USMB Coffee Shop IV

I don't know why, but I find this to be kind of awesome :


This is from Odessa, Ukraine. Apparently there is a law about removing communist symbols. This was a statue of Lenin which was converted to Vader. :lol:

You are right. That is totally awesome! :lol:
So far so good. I arrived home about an hour ago. I had my blood pressure, pulse, hearing, vision, BMI, reflexes, heart/lungs all checked out, and everything is normal. I had the flu shot. No problems so far. I had a DDT vaccination. No problem. I had the PPD skin test where they inject it under your skin and it makes a little bubble (to check for tuberculosis which I know I don't have anyway). Anyway, they said if the bubble remains, gets bigger, turns red and irritated, then that means it is positive. Well, I had it about an hour ago, and it is already going away, but I still have to go back on Monday so they can check it. Then, they want to do a second test. I have scheduled for the 30th. Man, who knew it was so much work to get a job at the hospital! :lol: Anyway, I am totally healthy so far. They drew blood and did a urine drug screen too. I don't do drugs, so there shouldn't be problems with the drug screen. I'm confident in that part. So the only thing left to find out, is my blood work. About 5 or 6 years ago, I had blood work and everything was normal. I don't expect there to be any changes with that.

So, the good news is that I'm healthy and I've got most of this screening procedure completed. :eusa_dance:

They measure you for latex gloves yet?

Thankfully no Latex gloves for what I'll be doing. :D I purposefully stay away from having to deal with patients when I became an MA. That is the reason why I got into medical transcription to begin with. I have no desire to have direct contacts with patients.
Signing out early tonight guys because I'll probably be asleep before the movie is over. The vigil photo tonight is the Cumbres Toltec Railroad that runs between Chama NM and southern Colorado and how that trip looks this time of year.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Ringel's Jasper,
Pogo's brother,
Gracie's Karma,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Pretty picture! :) I love the old trains. So cool!
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that for the best night's sleep the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

I usually only require like 5-7 hours per night. I don't ever sleep 8 hours. I can't. My dad was the same way. He would normally get 5 hours of sleep every night. He would be up late at night and arise early in the morning. Must be hereditary or something.
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that for the best night's sleep the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

That study sounds completely bunk to me. :)
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

I usually only require like 5-7 hours per night. I don't ever sleep 8 hours. I can't. My dad was the same way. He would normally get 5 hours of sleep every night. He would be up late at night and arise early in the morning. Must be hereditary or something.

When I was younger I felt the same way about my health. I was a chronic night owl as my highest energy level seemed to be after sunset, but they say when we short change ourselves on sleep it does take a toll. But who knows? Now I usually sleep as long as I want and get up when I am ready to get up, but there seems no set pattern for that. I think the 10:37 bedtime probably won't be in the cards for me. :)
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that for the best night's sleep the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

That study sounds completely bunk to me. :)

I personally think there are a whole bunch of studies conducted by people needing something new for a doctoral dissertation or people in 'publish or perish' jobs and that results in a lot of questionable, even purely bogus, studies posted. But who knows when one will actually be the real deal? I have high hopes for a recent study indicating that bacon is good for us and the one that says all those fattening carbs make us smarter. :)
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

All of my games run on Windows 8, even more efficiently than on Windows 7. Many won't run on Windows 10. I upgraded to Win 10 on my laptop and so far have not been impressed. Hombre upgraded to Win 10 on his PC and regrets it now very much. It was a steep learning curve and took me the best part of a year to figure it all out, but now I love Win 8.1 and don't want to give it up.
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

All of my games run on Windows 8, even more efficiently than on Windows 7. Many won't run on Windows 10. I upgraded to Win 10 on my laptop and so far have not been impressed. Hombre upgraded to Win 10 on his PC and regrets it now very much. It was a steep learning curve and took me the best part of a year to figure it all out, but now I love Win 8.1 and don't want to give it up.

You can go back to your previous OS if you upgrade to Win10.
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:

I don't like Windows 8. I liked 7 better. I hate how it opens to an "app store." I don't use any of those apps.
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:

I don't like Windows 8. I liked 7 better. I hate how it opens to an "app store." I don't use any of those apps.

