USMB Coffee Shop IV

Warm here, relatively considered. It makes things slick as s**t, though. The partner stayed here and skipped work last night because he slipped and jammed his hip yesterday. The chiropractor helped a bit this morning, but I am so hoping he'll head home after he feeds the goats. I can only take so much of the passive-aggressive BS before I start getting....unpleasant.
Hopefully, all the CS co-habitants are doing well and enjoying life?

I'm doing well, thanks. :) Hope things get better for you today!
And with the final bedding all set, here's the bed!

And my repainted and repurposed sofa table!

I like the wall treatment! I tend to use wall paper and trim to generate some unique looks for my rooms, as well.

Wallpaper looks so much nicer, but it's a lot of work to hang it, and then if you want to rip it down . . . yikes. Lol.
And with the final bedding all set, here's the bed!

And my repainted and repurposed sofa table!

It looks great Nosmo. And I think you and Daisy are both going to appreciate being down out of the stratosphere when it's bedtime now. I didn't realize how much a problem a high bed could be until I hurt my shoulder and couldn't use it much to help me get in and out of bed.
Warm here, relatively considered. It makes things slick as s**t, though. The partner stayed here and skipped work last night because he slipped and jammed his hip yesterday. The chiropractor helped a bit this morning, but I am so hoping he'll head home after he feeds the goats. I can only take so much of the passive-aggressive BS before I start getting....unpleasant.
Hopefully, all the CS co-habitants are doing well and enjoying life?

You didn't hurt yourself in your ice incident? I worry about you out there in the wilderness you know. :)
Saw this and immediately thought how true:

Warm here, relatively considered. It makes things slick as s**t, though. The partner stayed here and skipped work last night because he slipped and jammed his hip yesterday. The chiropractor helped a bit this morning, but I am so hoping he'll head home after he feeds the goats. I can only take so much of the passive-aggressive BS before I start getting....unpleasant.
Hopefully, all the CS co-habitants are doing well and enjoying life?

You didn't hurt yourself in your ice incident? I worry about you out there in the wilderness you know. :)
Hurt a hand, but it's better already. The partner is feeling his age, though. I wouldn't have fallen at all if the partner had not decided to open his truck door at that moment. I'm probably OK in my wilderness, actually. I'm considering withdrawing my application for the professorship, considering the two-way commute and the 8-9 hours of darkness I'll have to conduct my life outside of the University.
Gallant Warrior....hows the goats? Whats the weather like in Alaska? How are the kids in Korea?
The goats are doing well, only three bred for spring to keep the work load down. I'll miss the tons of fun that a couple of dozen kids provide, though. Weather here has been strange, and brutal. Little snow and lots of ice. Both the partner and I crashed yesterday, despite wearing ice cleats on our boots. The goats hate ice almost as much as they hate standing water. The family is in Japan (Okinawa) and my daughter loves it there. Plenty of farm-fresh produce and courteous and clean citizens. Thanks for asking.
How are things going for you, Gracie?
Things are going fine now that spring has sprung. Yes, it's summerish here. Santa Barbara was a whopping 91 today! Here, it got to around 85ish. Getting the same tomorrow. Only bad news rain in the forecast and we need MORE.
Glad to hear daughter is happy in Japan. It is a beautiful country and at least it has better air than China.

Tomorrow, we get our new roof put on. So at 8am sharp, gonna be a lot of thumping and banging over our heads. I hope the landlord doesn't raise the rent to pay for it but if he does..well...nothing much we can do about it. At least IF rain hits us later on in the month or even in March, we won't get flooded out.
Soaking the barrel in vinegar worked like a charm, 2 1/2 hours later all the bluing was dissolved, took some MAAS metal polishing cream to it (not to get a mirror finish) and it looks awesome now. The camera battery is dead so I'm waiting for it to recharge so I can take pictures. :thup:



It looked like this only the all the metal was blued.

Is this what they call a 'coach gun'?

When I asked a friend who fires single action pistols what type of gun I should buy for home defense, he told me either a coach gun or a pump action 12 gauge. I chose the 12 gauge. I fired it a couple times and then thoroughly cleaned it, loaded it and mounted it in one of my new closets. Should I unload it and clean it occasionally?

Pop never had guns and I was not schooled in the care and feeding of them. But I figure if I'm going to keep one in the house for the 'just in case', I should be responsible and care for it properly.

