and I am back to what I used to be when I had my ladies apparel shop and the size I was when I snorkeled in Maui years ago and wore a bikini! I am STOKED.
I spent a good part of this morning playing with ants. I dropped a pea sized ball of sugar that was clumped together on the ground..then waited. Wasn't long before a scout ant found it...ran all over it for a few minutes, then hightailed it off to the nest somewhere. I came inside and had a small breakfast, then went back out to check on it and the troops were there busily hauling it off. I followed the trail, of course.
Just now came in from checking on them again, and the ball is smooshed and half sized and a steady line of very happy ants heading off to the tree near the back shed. Another line wanders off to the right so they spread out or its two different nests.

I can sit there for hours and watch them. They just fascinate me.
Given what little TV I've seen, ants are far better entertainment.
After dealing with some 'issues' with some folks this morning. . . .

Yeah. I can dig it. Happened to me last week. And it isn't your attitude that needs changing. It's how you ignore those not worthy of your attention. ;)
And with that said...I finally dropped the 3 lbs I have been having difficulty losing. 5 more lbs..and I am back to what I used to be when I had my ladies apparel shop and the size I was when I snorkeled in Maui years ago and wore a bikini! I am STOKED.
'Grats!!! Keep it up, Gracie! I've have students at the Uni mention that I look so different with 50 lbs missing! And I cannot tell you how much better you will feel with the loss of that weight!
I spent a good part of this morning playing with ants. I dropped a pea sized ball of sugar that was clumped together on the ground..then waited. Wasn't long before a scout ant found it...ran all over it for a few minutes, then hightailed it off to the nest somewhere. I came inside and had a small breakfast, then went back out to check on it and the troops were there busily hauling it off. I followed the trail, of course.
Just now came in from checking on them again, and the ball is smooshed and half sized and a steady line of very happy ants heading off to the tree near the back shed. Another line wanders off to the right so they spread out or its two different nests.

I can sit there for hours and watch them. They just fascinate me.
Given what little TV I've seen, ants are far better entertainment.
They stay busy at night too. I will be out there when the sun is gone, with my flashlight. Watching ants haul their sugar nugget and listening to night birds. What could be better than that? :)
I spent a good part of this morning playing with ants. I dropped a pea sized ball of sugar that was clumped together on the ground..then waited. Wasn't long before a scout ant found it...ran all over it for a few minutes, then hightailed it off to the nest somewhere. I came inside and had a small breakfast, then went back out to check on it and the troops were there busily hauling it off. I followed the trail, of course.
Just now came in from checking on them again, and the ball is smooshed and half sized and a steady line of very happy ants heading off to the tree near the back shed. Another line wanders off to the right so they spread out or its two different nests.

I can sit there for hours and watch them. They just fascinate me.
Given what little TV I've seen, ants are far better entertainment.
They stay busy at night too. I will be out there when the sun is gone, with my flashlight. Watching ants haul their sugar nugget and listening to night birds. What could be better than that? :)
'Grats!!! Keep it up, Gracie! I've have students at the Uni mention that I look so different with 50 lbs missing! And I cannot tell you how much better you will feel with the loss of that weight!
Know what FINALLY did it? Walking in place. I stand outside with one hand on a patio chair....and step, like marching in place. 600 steps, knees high as I can get them. Walking twice a day with the dogs was just not doing it. But the marching steps? That did it. No treadmill, can't find an exercise bike, so I thought "just march in one spot. It's free, it's easy, it gets the heart pumpin', keeps the blood flowing in the legs". And it took off 3 lbs!
Sleeping is good too. Hell, maybe I will sleep out there tonight. Problem gets everything gets really damp.
'Grats!!! Keep it up, Gracie! I've have students at the Uni mention that I look so different with 50 lbs missing! And I cannot tell you how much better you will feel with the loss of that weight!
Know what FINALLY did it? Walking in place. I stand outside with one hand on a patio chair....and step, like marching in place. 600 steps, knees high as I can get them. Walking twice a day with the dogs was just not doing it. But the marching steps? That did it. No treadmill, can't find an exercise bike, so I thought "just march in one spot. It's free, it's easy, it gets the heart pumpin', keeps the blood flowing in the legs". And it took off 3 lbs!
I have an iPhone app that tracks my steps. I try to log at least 10,000 daily. Of course, my job keeps me moving, and caring for my critters helps, too.
Oh, I walk a lot, not just with the dogs. Household stuff, going to the market, yard work. Then the two trips with the dogs...then the night marching.

I have tarps. What I REALLY want is a tipi. A real one. But they cost a shitload of money. Guess I could make one, lol.

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