USMB Coffee Shop IV

I never told anyone, but a couple of years ago (on my 60th birthday), we had to be on foodstamps. In fact, yes, I think I did mention it but sttab was having such a field day about how poor I am, I didn't say much.
Anyway...just before my 62nd birthday, we sent them their foodstamp card back telling them we no longer needed it because I was getting my piddly 500 per month SS but it was enough to cover food since we both don't eat much anymore anyway...and the SS MrG gets, we could pay our share of utilities here, pay for gas, car insurance, etc.

A couple of months ago....we get a letter from the Foodstamp people stating they overpaid us 2400.00 and was THEIR mistake, but "you signed a form stating if there is an error, YOU are responsible regardless of which end made the mistake" and if we don't pay it..they will "file a judgement against us in a court of law" and file to possess our vehicles/goods/etc in the amount of $2400.00". So, we call and make arrangements to make 100 buck monthly payments and they agree and say fine, a statement will be in the mail. We are still waiting for it.
THEN, they said "just go back on foodstamps, and we will deduct the payment from the allotment you get each month" and I said "OH HAYELL NO! You will just fuck up again and we will be triple billed and triple threatened so NO THANKS".

So, we worked and paid into the system and at 60 years of age, we ask for the first time for help from the government for food....and now they want it all back.

Lovely, no?

That not only sucks, it makes me super mad! :mad:
Where the hell did you get the pic of my cabin, FF? :lol: I won't fight it. They want their damn money back, fine. But they will get it little piece at a time...NO INTEREST which they agreed to. Just a flat 2400 bucks and they will go away. And stay away as far as I'm concerned.

Warning to future possibilities of folks asking for food help from the government........DON'T!

Why don't they just come and beat you with a baseball bat...grrrrrrrr
I can't stand this...especially when someone is down.
Actually...I feel a whole lot better. No longer all freaked out. Maybe I got numb? ;)

I talk to the landlord tomorrow or the day after when I take him the rent. I am going to ask if more money on rent will make him feel better? If so, how much? Then I will turn the subject to him taking his house back and renting the front portion to US! We be his roomies! And if much would he want as our share (all the utilities are in MrGs name so why bother to switch it to owners name when they are already on?). And, he gets the whole back of the house and his own bathroom and its no different than the apartments where he is now cuz there is a wall separating the front to the back..or rather a door separating us. We share the kitchen and laundry room with him and we do what we have always done...maintain the house, do the yardwork, etc etc AND..most importantly..NO STEPS!

If he says no....then the next question is WHEN? After I get a straight answer, I know what I have to work with. If he says yes...then we can stay. Depending. If this whole thing comes to naught, then at least I know what I'm dealing with and how long I have to deal. And I have other options now. Sorta. I'll know in a few days. But for now....I am at peace and so is MrG. :)

As the old saying goes...."one day at a time".
If anyone gets in dire straights...DO NOT get food stamps. Just don't do it. Go to the local food banks. Trust me on this.
Ohh that is a great idea!!!

I feel better now too! LOL
Didn't sleep well last night, my hands kept going numb and waking me up then Jasper woke me up this morning puking on the bed, the sheets are in the wash........ Have my bi-annual VA appointment this morning, maybe I can get something done with the knees which are getting much worse and much more painful to walk on as well as the numbness problem with my hands.
Didn't sleep well last night, my hands kept going numb and waking me up then Jasper woke me up this morning puking on the bed, the sheets are in the wash........ Have my bi-annual VA appointment this morning, maybe I can get something done with the knees which are getting much worse and much more painful to walk on as well as the numbness problem with my hands.

Hope you get some answers. But if you don't, I think you should take a serious look at this Budwig protocol I am on. It might not help but it won't hurt you. I have been on it a few weeks and the RA symptoms in my hands and the painful cramping I was having are gone. No symptoms at all now. I will have a full battery of blood tests next week and will see if the persistent anemia I have been having since my surgery is gone or lessened as that is why I went on the protocol in the first place. I am going to guess it is at least much improved as I am feeling much stronger, sleeping better, etc. etc.
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Live at Doc Holliday's, Saturday March 19 we will have our favorite group, The Jason Abel Project with special guests, straight from Nashville TN and Birmingham AL, John and Jacob. These guys wrote a billboard #1 hit for another group and have a couple well played songs out there themselves. This is kind of a big deal for us. Both groups will be at the largest venue in Gulf Shores Friday night and will be telling people where to find then the next. This should be another huge night for Doc's I won't fight it. They want their damn money back, fine. But they will get it little piece at a time...NO INTEREST which they agreed to. Just a flat 2400 bucks and they will go away. And stay away as far as I'm concerned.

It's always worth fighting, if you can get free legal aid. You can also go higher up the ladder of authority, like Foxy suggested. Write to your congressman.
I was charged rental on a gas meter even though I used no gas so I refused to pay. That led to a battle with the gas board that lasted a year. They sent my bill to a debt collection agency who threatened me with bailiffs coming to seize property worth the sum of the bill. and I went to the citizens advice department for information on bailiffs.
This will probably not apply to America, but in Britain we have county court bailiffs and crown court bailiffs.
County court bailiffs are not allowed to enter your property unless you invite them in, but if you do they can gain access at any time afterwards. Crown court bailiffs are allowed to force entry and seize property as they like.

I was so pissed off with the gas board for threatening me I threatened them with all kinds of publicity, then I wrote to the managing director of British gas complaining, and that fixed it. The managers assistant wrote an apologetic letter telling me it was all a mistake and the debt would be cancelled.
So it is worth making a fuss.
Okay boys and girls. We usually have math tests or observation tests or personality tests, but today's test is an eye test:

What do you see?

A. The number 574

B. The number 571

C. Another number

D. I can't see anything but red piled carpeting.

E. I can't see anything.

Okay boys and girls. We usually have math tests or observation tests or personality tests, but today's test is an eye test:

What do you see?

A. The number 574

B. The number 571

C. Another number

D. I can't see anything but red piled carpeting.

E. I can't see anything.


I see 571. Unfortunately, I glanced at the answers first, so I don't know if I'd have seen it without having done so.
This was an interesting article from "Fortune" and is posted particularly for Gracie

I was interested to see that New Mexico placed 30 among the 50 states as the best place to retire. We ranked okay in most categories but were terrible at #50 in crime rate and #47 in health care. But we are Number ONE in weather. :)

The Best (And Worst) States to Retire
Actually...I feel a whole lot better. No longer all freaked out. Maybe I got numb? ;)

I talk to the landlord tomorrow or the day after when I take him the rent. I am going to ask if more money on rent will make him feel better? If so, how much? Then I will turn the subject to him taking his house back and renting the front portion to US! We be his roomies! And if much would he want as our share (all the utilities are in MrGs name so why bother to switch it to owners name when they are already on?). And, he gets the whole back of the house and his own bathroom and its no different than the apartments where he is now cuz there is a wall separating the front to the back..or rather a door separating us. We share the kitchen and laundry room with him and we do what we have always done...maintain the house, do the yardwork, etc etc AND..most importantly..NO STEPS!

If he says no....then the next question is WHEN? After I get a straight answer, I know what I have to work with. If he says yes...then we can stay. Depending. If this whole thing comes to naught, then at least I know what I'm dealing with and how long I have to deal. And I have other options now. Sorta. I'll know in a few days. But for now....I am at peace and so is MrG. :)

As the old saying goes...."one day at a time".
Gosh, Gracie, I sure hope you can work things out and be able to stay in your familiar surroundings. You still have a place here, if you want, although I do have some steps at the current digs.

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