USMB Coffee Shop IV

I had thought that too. At least it wasn't 30 day notice. But still...
Like I said...never take anything for granted. Things can change on a dime.
I'll tell ya one thing...I will never look at someone homeless the same again. Especially after reading about those ladies in Santa Barbara. One lady is 62, had a good job, buying a condo. Lost her job, lost the condo, had no help from relatives or friends...winds up living in her car with her cocker spaniel.
Amen to that....AND usually when you least expect it.
And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I wonder how Kooshdaka is doing? I haven't seen her in a long time..not since Greta died. I think that was her dogs name? Anyway...she was having a rough time of it and I keep looking for her to how she is.
Well for a day of rest I'm been bustin' my butt. Going through more boxes which means unstacking, sorting, pulling out things to donate, sell or keep. I've also pulled out 3 boxes of old paperwork, bills, etc which I'm having to go through and shred, been shredding off and on most of the day and I've only three quarter emptied one box........ The shredder just shut down because it was overheating....... :lol:
He is 70, sick, and has personal issues. Where he is now is 1400 per month with stairs which he cannot handle anymore due to COPD and other health issues. He will never sell it. He wants it for himself or to let his family have which will pay a helluva lot more than what we are paying. If he put it on the market...which he will never do because it is paid for with no mortgage..he can get 375,000.00 for it....easily. Or more.

Ouch! my screen went black for a second then came back on, it scared the crap out of me. I thought my computer had gone bang.
Well for a day of rest I'm been bustin' my butt. Going through more boxes which means unstacking, sorting, pulling out things to donate, sell or keep. I've also pulled out 3 boxes of old paperwork, bills, etc which I'm having to go through and shred, been shredding off and on most of the day and I've only three quarter emptied one box........ The shredder just shut down because it was overheating....... :lol:

If you run out of boxes to go through, we have a bunch you can take a whirl at.
I have time. Not alot, but 4 months is better than a 30 day notice.

But thank you.

There is one other possibility--somebody who needs live in assistance--a little light housework, prepare simple meals, maybe do a little yard work in return for room and board.
I wonder how Kooshdaka is doing? I haven't seen her in a long time..not since Greta died. I think that was her dogs name? Anyway...she was having a rough time of it and I keep looking for her to how she is.

She only posted in the Coffee Shop once or twice and did not frequent any of the very few threads I participate in. So no information. . . .sorry
Happy Monday! :)


I'm always a legend in my own mind, but thanks Chris. So how is the new hospital gig going? Something that could develop into full time? Do you want it to?

I'm still just doing weekends 4 to midnight and sometimes filling in. It's going well though. Thanks for asking, Foxy! :) I hope everything is going well with you and your shoulder injury too.
Well for a day of rest I'm been bustin' my butt. Going through more boxes which means unstacking, sorting, pulling out things to donate, sell or keep. I've also pulled out 3 boxes of old paperwork, bills, etc which I'm having to go through and shred, been shredding off and on most of the day and I've only three quarter emptied one box........ The shredder just shut down because it was overheating....... :lol:

If you run out of boxes to go through, we have a bunch you can take a whirl at.
I have enough boxes to keep me busy for the next six months..........
Well for a day of rest I'm been bustin' my butt. Going through more boxes which means unstacking, sorting, pulling out things to donate, sell or keep. I've also pulled out 3 boxes of old paperwork, bills, etc which I'm having to go through and shred, been shredding off and on most of the day and I've only three quarter emptied one box........ The shredder just shut down because it was overheating....... :lol:

ugh. I hate doing the shredding of old bills and mail etc. I need to do it again now though.
We don't allow anything with our names on it to go in garbage. We shred...and shred.
We all need to chip in and buy some land. Have a commune.
Nah. we would kill each other. :lol:
Y'all don't need to buy any land. I have two hundred acres of birch and spruce forest. Oh,and some world class mountain views. You're welcome to lease a nice cabin (will build to suit).
Lease a cabin? How much is the lease? You'd hafta teach us the wild alaskan ways of compost toilets and stuff. And do you do tree houses? I'd be skeered of bears. Lots of bears in alaska, isn't there? Or...really thick logs for the cabin. :lol:
Lease would be negotiable for the right neighbors, we plan on being picky. I really haven't seen much bear sign around our place. Dogs tend to keep bears away. You'd be surprised how easy compost potties are. It's the wood burning that takes extra effort, but you can go for either wood pellets or coal, too. Or, the old propane fall back! Not much ocean front, though you might enjoy the Willow. As long as you weren't planning on having a sled dog kennel. I'm going to be rather picky about the number of dogs around. Dogs+livestock=potential problems.
2 old people that need 2 separate rooms so I would take the living room since I sleep in a recliner, the mister would take the bedroom. 2 old dogs that love cats, goats, chickens (especially the poop when they boop their butts and the chicken is surprised and pops out a treat). :lol:
Small one bedroom would suffice. NO STAIRS. We are too creaky to climb them.:lol:
Check your pm's later.

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