USMB Coffee Shop IV

Bad tornadoes in central Alabama last night though so hoping Kat does check in soon. I checked preliminary news reports and they're not reporting any serious injuries or deaths. Probably did screw up the power grid some though.

All is well for me...others not quite so fortunate.
7 plus 7=14
14 divided by 7=7
7 plus 7=14
7 times 7=28
7 minus 28=21

We've had this discussion before with similar types of problems. There's an order of operations with math, sometimes called PEMDAS. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. The multiplication and division are interchangeable, so you do them in left to right order. Same with addition and subtraction.

Order of Operations - PEMDAS

I did the multiplication and division first and then the addition and subtraction and got 50. Did you say the correct answer? If so, I must have skimmed over it. What's the answer? 50, right? :D
Making a bag similar to this one;


A Victorian (1860s) travel bag. Most were made from linen, mine is being constructed out of canvas.
That's cool. Travel bag. Like...a backpack sorta thing? What goes in it?
From what I can determine it's the 1860s version of carry on luggage. Most likely it would hold basic necessities and a change of underwear. Here's what I found;
The traveling satchel was to contain grooming items, a mirror, reading material, “crackers, or sandwiches, if [the traveler would] be long enough upon the road to need a luncheon.” The carpet bag was to contain “a large shawl,…night clothes, and…clean linen,” and, if a woman was to sleep the night in a railcar, a warm woolen or silk nightcap was to replace her bonnet at bedtime.

Traveling Etiquette and Tips for Victorian Women
yeah..i have heard of womens "satchel's" but guys usually just tied a bag together and hitched it over their shoulder.
So..whatcha making one for? Just for funzies?
Guys would carry them also if it's all they had and it's one of the most underrepresented items in living history/reenactments. If this goes over well at the monthly event at Fort Stanton I might make and sell them (online) to the reenactment community. I will also make them out of the proper linen and wool twill tape.

I do believe it's called Arrrr Conditionin'? lol. I used to live in Iowa for a short while. AWFUL humidity. I like small towns. Which is why I do love it here. I figure if we ever hafta move..we will just rent something else and keep getting roomies. But, it was nice to hear Ernie say "come on if you wanna come. Just pull yer own weight around here". Nothing scares me. And I mean nothing. Except being homeless. Which is why I bought the van. Now I am looking for a small trailer to pull. Where we go..our house goes with us. And I do like the pacific. Then again, I'm eyeballing wyoming too. Or maybe NM. Perhaps arizona, near Sedona. Like I said..who knows what will happen. One day at a time. :)

Go south young lady!! Montana? You will freeze and hurt!

And oh yes, I live by air

I only use air conditioning at night and only if it's really really hot. Normally, I'm fine with just my fan. Hot weather doesn't bother me as much as cold weather, which is ironic considering where I live. :rolleyes-41:
Okay everybody. Let's settle this issue once and for all. Which is the perfectly toasted toast?


Number 11. It needs raspberry jam though. ;) Then it would be perfect.

Agree though my favorite toast enhancer is a really good blackberry preserves.

I like jam because it spreads so easily. I like preserves but a little too chunky. Jelly is :cheeky-smiley-018:, don't like the texture of jelly too much.
Snow started about 7am, we are at 8" ten and a half hours later. Still coming down.

Well stay safe and hydrated and only shovel a bit at a time or better yet use a snow blower. We had snow off and on all day yesterday and into the night and the Sandias really got a good bunch. At our elevation it was too warm to stick much and has already melted though.
I woke up about an hour ago. 12 hours NON STOP sleep. Didn't wake up once! I guess I was just flat out tuckered out from the past week...but I do believe the flare is over now. DAYUM..that was a really sucky one, too.
But..I am back to meeeeeeeeeeeee! Yay!

Now I am playing catch up.

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