USMB Coffee Shop IV

This is for those of you who know SFC Ollie who was the very first member to join the Coffee Shop when it first opened and an important part of our family here for years, his beloved Colonel crossed the rainbow bridge today. Sending him and Mrs. O comfort and love.


I'm not familiar with this poster or his pet, but please send my condolences.
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Montrovant, it is not about remembering everything you learned, it is being exposed to all of it so it is easier to relearn if your job requires it. For instance I may not remember if a plant has a cell wall or not, but the fact I know there is a question to be answered puts me ahead of someone that never heard of one.

Well, up to now I've been mostly solving problems where I just have to insert or replace a bit of code. When I get further along and they have me writing my own code from scratch, I'll probably need to know a lot of what I'm learning now. :dunno:

I took a little bit of programming but I think everything I learned is now obsolete, besides the fact that I don't really remember much about it. I learned Basic though. Lol. :D
Montrovant, it is not about remembering everything you learned, it is being exposed to all of it so it is easier to relearn if your job requires it. For instance I may not remember if a plant has a cell wall or not, but the fact I know there is a question to be answered puts me ahead of someone that never heard of one.

Well, up to now I've been mostly solving problems where I just have to insert or replace a bit of code. When I get further along and they have me writing my own code from scratch, I'll probably need to know a lot of what I'm learning now. :dunno:

Don't you have texts or places you can go to look things up? I studied a heck of a lot of stuff in college that I needed later on, but had to go back and look it up. But because I had studied the information, I knew what to look up and where to find it.

Yeah, there's places to look things up, including from Oracle (the company that owns Java). If I have to keep looking up each new type of code I learn, how to implement all of the myriad methods of doing things, though, I don't think I'll be able to do much with it.

There are a few reasons I might not be getting some of this as quickly as I think I should. The class is actually from a school in Spain, so there's some language issues; I'm not doing direct interaction with teachers, just watching videos and trying to solve problems, sometimes reading posts from other students to see if they provide clearer answers; and I haven't been doing it for very long, so I don't know what kind of pace of learning is reasonable.

I did well in school when I was young, but once I moved down to Florida in 10th grade, I pretty much abandoned it. Even when I was doing well, it wasn't a matter of enjoying the work I don't think, more that I was intelligent enough that the work was fairly easy for me and I was around a bunch of other intelligent kids, so getting work done and getting good grades was socially important. Once I lost that after moving, school was just boring and I ended up quitting and getting a GED (well, technically they kicked me out because I wasn't going, I didn't formally drop out :p).

So yeah, it's been a long time since I was in school and longer since I actually tried to work at it.

I'm just afraid of making the wrong choice in getting some sort of college degree because once I do I may just be stuck with it.

Oh, you are probably going to do fine. You are just a little nervous about a career change probably. :) Chin up!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


That is AWESOME! I would totally live there. :D
omg...I got a sunburn today. It was...drumroll....85 degrees! Tomorrow, they said its going to be hotter. No wonder I have felt so blahhhhhh today. One day I'm in front of the heater and it's 49 degrees outside, the next, it's 85. Old bodies have a hard time adjusting to that shit.
Gallant Warrior....hows the goats? Whats the weather like in Alaska? How are the kids in Korea?
I have an insurance medical exam at 11. I am suppose to fast, so the sprinkle covered frosted donut sits at my desk waiting. Sort of staring at me waiting. Mostly waiting.
Good morning everybody. Up and at it. Hombre and I washed last night's dishes together, I'm enjoying my quark shake before I have a cup of coffee. Then soon will get dressed for a Senior Saints luncheon at noon that I am a bit apprehensive about. I was team leader for the ministry for three years and have been on the ministry team as communications person for the last four. But after a thriving ministry for 20 years, so many of the old timers have died off, moved away, or are no longer physically able to participate, attendance has dropped off to just a handful from 100+ seniors who once participated. We just haven't attracted younger more active senior citizens to the group in the last couple of years. We are going to be discussing whether to continue or close up shop. I just hope the discussion goes well. I know in my heart that when it is time to move on and do something different, it is time, but for those who have been active and made it work for all these years, that is a very painful prospect. And they don't want to close it on their watch. Ah well. What will be will be.
Have you polled the seniors not participating? Maybe garner some ideas to draw them in?

Not in any kind of formal way. I am personally reluctant to make people feel guilty or put them on the spot when they just aren't sufficiently interested to make the effort for Senior Saints. We have a very large congregation with a ton of stuff going on, and if they prefer to participate in other ways, they should be allowed to feel good about that. And we should not keep a ministry that has run it course going for our own vanity. Or something like that. :)

In all honesty it has become something of a chore for me. I love doing communications--that is a labor of love--but attending the luncheons and other activities usually feels more like a duty than something I really look forward to. (Though I do enjoy visiting and being with the folks when I get there.) I just enjoy other things more. I suspect that in a nutshell is the problem for most.
Good morning everybody. Up and at it. Hombre and I washed last night's dishes together, I'm enjoying my quark shake before I have a cup of coffee. Then soon will get dressed for a Senior Saints luncheon at noon that I am a bit apprehensive about. I was team leader for the ministry for three years and have been on the ministry team as communications person for the last four. But after a thriving ministry for 20 years, so many of the old timers have died off, moved away, or are no longer physically able to participate, attendance has dropped off to just a handful from 100+ seniors who once participated. We just haven't attracted younger more active senior citizens to the group in the last couple of years. We are going to be discussing whether to continue or close up shop. I just hope the discussion goes well. I know in my heart that when it is time to move on and do something different, it is time, but for those who have been active and made it work for all these years, that is a very painful prospect. And they don't want to close it on their watch. Ah well. What will be will be.
It's possible the local area your Senior Saints encompass has a much younger demographic now, you have to find a way to relate to them. There's also the normal ebb and flow of participation so yes, you may be at a point where it's no longer viable to continue, or continue at a minimal level for now. Over time the need will become high enough to ramp it back up or start afresh with a whole new group or even change the focus towards helping other groups of people like single parents or the homeless, gotta get the word out though.
The delivery crew showed up this morning with the shorter box spring. No more Fosby Flop high jump technique just to get into bed. No more leap of faith to get out. And Daisy the Mutt finds it easier to measure her jump to get into a cozy bed on a cold night.

The bed skirt Mom gave me for Christmas is no longer attractive because it lays in a bunch around the floor. I'll take it off and apologize to Mom for asking for it in the first place.

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