USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Ringel's Jasper,
Pogo's brother,
Gracie's Karma,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Windows 10 is up and running. First impression is "Better than 8, but still Windows"
I have 6 or 7 minutes experience with it and I rebooted to Linux.
I've said it before, if I didn't like my games the only operating system I'd be using is Linux because I'd have no need for Windows.
I don't do games. The only thing I use Windows for is the County Assessor's website which uses silverlight. There is no Linux alternative. I think Microsoft has even given up on it, but Baldwin County hasn't changed over.
I've been watching the weather news down Ringel's way. Hope it isn't too torrential. Since our close call earlier this year, and seeing all the devastation in other parts of the country, I'm watching weather in other places lots more closely.
I'm planning on ordering a pair of draw knives. I want to build a pole barn next summer to house my goats when I move to my "country" place permanently. The price of lumber the size I need it is outrageous. BINGO! I have 200 acres of birch and spruce trees. There's almost an acre's worth of birch stacked and seasoned. So I figure, pole barn needs poles, I'll skin and trim the requisite trees into poles and use those. Cheap if one discounts the sweat equity in such a project. And, if I get this University job, I'll have a couple of months to work on this project (among others). So, I meet my partner for breakfast this morning and start to tell him my plan. Well, first, that's too much work. So I offer to find someone who will mill the lumber...what am I, made of money?!! So one plan is too much work (work I will be doing, mind you) and the other plan costs too much. And this from a guy who just blew a couple thousand dollars buying a snow machine neither of us will use! Oh, F**k him! I've ordered the draw knives and will be working as often as possible on my barn. I'm also smart enough to rent a post hole digger for the poles, unlike ass-man, who would rather dig them by hand.
Shit, I wish I could marry this ass so I could file for divorce the very next week! Getting rid of business partners seems a tad more problematic than "firing" domestic partners.
Thanks for letting me vent. You guys are gems.
I just got rid of someone who was both. Thankfully I only had t buy her out of Doc's.
I got the cherry. What I got, was 30 planks 7.5 feet long, 6" wide and about 1 1/4 inch thick plus 2 7.5' x 14 wide x 1.25 thick pieces or about 125 board feet when jointed and planed.
It's worth at least 4 times what I paid for it.
I also got another 20 BF of 6 and 8 quarter white oak. Damn! it's some good looking wood I think the oak will become rails for a dining room table and chairs that I will make out of the cherry.
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Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! :) I did!

Today is the day I have to have the PPD test area checked. It is completely gone now, so I don't know what they are going to look at. I wonder if I should call them and tell them that there is really nothing to even look at. You cannot even see where I had it anymore. :dunno: I'm going to go there so they can look at nothing basically.
Good mornign everybody. Slept in a bit this morning as sleep was fitful last night--a couple of hours of sleep followed by a period of wide awake then a couple more hours of sleep. Hope that phase passes soon.

But during one of my awake periods this morning I was watching the morning news and stuff, and they cited a new study that indicates that the perfect bedtime for adults is precisely 10:37 p.m. So set your alarms. Oh, and the same study indicated that we should all be wearing cotton jammies to bed.

I usually only require like 5-7 hours per night. I don't ever sleep 8 hours. I can't. My dad was the same way. He would normally get 5 hours of sleep every night. He would be up late at night and arise early in the morning. Must be hereditary or something.

Could that something be...


Nope, I've always been like that, and my dad wasn't a big coffee drinker. He was a beer drinker and he was the same. Lol.
Hard to say as the dog is on the other side of glass door.

I have witnessed women go to greater lengths in pursuit of chocolate. Just saying.

I love chocolate but if I eat too much, I get a belly ache. :D

I can enjoy chocolate but if there is another favorite flavor available I will almost always choose the other. I don't know how I am the only one in my family who is not a choc-o-holic.
The wind is calming down with gusts down to 20 mph and fairly steady about 10 mph. I just emptied the rain gauge at 5.5"
Yet another Patricia making my life inconvenient. I divorced to first one.
The wind is calming down with gusts down to 20 mph and fairly steady about 10 mph. I just emptied the rain gauge at 5.5"
Yet another Patricia making my life inconvenient. I divorced to first one.

Seems like the name of that hurricane was significant to a lot of people who have had a patricia in their lives. My cousin Patricia is a little unusual but not in an unpleasant way and I don't think I have any other Patricias in my life. When I hear "Patricia" I think of the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" in which "Patricia" was Miranda Priestly's Saint Bernard.
I am sitting drumming my fingers, waiting for a game to finish downloading from steam. I am downloading Wolfenstein the old blood. But I am not sure if my processor is going to be fast enough to play it. Hence the drumming of fingers, while I wait for ages for my download to complete.
The wind is calming down with gusts down to 20 mph and fairly steady about 10 mph. I just emptied the rain gauge at 5.5"
Yet another Patricia making my life inconvenient. I divorced to first one.
As long as you have at least a mini-ark available you should be alright.
Well I dun downloaded Wolfenstein and at first I though it was not going to work because the introduction juddered , but when the actual game started it seemed ok. Time will tell.
Nope, the first time I played it was a fluke, now the game keeps locking up. Bummer.
My old duo-core would play that with no problem.
I keep tellin' ya, you need a new computer......... :D
Or add a 1 gig (minimum) graphics card.

I had my computer built to my specs one year ago and it has 8gigs of ram and a 1 gig video gforce card.
But the processor is only 3.2 gig intel and it is clearly the problem. What is worse I just checked the system requirements and I will not be able to play doom 4 either. CURSES, CURSES.
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I just loaded serious sam 2nd edition on my computer and it was made for windows xp, but it does run on windows 7. But after a few minutes of playing it I uninstalled it, because it is too much of a come down compared to modern games.
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Nope, the first time I played it was a fluke, now the game keeps locking up. Bummer.
My old duo-core would play that with no problem.
I keep tellin' ya, you need a new computer......... :D
Or add a 1 gig (minimum) graphics card.

I had my computer built to my specs one year ago and it has 8megs ram and a 1 gig video gforce card.
But the processor is only 3.2 gig intel and it is clearly the problem. What is worse I just checked the system requirements and I will not be able to play doom 4 either. CURSES, CURSES.

Clearly you meant 8 gigs of RAM. :)

You should check what kind of chip your motherboard can handle. It might not cost that much to upgrade if it will help and you don't want to put together a whole new machine. :dunno:
Nope, the first time I played it was a fluke, now the game keeps locking up. Bummer.
My old duo-core would play that with no problem.
I keep tellin' ya, you need a new computer......... :D
Or add a 1 gig (minimum) graphics card.

I had my computer built to my specs one year ago and it has 8megs ram and a 1 gig video gforce card.
But the processor is only 3.2 gig intel and it is clearly the problem. What is worse I just checked the system requirements and I will not be able to play doom 4 either. CURSES, CURSES.

Clearly you meant 8 gigs of RAM. :)

You should check what kind of chip your motherboard can handle. It might not cost that much to upgrade if it will help and you don't want to put together a whole new machine. :dunno:

I was just looking at processors and an intel i7 costs over three hundred pounds. that is almost as much as I paid for my entire base unit. In any case I doubt my motherboard would handle it.

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