USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Sunday! :)

Yaaaaaa! :D

I'm here from my Linux Mint partition again. :) Boot repair got the gnome bootloader running again with no troubles. Now I'll probably not get on to my Win7 partition for a month or more, until I am ready to load a game on it. :p I've got the first Tomb Raider on the other PC right now and that's just a DOS game, I don't need the greater power/memory of this one. So yay! That was quite a bit of time and effort that I'll now ignore for who knows how long. :rofl:

I do have a few games I have yet to play that are newer, and might get more at Christmas time, so I'll be happy I did this eventually. ;)

I have a lot of games that were designed for windows xp and I do not know if they will run on widows 7.
For example I have Serious Sam , games one. two and three.
I am scared to load them onto my new computer in case they cause a problem with windows 7.
I'm here from my Linux Mint partition again. :) Boot repair got the gnome bootloader running again with no troubles. Now I'll probably not get on to my Win7 partition for a month or more, until I am ready to load a game on it. :p I've got the first Tomb Raider on the other PC right now and that's just a DOS game, I don't need the greater power/memory of this one. So yay! That was quite a bit of time and effort that I'll now ignore for who knows how long. :rofl:

I do have a few games I have yet to play that are newer, and might get more at Christmas time, so I'll be happy I did this eventually. ;)

I have a lot of games that were designed for windows xp and I do not know if they will run on widows 7.
For example I have Serious Sam , games one. two and three.
I am scared to load them onto my new computer in case they cause a problem with windows 7.

Windows 7 has been problematic for some of my old games but all, so far, have worked without problem on Windows 8, But if you like you old games I sure wouldn't upgrade to Win 10.
So.... I'm off to a Doc's customer's house to buy some wood.
It's one side planed, one edge jointed cherry. It's all just over 1" thick and from 6 to 12 inch wide.
100 board feet for $100. Anybody need a table?
Windows 10 is up and running. First impression is "Better than 8, but still Windows"
I have 6 or 7 minutes experience with it and I rebooted to Linux.
I've said it before, if I didn't like my games the only operating system I'd be using is Linux because I'd have no need for Windows.
Do you guys have any loved ones in southeast Texas? We do and the torrential rains earlier in the week plus the remnants of the hurricane this week have been catastrophic. They have put out warnings to watch for snakes and other creepy crawlers that will be seeking higher ground.

Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

I usually only require like 5-7 hours per night. I don't ever sleep 8 hours. I can't. My dad was the same way. He would normally get 5 hours of sleep every night. He would be up late at night and arise early in the morning. Must be hereditary or something.

Could that something be...

Do you guys have any loved ones in southeast Texas? We do and the torrential rains earlier in the week plus the remnants of the hurricane this week have been catastrophic. They have put out warnings to watch for snakes and other creepy crawlers that will be seeking higher ground.


I was thinking Loch Ness...
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

I usually only require like 5-7 hours per night. I don't ever sleep 8 hours. I can't. My dad was the same way. He would normally get 5 hours of sleep every night. He would be up late at night and arise early in the morning. Must be hereditary or something.

When I was younger I felt the same way about my health. I was a chronic night owl as my highest energy level seemed to be after sunset, but they say when we short change ourselves on sleep it does take a toll. But who knows? Now I usually sleep as long as I want and get up when I am ready to get up, but there seems no set pattern for that. I think the 10:37 bedtime probably won't be in the cards for me. :)

Might work if you go off EST?
Been refinishing a heavy wood deck rocker (painted). Needed some more primer so I picked up a can of cheap no name brand at Wallyworld....... Buy a $1.75 can of paint, get a $1.75 can of paint....... I know better but still, live and learn......... Now I have to go back....... later.........
Been refinishing a heavy wood deck rocker (painted). Needed some more primer so I picked up a can of cheap no name brand at Wallyworld....... Buy a $1.75 can of paint, get a $1.75 can of paint....... I know better but still, live and learn......... Now I have to go back....... later.........


I have been staining the deck of our rebuilt back porch this weekend. Purchased a $58.29 gallon of Benjamin Moore Barn Red stain.
Been refinishing a heavy wood deck rocker (painted). Needed some more primer so I picked up a can of cheap no name brand at Wallyworld....... Buy a $1.75 can of paint, get a $1.75 can of paint....... I know better but still, live and learn......... Now I have to go back....... later.........


I have been staining the deck of our rebuilt back porch this weekend. Purchased a $58.29 gallon of Benjamin Moore Barn Red stain.
Works like a charm doesn't it...... :thup:
Been refinishing a heavy wood deck rocker (painted). Needed some more primer so I picked up a can of cheap no name brand at Wallyworld....... Buy a $1.75 can of paint, get a $1.75 can of paint....... I know better but still, live and learn......... Now I have to go back....... later.........


I have been staining the deck of our rebuilt back porch this weekend. Purchased a $58.29 gallon of Benjamin Moore Barn Red stain.
Works like a charm doesn't it...... :thup:

Cooler temps and some rain yesterday did not help. Left butt cheek on my jeans is barn red.

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