I just deleted the ones I am not interested in and added the ones I do access more often. And I have my computer set so that when I boot up in the morning it bypassed that opening screen and goes straight to my desk top. Not having the complete functionality of the old start button is still a pain sometimes, but I have learned how to access pretty much everything I need to access and have icons on my desk top for the stuff I need frequently. But it was a steep learning curve--so much of it is in no way intuitive.
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:

I don't like Windows 8. I liked 7 better. I hate how it opens to an "app store." I don't use any of those apps.

I just deleted the ones I am not interested in and added the ones I do access more often. And I have my computer set so that when I boot up in the morning it bypassed that opening screen and goes straight to my desk top. Not having the complete functionality of the old start button is still a pain sometimes, but I have learned how to access pretty much everything I need to access and have icons on my desk top for the stuff I need frequently. But it was a steep learning curve--so much of it is in no way intuitive.

I have that too, but it still sucks. Sometimes I'm doing something and if you hit the mouse pad wrong, that screen will just suddenly "pop up" on me. Then I have to go to the far top left hand corner of the page to get back to my page. Why does it mess with you that way???
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:

I don't like Windows 8. I liked 7 better. I hate how it opens to an "app store." I don't use any of those apps.
For Win 8 and 10 you can set it up to auto login so you don't have to swipe the screen up then set it up to automatically bypass the tiles screen and go directly to your desktop, it's not hard.
As for the Start Button there are apps for that also.
Pretty much you can rather quickly configure your computer to look a lot like Win 7 while running Win 10 (somewhat for Win 8).
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:

I don't like Windows 8. I liked 7 better. I hate how it opens to an "app store." I don't use any of those apps.
For Win 8 and 10 you can set it up to auto login so you don't have to swipe the screen up then set it up to automatically bypass the tiles screen and go directly to your desktop, it's not hard.
As for the Start Button there are apps for that also.
Pretty much you can rather quickly configure your computer to look a lot like Win 7 while running Win 10 (somewhat for Win 8).

I don't know how to do any of that. I don't know what's going on with the stupid thing. I know I hate it though. :D
I installed Win7 and upgraded to Win10 last night. After about 10 seconds of looking at Win10 I restarted, cleared the Windows partition, and reinstalled Win7. I'm currently 75% of the way through downloading the 232 updates again. :p

I haven't decided if I even want to "upgrade" yet. I'm just starting to get used to stupid Windows 8. Is Windows 10 any better? I hate the way Windows 8 is set up.

I haven't used either for more than a few minutes. Win10 seems like it's halfway between 8 and the older versions. You get a start menu button....but it opens into a bunch of Win8 like tiles. You go right to the desktop when it boots up instead of the tablet-looking screen of Win8. However, all that I've read about Win10 makes it sound like Microsoft is a lot more intrusive, looking at what you have on your PC.

I'm hoping that by the time Win7 support runs out, either I will be comfortable going all in with Linux or Windows will have come out with a better version than 10. :lol:

I don't like Windows 8. I liked 7 better. I hate how it opens to an "app store." I don't use any of those apps.
For Win 8 and 10 you can set it up to auto login so you don't have to swipe the screen up then set it up to automatically bypass the tiles screen and go directly to your desktop, it's not hard.
As for the Start Button there are apps for that also.
Pretty much you can rather quickly configure your computer to look a lot like Win 7 while running Win 10 (somewhat for Win 8).

I don't know how to do any of that. I don't know what's going on with the stupid thing. I know I hate it though. :D
Just follow the instructions to the letter;

How to Set Up Automatic Login on Windows 10 or Windows 8

Boot to the desktop:
How to boot to desktop mode in Windows 8.1

Classic Shell will give you a Start Menu that is similar to Win 7 but not exactly the same and it's free.
Classic Shell - Start menu and other Windows enhancements
Startisback is much closer to the Win 7 Start Menu but it will set you back $3 for one computer and up to $10 for 5 computers after a 30 day free trail.
StartIsBack: real start menu for Windows 8 and Windows 10

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