By the way, that's a beautiful and impressive weapon.
Talking about favorite styles neither the wife or I like "foofy", we like the clean lines of Japanese style and craftsman but also some southwestern style tossed in. Even with those we're somewhat eclectic so toss in some mid-century modern and art deco.

I like country or traditional, but I like to keep it light on the decor. My mom has decorations on every square inch of her walls. I hate helping her clean! It takes hours just to dust all of her decorations. She's nuts like that. Lol. :lol: Her house looks like something out of one of those country home magazines.
My brother's first wife, the woman I call the Spawn of Satan, was big on the country decor too. Their home looked as if an Amish gift shop exploded. What made it worse was Christmas when, rather than taking away most of the every day clutter, she would ladle more Christmas 'country' crap all over the place. It was a duster's nightmare!

By contrast, my brother's second wife had no style or decorative taste at all. And not a lot of housekeeping skills and ambition.

The third (and hopefully final spouse) is an avid housekeeper and she has a style and taste that screams comfortable modern. None of those cruel fiberglass chairs championed by the mid-century modernists. None of those Naugahyde upholstered sofas that fart when you move or stick to your flesh on humid summer days. Just stylish comfortable seating and floor coverings. The one part of her decor that is uncomfortable is the proliferation of photos of her only child. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy and he is a handsome man. But my sister-in-law bought the big selection of photos every year she took him to the photographer, which must have been every year even after he grew up and moved out and married himself. And she displays each and every picture.



It looked like this only the all the metal was blued.

Is this what they call a 'coach gun'?

When I asked a friend who fires single action pistols what type of gun I should buy for home defense, he told me either a coach gun or a pump action 12 gauge. I chose the 12 gauge. I fired it a couple times and then thoroughly cleaned it, loaded it and mounted it in one of my new closets. Should I unload it and clean it occasionally?

Pop never had guns and I was not schooled in the care and feeding of them. But I figure if I'm going to keep one in the house for the 'just in case', I should be responsible and care for it properly.

By the way, that's a beautiful and impressive weapon.
No, it's a muzzleloading 12 gage 1830s/1840s and up through the 1870s, the so called coach gun is a "break open" cartridge shotgun with a short barrel invented in the late 1860s, the term "coach gun" was coined in 1858 by Wells Fargo guards who preferred a shotgun over a rifle for defense when transporting money. One of the most prolific firearms in the west were shotguns one of the few "guns" that actually won the west.
This is the proverbial coach gun.


By the mid 1870s the internal hammer had been invented and basically from the mid 1880s on most shotguns were sold with internal hammers.


Unload the shotgun from time to time if it's a pump action to relieve tension on the springs, if it's a standard single or double barrel that you have to reload every time you fire it you can leave it loaded but I would switch out the cartilages once in a while.
Yes you should also clean it fairly regularly.

Here's a basic cleaning video.

What specific brand/model do you have?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.




It looked like this only the all the metal was blued.

Is this what they call a 'coach gun'?

When I asked a friend who fires single action pistols what type of gun I should buy for home defense, he told me either a coach gun or a pump action 12 gauge. I chose the 12 gauge. I fired it a couple times and then thoroughly cleaned it, loaded it and mounted it in one of my new closets. Should I unload it and clean it occasionally?

Pop never had guns and I was not schooled in the care and feeding of them. But I figure if I'm going to keep one in the house for the 'just in case', I should be responsible and care for it properly.

By the way, that's a beautiful and impressive weapon.
No, it's a muzzleloading 12 gage 1830s/1840s and up through the 1870s, the so called coach gun is a "break open" cartridge shotgun with a short barrel invented in the late 1860s, the term "coach gun" was coined in 1858 by Wells Fargo guards who preferred a shotgun over a rifle for defense when transporting money. One of the most prolific firearms in the west were shotguns one of the few "guns" that actually won the west.
This is the proverbial coach gun.


By the mid 1870s the internal hammer had been invented and basically from the mid 1880s on most shotguns were sold with internal hammers.


Unload the shotgun from time to time if it's a pump action to relieve tension on the springs, if it's a standard single or double barrel that you have to reload every time you fire it you can leave it loaded but I would switch out the cartilages once in a while.
Yes you should also clean it fairly regularly.

Here's a basic cleaning video.

What specific brand/model do you have?

It's a Mossburg 500 something.

Thanks for the information. It was a treatise on the history of shotguns and fascinating!

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