USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not sure how Halloween went from a single day celebration to a month long event. Wonder how many have even heard of All Saints Day?
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.

I'm getting ready to buy Christmas presents. Of course, I don't get money that often and I just got some for my birthday that I'm going to use for other people's presents. :)

Just had to bathe our dogs today. It wasn't because of the stink (although they were starting to get too much of that doggy smell) but because I found fleas on the newer one. :ack-1:
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.

Hang in there Ernie I know you can quit. Once you do you will love it.
Sounds like your smeller has now come back, wait till the taste comes back. It's wonderful. :biggrin:
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.
Congratulations! Mixed bag looking forward to being able to smell again, can't use Febreeze or anything else that's scented, both the wife and I are allergic to perfumes and colognes.
I had jumped up to almost a full pack a day with all the stress we've been under, I've managed to get back to just under a half a pack a day and shooting for a quarter pack today and tomorrow then onto the patch.
We got home from the hospital around 9, I went right back to bed........ The wife said she was awake and would probably end up going back to bed this afternoon...... I woke up at 12:30 and she was sound asleep in bed already. :lol:
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.
Congratulations! Mixed bag looking forward to being able to smell again, can't use Febreeze or anything else that's scented, both the wife and I are allergic to perfumes and colognes.
I had jumped up to almost a full pack a day with all the stress we've been under, I've managed to get back to just under a half a pack a day and shooting for a quarter pack today and tomorrow then onto the patch.

You can get Frebreeze unscented. I am also allergic to perfumes and colognes but the unscented works just as good as the scented ones do.
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.
Congratulations! Mixed bag looking forward to being able to smell again, can't use Febreeze or anything else that's scented, both the wife and I are allergic to perfumes and colognes.
I had jumped up to almost a full pack a day with all the stress we've been under, I've managed to get back to just under a half a pack a day and shooting for a quarter pack today and tomorrow then onto the patch.

You can get Frebreeze unscented. I am also allergic to perfumes and colognes but the unscented works just as good as the scented ones do.
I've smelled the unscented version, there's still an underlying odor that I'm sensitive to.
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.
Congratulations! Mixed bag looking forward to being able to smell again, can't use Febreeze or anything else that's scented, both the wife and I are allergic to perfumes and colognes.
I had jumped up to almost a full pack a day with all the stress we've been under, I've managed to get back to just under a half a pack a day and shooting for a quarter pack today and tomorrow then onto the patch.

You can get Frebreeze unscented. I am also allergic to perfumes and colognes but the unscented works just as good as the scented ones do.
I've smelled the unscented version, there's still an underlying odor that I'm sensitive to.

Seriously though, Halloween is definitely a money making scheme with buying candy and costumes, but all the holidays kind of are. It's because they are about the kids and having fun, and that is what the stores are counting on. My mother always made my costumes. I had a store bought one maybe once or twice.
Christmas stuff in the stores already.

You might as well take Bert off the list, Foxy. I just can't find the old boy and have to assume he's gone.

On day #9 with no cigarettes. It's still pretty tough, but I do feel a whole lot better. The main problem is that the dogs need baths. They stink! Everything stinks. Fabreeze by the box, I guess.

Sorry about Bert. :( Good luck with the quitting smoking, and good for you! Nine days is a long time for some people! :)
Other than being able to smell cigarette scent on things more easily, I haven't really noticed any improved ability to smell since I quit smoking. :/

How about taste? Like Peach says, I've heard you can taste things more after quitting. I mean, maybe that's just with some people and it may depend on how long you've smoked?

Nope, haven't noticed a change. I smoked for around 25 years, but I was never a heavy smoker. I averaged maybe half a pack a day over that time, never more than a pack a day for any extended period. I also switched from cigarettes to little cigars for the last 5+ years of my smoking, I don't know how that might have affected things.

Of course, I've nearly always been an incredibly picky eater so maybe my sense of taste/smell is different from average? :dunno:
I enjoy my coffee a bit more. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking Sumatran coffee is in order.
This morning's first cup was Costa Rican Terrazu. Cup #2 was Jamaican Blue Mountain. Sumatran..... Yup.
I enjoy my coffee a bit more. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking Sumatran coffee is in order.
This morning's first cup was Costa Rican Terrazu. Cup #2 was Jamaican Blue Mountain. Sumatran..... Yup.

You must be a coffee snob! :D
Guilty. I LOVE coffee. I love American style coffee, Turkish coffee, Italian espresso, Cuban coffee, Puerto Rican coffee.... Hell if I drop a bean while I'm running it through my burr grinder, I eat it.
I lived in South Florida for 10 years and fell in love with Cuban coffee. I've met entertainers and politicians at the coffee window and have learned how to make an above average cup. I have 8 Cuban style espresso peculators in 5 different sizes. I serve it proudly at Doc's and make 2 or 3 12 cup (2 oz.) pots every night and sell it for 2 bucks a shot. We make cocktails with it and have people come from 40 miles away for a caffeine fix on Saturday nights. I don't drink as much coffee as some people, but I generally drink 4 cups of very strong American style coffee and 1 or 2 Cuban coffees every day.
On my kitchen counter right now are 5 or 6 different varieties of coffee, most from World Market, but a couple are high end imported stuff you can't get just anywhere.
I just bought 4 pounds of Jamaican Blue Mountain. The latest crop was good and the price is lower than it has been in years. The 4 one pound bags were just over 100 dollars. I have paid up to $85/pound.
My partner is a coffee snob as well. I gave him 2 pounds of the Blue Mountain for his recent birthday and he said he can finally brew the last of what I gave him for Christmas.
I have taught him how to brew and enjoy Cuban coffee. He likes everything about it, including the profit margin. A $2 demitasse costs about 10 cents.
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I enjoy my coffee a bit more. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking Sumatran coffee is in order.
This morning's first cup was Costa Rican Terrazu. Cup #2 was Jamaican Blue Mountain. Sumatran..... Yup.

You must be a coffee snob! :D
Guilty. I LOVE coffee. I love American style coffee, Turkish coffee, Italian espresso, Cuban coffee, Puerto Rican coffee.... Hell if I drop a bean while I'm running it through my burr grinder, I eat it.
I lived in South Florida for 10 years and fell in love with Cuban coffee. I've met entertainers and politicians at the coffee window and have learned how to make an above average cup. I have 8Cuban style espresso peculators in 5 different sizes. I serve it proudly at Doc's and make 2 or 3 12 cup (2 oz.) pots every night and sell it for 2 bucks a shot. We make cocktails with it and have people come from 40 miles away for a caffeine fix on Saturday nights. I don't drink as much coffee as some people, but I generally drink 4 cups of very strong American style coffee and 1 or 2 Cuban coffees every day.

I can tell . . . you're like :blahblah:. Lol! Just kidding, Ernie! :beer: I've never tried any of that stuff, TBH. I just usually stick to plain old coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

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