USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm home with the little one today. We're both sick, although she's a bit worse than me. We both have sore throats, she also has a belly ache. :(

The delivery crew showed up this morning with the shorter box spring. No more Fosby Flop high jump technique just to get into bed. No more leap of faith to get out. And Daisy the Mutt finds it easier to measure her jump to get into a cozy bed on a cold night.

The bed skirt Mom gave me for Christmas is no longer attractive because it lays in a bunch around the floor. I'll take it off and apologize to Mom for asking for it in the first place.
Hem it.......
Ugh, I'm not doing well with the free Java course I'm taking. I just got done with the third section. At the end of each section is an exam. At the end of section 1 I got a 90% on the exam. Section 2 I got a 75%. This time I got a 67%.

Admittedly, after I saw the correct answers and a little bit of the reasons for them, I understood, and one wrong question I really should have gotten right but I lost track of things, but still. That's a definite downward trend and I am thinking I may not be able to remember all of this programming crap; when I'm done (if I finish) will I have any clue how to do the basic things I learned in the beginning?

This is just making me pessimistic about my ability to finish any sort of degree and remember the majority of the information. It's not like I'm going to enjoy any class I take; it's just a means to an end, that being a job when I can't nanny anymore.

I'm intelligent enough to understand how things work (particularly with a good teacher, which admittedly I don't really have in this Java class) but I don't trust my memory for things I don't enjoy.

Ah, all the reasons that I'm not an overly happy person come to the fore when I have to worry about how I will deal with the future when my situation changes. :blowup:

On a happier note, the little one did great in karate today. She got new stripes on her belt and will be testing to go up in color next week. She's still a 6 year old girl who's only taken a dozen or so classes, but she does a very good job while she's with her sensei. If only I could get her to practice at home.....

Try taking notes by hand and then copying them all into another notebook. That really helped me remember things when I was going to school. :) Writing everything twice really helps you to retain the information. Also . . . practice, practice, practice as often as possible. I don't know about you, but the easiest way for me to learn is to actually do it, and repetition always helps.
It's proven that if one writes the lesson down as opposed to simply reading it memory retention increases dramatically.
Ugh, I'm not doing well with the free Java course I'm taking. I just got done with the third section. At the end of each section is an exam. At the end of section 1 I got a 90% on the exam. Section 2 I got a 75%. This time I got a 67%.

Admittedly, after I saw the correct answers and a little bit of the reasons for them, I understood, and one wrong question I really should have gotten right but I lost track of things, but still. That's a definite downward trend and I am thinking I may not be able to remember all of this programming crap; when I'm done (if I finish) will I have any clue how to do the basic things I learned in the beginning?

This is just making me pessimistic about my ability to finish any sort of degree and remember the majority of the information. It's not like I'm going to enjoy any class I take; it's just a means to an end, that being a job when I can't nanny anymore.

I'm intelligent enough to understand how things work (particularly with a good teacher, which admittedly I don't really have in this Java class) but I don't trust my memory for things I don't enjoy.

Ah, all the reasons that I'm not an overly happy person come to the fore when I have to worry about how I will deal with the future when my situation changes. :blowup:

On a happier note, the little one did great in karate today. She got new stripes on her belt and will be testing to go up in color next week. She's still a 6 year old girl who's only taken a dozen or so classes, but she does a very good job while she's with her sensei. If only I could get her to practice at home.....

Try taking notes by hand and then copying them all into another notebook. That really helped me remember things when I was going to school. :) Writing everything twice really helps you to retain the information. Also . . . practice, practice, practice as often as possible. I don't know about you, but the easiest way for me to learn is to actually do it, and repetition always helps.
It's proven that if one writes the lesson down as opposed to simply reading it memory retention increases dramatically.

Works for me! :)
Ugh, I'm not doing well with the free Java course I'm taking. I just got done with the third section. At the end of each section is an exam. At the end of section 1 I got a 90% on the exam. Section 2 I got a 75%. This time I got a 67%.

Admittedly, after I saw the correct answers and a little bit of the reasons for them, I understood, and one wrong question I really should have gotten right but I lost track of things, but still. That's a definite downward trend and I am thinking I may not be able to remember all of this programming crap; when I'm done (if I finish) will I have any clue how to do the basic things I learned in the beginning?

This is just making me pessimistic about my ability to finish any sort of degree and remember the majority of the information. It's not like I'm going to enjoy any class I take; it's just a means to an end, that being a job when I can't nanny anymore.

I'm intelligent enough to understand how things work (particularly with a good teacher, which admittedly I don't really have in this Java class) but I don't trust my memory for things I don't enjoy.

Ah, all the reasons that I'm not an overly happy person come to the fore when I have to worry about how I will deal with the future when my situation changes. :blowup:

On a happier note, the little one did great in karate today. She got new stripes on her belt and will be testing to go up in color next week. She's still a 6 year old girl who's only taken a dozen or so classes, but she does a very good job while she's with her sensei. If only I could get her to practice at home.....

Try taking notes by hand and then copying them all into another notebook. That really helped me remember things when I was going to school. :) Writing everything twice really helps you to retain the information. Also . . . practice, practice, practice as often as possible. I don't know about you, but the easiest way for me to learn is to actually do it, and repetition always helps.
It's proven that if one writes the lesson down as opposed to simply reading it memory retention increases dramatically.

