USMB Coffee Shop IV

I am sure everyone does this , I DVR shows and binge watch in the back round of being on the internet.

I do too Eaglewings. I have several favorite movies on DVR, some that I also have on DVD, so that I can watch them at will and I will watch a favorite movie or Star Trek episode or whatever over and over until I'm finally tired of it. Then I'll take a few weeks or months break on that movie or whatever and then do it all over again. These are movies I usually watch until I go to sleep. I wake up and they're over, and I reset them and go again. Takes a few nights to see a whole movie that way sometimes. :)

I do that too, lol
I absolutely hate commercials.. After going back to school and studied addiction I realized just how much some of these commercials affected my shopping. Like brainwashing people slowly to buy their product. Makes angry, unless if they are funny.
Okay, I'm off to physical therapy, which I am beginning to think I don't need formal PT sessions any more. I have the equipment to do the routines at home and we're to the point the therapist asks me what I want to do today. If she/he doesn't know what I need to do to today, why do I need to pay for physical therapy?
I am sure everyone does this , I DVR shows and binge watch in the back round of being on the internet.

I do too Eaglewings. I have several favorite movies on DVR, some that I also have on DVD, so that I can watch them at will and I will watch a favorite movie or Star Trek episode or whatever over and over until I'm finally tired of it. Then I'll take a few weeks or months break on that movie or whatever and then do it all over again. These are movies I usually watch until I go to sleep. I wake up and they're over, and I reset them and go again. Takes a few nights to see a whole movie that way sometimes. :)

I do that too, lol
I absolutely hate commercials.. After going back to school and studied addiction I realized just how much some of these commercials affected my shopping. Like brainwashing people slowly to buy their product. Makes angry, unless if they are funny.

I've watched all 144 episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer at least 7 times. :p It's been a few years since I watched any, I have too many shows I watch lately. There's so much TV nowadays that, despite all the crap, there is plenty of good stuff to watch.
I am sure everyone does this , I DVR shows and binge watch in the back round of being on the internet.

I do too Eaglewings. I have several favorite movies on DVR, some that I also have on DVD, so that I can watch them at will and I will watch a favorite movie or Star Trek episode or whatever over and over until I'm finally tired of it. Then I'll take a few weeks or months break on that movie or whatever and then do it all over again. These are movies I usually watch until I go to sleep. I wake up and they're over, and I reset them and go again. Takes a few nights to see a whole movie that way sometimes. :)

I do that too, lol
I absolutely hate commercials.. After going back to school and studied addiction I realized just how much some of these commercials affected my shopping. Like brainwashing people slowly to buy their product. Makes angry, unless if they are funny.

I've watched all 144 episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer at least 7 times. :p It's been a few years since I watched any, I have too many shows I watch lately. There's so much TV nowadays that, despite all the crap, there is plenty of good stuff to watch.

There is but somebody with my tastes and requirements for satisfactory entertainment really REALLY has to hunt for it. For me, for every good program on TV there are at least 100 channels showing stuff I have no interest in or wouldn't watch if you paid me.
Have a good one, when you get back ...did you have surgery?

Yes, in September, but I have a severe frozen left shoulder I believe mostly unrelated to the surgery and we've been working on that for awhile. It is painfully--literally painfully :)--slow progress, but we're gradually getting there.
I am sure everyone does this , I DVR shows and binge watch in the back round of being on the internet.

I do too Eaglewings. I have several favorite movies on DVR, some that I also have on DVD, so that I can watch them at will and I will watch a favorite movie or Star Trek episode or whatever over and over until I'm finally tired of it. Then I'll take a few weeks or months break on that movie or whatever and then do it all over again. These are movies I usually watch until I go to sleep. I wake up and they're over, and I reset them and go again. Takes a few nights to see a whole movie that way sometimes. :)

I do that too, lol
I absolutely hate commercials.. After going back to school and studied addiction I realized just how much some of these commercials affected my shopping. Like brainwashing people slowly to buy their product. Makes angry, unless if they are funny.
I'm unsellable, no one can persuade me to buy anything I don't already want, and I know all the sales tricks. As for commercials I find some funny, some banally insipid and the rest just ignorable. When the wife is watching TV she mutes the commercials, I rarely watch TV, so it's not really an issue for me. I prevent pop ups on my browser and run Adblock, any spam I receive in my email accounts are reported to Google and I dropped Yahoo and AOL because of their approved targeted spamming.
Dropped Windows 10 because it's really adware disguised as an operating system and I won't use Apple for the same reason and I don't put apps on my cell phone that advertise.
I am sure everyone does this , I DVR shows and binge watch in the back round of being on the internet.

