USMB Coffee Shop IV

Great night at Doc's We had a band called Rhythm Intervention. Great Reggae and a lot of classic rock with an Island twist. Everyone loved them and they will be back 1/22/16
Happy Saturday everybody. Hope all are looking forward to a good weekend.

Was just reading an article about an odd question Goldman Sachs includes in its job interviews, presumably to test the applicant's ability to think outside the box, think creatively, or maybe sense of humor:

"If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?"

To me it was a fairly easy question. I would flatten myself against the side to be out of reach of the blades and gather enough material to build a platform under my feet until I could reach the top, punch off the lid, and slither out.

Seems to me the correct answer would be "as a liquid"....

When you wanted escape you could just start whining, "oh, pour me" :eusa_shifty:
Bummer, I got woken up at 4AM by a loud crashing noise. I was dozing and I was not sure if I dreamed it. So I got up and searched the flat for burglars and found the toilet ceiling has fallen down. There are lumps of plaster everywhere including down the toilet. I will have a clean up job in the morning. I am still awake at 5AM because it disturbed me too much to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well do some web surfing.
Bummer, I got woken up at 4AM by a loud crashing noise. I was dozing and I was not sure if I dreamed it. So I got up and searched the flat for burglars and found the toilet ceiling has fallen down. There are lumps of plaster everywhere including down the toilet. I will have a clean up job in the morning. I am still awake at 5AM because it disturbed me too much to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well do some web surfing.

Let me try to find the bright, at least it wasn't an intruder? ;)
Bummer, I got woken up at 4AM by a loud crashing noise. I was dozing and I was not sure if I dreamed it. So I got up and searched the flat for burglars and found the toilet ceiling has fallen down. There are lumps of plaster everywhere including down the toilet. I will have a clean up job in the morning. I am still awake at 5AM because it disturbed me too much to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well do some web surfing.

Let me try to find the bright, at least it wasn't an intruder? ;)

No ! thanks, its quite difficult to break into my flat, I have made sure of that. Because I would find it difficult to sleep if I thought I might wake up to find a burglar standing over me.
But the plaster is a real mess. It is everywhere and I picked up the lumps but the dust is all over me. It will not come out of the carpet, and there is a big hole in the ceiling with loose plaster around it. It may fall down again.
Bummer, I got woken up at 4AM by a loud crashing noise. I was dozing and I was not sure if I dreamed it. So I got up and searched the flat for burglars and found the toilet ceiling has fallen down. There are lumps of plaster everywhere including down the toilet. I will have a clean up job in the morning. I am still awake at 5AM because it disturbed me too much to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well do some web surfing.

Let me try to find the bright, at least it wasn't an intruder? ;)

No ! thanks, its quite difficult to break into my flat, I have made sure of that. Because I would find it difficult to sleep if I thought I might wake up to find a burglar standing over me.
But the plaster is a real mess. It is everywhere and I picked up the lumps but the dust is all over me. It will not come out of the carpet, and there is a big hole in the ceiling with loose plaster around it. It may fall down again.

Do you own your flat Dajjal or do you lease/rent? I don't know how things are over there, but here this would be the landlord's headache and he would be required by law to fix it.
Happy Saturday everybody. Hope all are looking forward to a good weekend.

Was just reading an article about an odd question Goldman Sachs includes in its job interviews, presumably to test the applicant's ability to think outside the box, think creatively, or maybe sense of humor:

"If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?"

To me it was a fairly easy question. I would flatten myself against the side to be out of reach of the blades and gather enough material to build a platform under my feet until I could reach the top, punch off the lid, and slither out.

Seems to me the correct answer would be "as a liquid"....

When you wanted escape you could just start whining, "oh, pour me" :eusa_shifty:

Well that is a thought, but the liquid you would become part of god knows what else. I think I would prefer to escape intact. :)
Bummer, I got woken up at 4AM by a loud crashing noise. I was dozing and I was not sure if I dreamed it. So I got up and searched the flat for burglars and found the toilet ceiling has fallen down. There are lumps of plaster everywhere including down the toilet. I will have a clean up job in the morning. I am still awake at 5AM because it disturbed me too much to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well do some web surfing.

Let me try to find the bright, at least it wasn't an intruder? ;)

No ! thanks, its quite difficult to break into my flat, I have made sure of that. Because I would find it difficult to sleep if I thought I might wake up to find a burglar standing over me.
But the plaster is a real mess. It is everywhere and I picked up the lumps but the dust is all over me. It will not come out of the carpet, and there is a big hole in the ceiling with loose plaster around it. It may fall down again.