And practical application cements it into our recall mechanism even more efficiently. Plus practical application tends to help us remember that which we thought we have forgotten.
Good morning everybody. Up and at it. Hombre and I washed last night's dishes together, I'm enjoying my quark shake before I have a cup of coffee. Then soon will get dressed for a Senior Saints luncheon at noon that I am a bit apprehensive about. I was team leader for the ministry for three years and have been on the ministry team as communications person for the last four. But after a thriving ministry for 20 years, so many of the old timers have died off, moved away, or are no longer physically able to participate, attendance has dropped off to just a handful from 100+ seniors who once participated. We just haven't attracted younger more active senior citizens to the group in the last couple of years. We are going to be discussing whether to continue or close up shop. I just hope the discussion goes well. I know in my heart that when it is time to move on and do something different, it is time, but for those who have been active and made it work for all these years, that is a very painful prospect. And they don't want to close it on their watch. Ah well. What will be will be.
It's possible the local area your Senior Saints encompass has a much younger demographic now, you have to find a way to relate to them. There's also the normal ebb and flow of participation so yes, you may be at a point where it's no longer viable to continue, or continue at a minimal level for now. Over time the need will become high enough to ramp it back up or start afresh with a whole new group or even change the focus towards helping other groups of people like single parents or the homeless, gotta get the word out though.

I know. Most of the people old enough for our group are still working, traveling extensively, and/or are heavily involved in other things. There just aren't as many really old folks who 'need' this ministry and there are other ways to accommodate them. In my gut, I suspect it is time to move on to something else.
The delivery crew showed up this morning with the shorter box spring. No more Fosby Flop high jump technique just to get into bed. No more leap of faith to get out. And Daisy the Mutt finds it easier to measure her jump to get into a cozy bed on a cold night.

The bed skirt Mom gave me for Christmas is no longer attractive because it lays in a bunch around the floor. I'll take it off and apologize to Mom for asking for it in the first place.
Hem it.......
It's burlap with a fringed edge. I would have to find someone who could basically disassemble it, cut six or seven inches from the seamed edge and then sew it all back together.

And then it would still hide the bottom of the foot board and the side rails of the bed. I dunno. I think I'll take my lumps with Mom rather than try to retrofit it.
The delivery crew showed up this morning with the shorter box spring. No more Fosby Flop high jump technique just to get into bed. No more leap of faith to get out. And Daisy the Mutt finds it easier to measure her jump to get into a cozy bed on a cold night.

The bed skirt Mom gave me for Christmas is no longer attractive because it lays in a bunch around the floor. I'll take it off and apologize to Mom for asking for it in the first place.

You have a lady friend with a sewing machine? Or do you? I hemmed up a too long bed skirt awhile back. It took about 30 minutes or so to press in and pin the new hem and then stitch it. And if you hem it and later need a longer bed skirt, just rip out the stitching in the new hem and voila, the old bed skirt is back.
The delivery crew showed up this morning with the shorter box spring. No more Fosby Flop high jump technique just to get into bed. No more leap of faith to get out. And Daisy the Mutt finds it easier to measure her jump to get into a cozy bed on a cold night.

The bed skirt Mom gave me for Christmas is no longer attractive because it lays in a bunch around the floor. I'll take it off and apologize to Mom for asking for it in the first place.

You have a lady friend with a sewing machine? Or do you? I hemmed up a too long bed skirt awhile back. It took about 30 minutes or so to press in and pin the new hem and then stitch it. And if you hem it and later need a longer bed skirt, just rip out the stitching in the new hem and voila, the old bed skirt is back.
I have a lady friend with a fistful of credit cards. That's how she makes clothes. I have an Aunt Roxie with a sewing machine though. She made this half a canopy for me:

Talking about favorite styles neither the wife or I like "foofy", we like the clean lines of Japanese style and craftsman but also some southwestern style tossed in. Even with those we're somewhat eclectic so toss in some mid-century modern and art deco.
Talking about favorite styles neither the wife or I like "foofy", we like the clean lines of Japanese style and craftsman but also some southwestern style tossed in. Even with those we're somewhat eclectic so toss in some mid-century modern and art deco.

I like country or traditional, but I like to keep it light on the decor. My mom has decorations on every square inch of her walls. I hate helping her clean! It takes hours just to dust all of her decorations. She's nuts like that. Lol. :lol: Her house looks like something out of one of those country home magazines.
Oh, funny story. When I was a teenager, my mom had all of these "country" dolls around the house. They are like rag dolls with no faces, so I cut out pictures from magazines and taped faces on all her dolls one day when I was bored as a joke. She got really mad though. :lol: Don't mess with momma's rag dolls.
Gallant Warrior....hows the goats? Whats the weather like in Alaska? How are the kids in Korea?
The goats are doing well, only three bred for spring to keep the work load down. I'll miss the tons of fun that a couple of dozen kids provide, though. Weather here has been strange, and brutal. Little snow and lots of ice. Both the partner and I crashed yesterday, despite wearing ice cleats on our boots. The goats hate ice almost as much as they hate standing water. The family is in Japan (Okinawa) and my daughter loves it there. Plenty of farm-fresh produce and courteous and clean citizens. Thanks for asking.
How are things going for you, Gracie?
Warm here, relatively considered. It makes things slick as s**t, though. The partner stayed here and skipped work last night because he slipped and jammed his hip yesterday. The chiropractor helped a bit this morning, but I am so hoping he'll head home after he feeds the goats. I can only take so much of the passive-aggressive BS before I start getting....unpleasant.
Hopefully, all the CS co-habitants are doing well and enjoying life?

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