I do too Eaglewings. I have several favorite movies on DVR, some that I also have on DVD, so that I can watch them at will and I will watch a favorite movie or Star Trek episode or whatever over and over until I'm finally tired of it. Then I'll take a few weeks or months break on that movie or whatever and then do it all over again. These are movies I usually watch until I go to sleep. I wake up and they're over, and I reset them and go again. Takes a few nights to see a whole movie that way sometimes. :)

I do that too, lol
I absolutely hate commercials.. After going back to school and studied addiction I realized just how much some of these commercials affected my shopping. Like brainwashing people slowly to buy their product. Makes angry, unless if they are funny.

I've watched all 144 episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer at least 7 times. :p It's been a few years since I watched any, I have too many shows I watch lately. There's so much TV nowadays that, despite all the crap, there is plenty of good stuff to watch.

There is but somebody with my tastes and requirements for satisfactory entertainment really REALLY has to hunt for it. For me, for every good program on TV there are at least 100 channels showing stuff I have no interest in or wouldn't watch if you paid me.

I generally will watch a show's premier if it sounds at all interesting and use that as a measure to either keep trying or just give up.
There are times I feel like the Black Knight in Monty Python's the Holy Grail.........

I bet you actually watched that movie. Guys love it. I just won't. :)

That movie is a classic. We quote stuff from it all the time. Castle Anthrax was great: "But first, the oral sex...then the spankings!" "First me!" "Then me!"...
Or the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch: " And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
Lots of great stuff in that movie!

[grins sheepishly] Just sayin'...

LOL, I guess you just have to be a guy. :)

. . .or Chris. :)

I know plenty of women who like Monty Python. :eusa_think: Why do you think only men would enjoy it?

Lots of men dressing up like women?

? That's a reason why women don't like it? Lol. I don't think so. :D I'm quite sure that plenty of women like it.
Okay, I'm off to physical therapy, which I am beginning to think I don't need formal PT sessions any more. I have the equipment to do the routines at home and we're to the point the therapist asks me what I want to do today. If she/he doesn't know what I need to do to today, why do I need to pay for physical therapy?

Hope everything is going well!
I am sure everyone does this , I DVR shows and binge watch in the back round of being on the internet.

I do too Eaglewings. I have several favorite movies on DVR, some that I also have on DVD, so that I can watch them at will and I will watch a favorite movie or Star Trek episode or whatever over and over until I'm finally tired of it. Then I'll take a few weeks or months break on that movie or whatever and then do it all over again. These are movies I usually watch until I go to sleep. I wake up and they're over, and I reset them and go again. Takes a few nights to see a whole movie that way sometimes. :)

I do that too, lol
I absolutely hate commercials.. After going back to school and studied addiction I realized just how much some of these commercials affected my shopping. Like brainwashing people slowly to buy their product. Makes angry, unless if they are funny.
I'm unsellable, no one can persuade me to buy anything I don't already want, and I know all the sales tricks. As for commercials I find some funny, some banally insipid and the rest just ignorable. When the wife is watching TV she mutes the commercials, I rarely watch TV, so it's not really an issue for me. I prevent pop ups on my browser and run Adblock, any spam I receive in my email accounts are reported to Google and I dropped Yahoo and AOL because of their approved targeted spamming.
Dropped Windows 10 because it's really adware disguised as an operating system and I won't use Apple for the same reason and I don't put apps on my cell phone that advertise.

I've got a bridge I want to sell you! Don't forget, I'm doing this for YOU because it's such a great deal. Buy now or lose your discounted price! :D
Okay, I'm off to physical therapy, which I am beginning to think I don't need formal PT sessions any more. I have the equipment to do the routines at home and we're to the point the therapist asks me what I want to do today. If she/he doesn't know what I need to do to today, why do I need to pay for physical therapy?

Hope everything is going well!

It is frustratingly slow, but yes all is going well. Progress is measured in tiny pieces but I am making progress.
Okay, I'm off to physical therapy, which I am beginning to think I don't need formal PT sessions any more. I have the equipment to do the routines at home and we're to the point the therapist asks me what I want to do today. If she/he doesn't know what I need to do to today, why do I need to pay for physical therapy?

Hope everything is going well!

It is frustratingly slow, but yes all is going well. Progress is measured in tiny pieces but I am making progress.

Are you able to drive comfortably now?
Have a good one, when you get back ...did you have surgery?

Yes, in September, but I have a severe frozen left shoulder I believe mostly unrelated to the surgery and we've been working on that for awhile. It is painfully--literally painfully :)--slow progress, but we're gradually getting there.

I am dealing with a similar thing, I had surgery last June, in my armpit, my underarm froze and had to lift my arm over my head for radiation. It was so painful, but now my armpit is unfrozen... :)

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