USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's been real cold here for several days. This morning it was 18.
Yet all of the humming birds are doing just fine. Seems that they have adapted by molting for winter, like all of the other year round birds here. :)

Went to get our monthly groceries this morning, it really helps with the senior citizen discount. We saved over 62.00.

First Wednesday of the month is senior citizens discount day at the grocery store too. And you're right, it can make a difference but we get a 10% discount and we never spend $600+ at a whack. :)

Our monthly food bill is usually 200.00 to 300.00 each month.

I was just teasing you about your $62+ in savings. :) With all the loss leaders and coupons etc. available at our local Albertsons we usually have that much taken off our grocery bill too. We should, but we don't separate the actual food items from cleaning supplies and other non-food items that we buy at the local super market and that does distort the actual amount we pay for food.
Yup, take everything into account it's probably $400 to $500 per month for us.
This one is for GW who I think said last year he couldn't have a Christmas tree because it was too tempting for his cats?

Anti cat Christmas tree cage I wonder if you can get those on amazon?
I need caffeine!!!


That's better. Third day of Summer here and it's been hot, stormy and fantastic for riding my bike.

I need caffeine!!!


That's better. Third day of Summer here and it's been hot, stormy and fantastic for riding my bike.


Well hello Greg and we're happy you found the coffee shop. It's a great place for coffee or just about anything you can think up and a good group of folks to hang out with if things get too crazy out there on the other forums.

So a warm Coffee Shop welcome to gtopa1 and here's enough caffeine to get you going as your first timer's complimentary beverage:

And Hi Foxy, haven't been around in a while, so thought I'd stop in and see what was happening, and of course, it was shut down. What does that tell me? :lol:

Someone turned it off.


LOL, well yes in a way rhey did. In the three Coffee Shop threads that preceded this one, we had too many posts for the board to handle so they shut us down and asked us to reopen. I think they've fixed that problem now as we have been up and running for quite awhile now with no problems.
This one is for GW who I think said last year he couldn't have a Christmas tree because it was too tempting for his cats?

Anti cat Christmas tree cage I wonder if you can get those on amazon?

I don't know but there doesn't seem to be a much that you can't get on Amazon. :)

I have brought a lot of stuff from Amazon, mostly books, but I bought an uninterruptable power supply recently, and the other day I downloaded an old computer game from them too.

The only thing I don't like is they keep your credit card details in their data base. I am concerned they might get hacked.
This one is for GW who I think said last year he couldn't have a Christmas tree because it was too tempting for his cats?

Anti cat Christmas tree cage I wonder if you can get those on amazon?

I don't know but there doesn't seem to be a much that you can't get on Amazon. :)

I have brought a lot of stuff from Amazon, mostly books, but I bought an uninterruptable power supply recently, and the other day I downloaded an old computer game from them too.

The only thing I don't like is they keep your credit card details in their data base. I am concerned they might get hacked.

Well in truth, anybody you do business with on line with your credit card could keep your credit card details in their data base and not tell you. At least since Amazon is up front with it, they will advise us if they have been hacked so that we can take measures to change our credit card or whatever. I expect the chances of Amazon being hacked are the same as the credit card company or your bank being hacked.
Waiting for friends to arrive for a spirited game or 10 or so of 42 followed by a light lunch of our famous 2 x 4 soup and Sara Lee cheesecake. It is becoming a Thursday tradition for us.
Waiting for friends to arrive for a spirited game or 10 or so of 42 followed by a light lunch of our famous 2 x 4 soup and Sara Lee cheesecake. It is becoming a Thursday tradition for us.
This one is for GW who I think said last year he couldn't have a Christmas tree because it was too tempting for his cats?

Anti cat Christmas tree cage I wonder if you can get those on amazon?

I don't know but there doesn't seem to be a much that you can't get on Amazon. :)

I have brought a lot of stuff from Amazon, mostly books, but I bought an uninterruptable power supply recently, and the other day I downloaded an old computer game from them too.

The only thing I don't like is they keep your credit card details in their data base. I am concerned they might get hacked.

Well in truth, anybody you do business with on line with your credit card could keep your credit card details in their data base and not tell you. At least since Amazon is up front with it, they will advise us if they have been hacked so that we can take measures to change our credit card or whatever. I expect the chances of Amazon being hacked are the same as the credit card company or your bank being hacked.
Agreed. The big online retail markets will have security that is just as good or better than credit card companies. I'm not sure about Amazon but a lot of sites will let you choose whether or not to store your card info.

I wouldn't worry too much about places like Amazon Djjal. I don't know if you play many games, but have you tried getting them from Steam?

What is 42 and 2x4 soup?
I don't know if you play many games, but have you tried getting them from Steam?

Most of the games I have need to be registered with steam. But the game ' the seventh guest' is an old dos game that has been revamped for windows 7 and Amazon just happened to be supplying it.
I don't know if you play many games, but have you tried getting them from Steam?

For those who like games, I recommend ' the seventh guest' which you can download from Amazon for three pounds, or the equivalent in dollars. It took me twenty minutes to download it at 1 megabyte a second. It is an old dos game that has been updated for windows xp and windows seven. It takes place in a haunted house, and each room in the house has an interesting puzzle to solve.
The graphics are really good for the age of the game and it is fun. But make sure you get the updated version.

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