Do you own your flat Dajjal or do you lease/rent? I don't know how things are over there, but here this would be the landlord's headache and he would be required by law to fix it.

I rent and so far I am hoping not to have to call the landlord as I do not want the trouble of having a new ceiling, but if any more plaster falls down I suppose I will have to bother them.
Bummer, I got woken up at 4AM by a loud crashing noise. I was dozing and I was not sure if I dreamed it. So I got up and searched the flat for burglars and found the toilet ceiling has fallen down. There are lumps of plaster everywhere including down the toilet. I will have a clean up job in the morning. I am still awake at 5AM because it disturbed me too much to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well do some web surfing.

Let me try to find the bright, at least it wasn't an intruder? ;)

No ! thanks, its quite difficult to break into my flat, I have made sure of that. Because I would find it difficult to sleep if I thought I might wake up to find a burglar standing over me.
But the plaster is a real mess. It is everywhere and I picked up the lumps but the dust is all over me. It will not come out of the carpet, and there is a big hole in the ceiling with loose plaster around it. It may fall down again.

Do you own your flat Dajjal or do you lease/rent? I don't know how things are over there, but here this would be the landlord's headache and he would be required by law to fix it.

I rent and so far I am hoping not to have to call the landlord as I do not want the trouble of having a new ceiling, but if any more plaster falls down I suppose I will have to bother them.

I am no contractor or construction expert by any means, but I'm pretty sure plaster doesn't just 'fall down' for no reason. So unless you had an earthquake or a nuclear explosion nearby or something like that, my best guess is that you have a roof or plumbing leak or something like that. I would take the risk of the annoyance and call your landlord so that he could remedy the situation before there is much more serious and expensive damage.
I ate one scrambled egg with Mrs Dash (trying to cut out the salt intake), then laid down and slept for an hour. Then I ate a nice salad only and had some hot green tea. So far, throbs here and there but nothing major. No tears anyway. Whew!

I noticed that if I get "stopped up" and am eating the wrong foods....once the "stopping up" passes, my joints feel better. Which proves my theory and what I have read on google and bing, that foods you eat do affect how your body reacts. So...I'm sticking with veggie and fruit snacks for the rest of the night, and maybe tomorrow for a "fast" to clean everything out of my body. Then, I start the mediterranean diet, (gluten free of course).
I found this on google and bookmarked it. Interesting.

If you scroll down half way, it gives a meal plan menu.

Mediterranean Diet 101: A Meal Plan That Can Save Your Life

What a terrible diet for me.....I don't eat any seafood. :p

I actually have considered trying something like Soylent. It sounds terrible, but it's a sort of shake which supposedly has everything your body needs; according to the maker, you could eat nothing else and be healthy (you still need to drink, of course). I've read a few stories from people who have tried it as an exclusive diet for a short time and they were positive about the health aspects. The problem is that you are having the same thing every day. Maybe if I could only eat Cheez Its or Goldfish I could do that, but I don't know if I could only have one thing all the time otherwise. :lol: Still, it's something I've thought about trying just to see how it might improve my issues with a delicate digestive system.

My surgeon put me on a product called Boost - available at your local pharmacy or grocery store. It is loaded with high protein, fiber, and multi vitamins and minerals--they taste good and one pretty well knocks down your appetite for some time. Now that my protein and albumin have returned to normal after my surgery, I no longer have to take it. And I miss it.
I've seen the Boost thing. Might give it a try. Currently, I am drinking one Ensure a day. Sometimes two.
Close to the end of his life, my Dad was drinking Boost. I'm not sure how much it really helped him, though.
Soylent Green? :ack-1:
Don't knock it till you've tried it........ :lol:

Now available in multi-flavored packs......... And it's own cookbook.


Do those crackers look appetizing to you?

You do know they are made out of people? I just had to say it in case some of you had not seen the film.
I prefer my people roasted on an open fire with cannibals dancing round in glee, warchant carols being sung by a choir and lady fingers crisped and dipped in ghee. Everybody knows, some liver and some fava beans will help to make the evening bright.........
But only if you have a good Chianti.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's sore hand,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I guess you can take the new job off for now, Foxy. I was informed that they won't be hiring before the end of Spring semester, which means I'll be working graves at the airport at least until next Fall, if I get hired for the university gig.

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