USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well for a day of rest I'm been bustin' my butt. Going through more boxes which means unstacking, sorting, pulling out things to donate, sell or keep. I've also pulled out 3 boxes of old paperwork, bills, etc which I'm having to go through and shred, been shredding off and on most of the day and I've only three quarter emptied one box........ The shredder just shut down because it was overheating....... :lol:

ugh. I hate doing the shredding of old bills and mail etc. I need to do it again now though.
We don't allow anything with our names on it to go in garbage. We shred...and shred.
I burn, burn, burn. Whatever can burn, gets burned. Ashes go into the compost heap or right on the garden (in season). Since we have severely acidic soils and ashes are base, it helps remediate things a bit.
I know, I know, that was an old joke.

But for our weekend class, let's do psychology.
Dr. Carol Ritberger, a renowned psychologist believes that there are 4 personality types: Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. Take this test to find out which color YOU are

A psychologist believes there are only four types of personality. Which one do you have?


For Foxfyre:
You have a GREEN personality! According to Dr. Carol Ritberger, you are generally an upbeat, "go with the flow" kind of person. You're a dreamer, so you love to create. You are fun-loving, optimistic, and a natural motivator. Dr. Ritberger adds that as a Green, you tend to hold tension in your neck and shoulders. Breathing will release this tension.
Seems I'm a "red" personality. Is that bad?
Well hell. The owner of the house told us yesterday that we have until june..maybe find a new abode. He wants his house back. So since yesterday..I have been freaking out. I don't know what we are going to do. I love it here but...can't afford it. Rent for a 2 bedroom is not less than 2000...a 3 bedroom is 2500 to 2800. A 4 bedroom (which this house is now because we converted the garage and built an enclosed patio room on our dime) goes for 3000 up to 5000 PER MONTH. The only way we could survive after I closed my shop and got sick so couldn't work any more and same with MrG, was to make those two extra rooms and rent them out.

So...things have been going smoothly until yesterday. I KNEW when that new roof went up, shit would hit the fan. And it did. We are paying less than the above price for a 2 bedroom and have been here 10 years. He said when we moved in "don't bug me and I won't bug you". So we haven't bugged him. And he has not raised the rent. So we have been doing ok. Roof, food, gas, able to pay utilities but not much else. NOW he wants his house back but at least gave me 4 months to make other arrangements. Problem is....problem number two hit me this afternoon. One of the roomies is giving notice. So that means we can't even pay the agreed upon rent from 10 years ago unless we get another roomie and the new roomie can only live here a scant few months before we ALL have to go.

We don't know what to do. Things are hectic. We have a choice to leave this town we have been in for the past 27 years and where our doctors are and the beach and the small town atmosphere....or we can go south to San Bernardino to a friends house whose husband is a crack head......or northeast to the inlaws where all their kin lives with him stacked in corners in sleeping bags and don't pay the inlaws diddly squat while sucking off their generosity....or live in our cars and stay here on the coast pretty much homeless except living in our vehicles. Even a studio here goes for 900 per month or more and its temporary for college students rental and 1 bedrooms are 1200 per month.

And next month, one less roomie. Oy. Maybe I should be a drunk. Maybe I wouldn't stress so much on what to do or what is going to happen to us.

Prayers, please.
Really need to check PM's. I'm proctoring a test right now but promise I'll get online as soon as I get home and finish chores.
News Flash!!!! Starbucks has announced it is opening a store in Italy. At last Italians will be able to get a decent espresso!
I know, I know, that was an old joke.

But for our weekend class, let's do psychology.
Dr. Carol Ritberger, a renowned psychologist believes that there are 4 personality types: Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. Take this test to find out which color YOU are

A psychologist believes there are only four types of personality. Which one do you have?


For Foxfyre:
You have a GREEN personality! According to Dr. Carol Ritberger, you are generally an upbeat, "go with the flow" kind of person. You're a dreamer, so you love to create. You are fun-loving, optimistic, and a natural motivator. Dr. Ritberger adds that as a Green, you tend to hold tension in your neck and shoulders. Breathing will release this tension.
Seems I'm a "red" personality. Is that bad?

You and Hossfly are both reds. I can't see the description for red but I think he posted it yesterday. And no, it isn't bad. I'm curious if you think it is you though.
I wonder how Kooshdaka is doing? I haven't seen her in a long time..not since Greta died. I think that was her dogs name? Anyway...she was having a rough time of it and I keep looking for her to how she is.
I often wonder how she's doing, too. She's a "homie", living up here in Anchorage. I know the general neighborhood, too, because my place in town is in the same part of Anchoruagua.
I know, I know, that was an old joke.

But for our weekend class, let's do psychology.
Dr. Carol Ritberger, a renowned psychologist believes that there are 4 personality types: Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. Take this test to find out which color YOU are

A psychologist believes there are only four types of personality. Which one do you have?


For Foxfyre:
You have a GREEN personality! According to Dr. Carol Ritberger, you are generally an upbeat, "go with the flow" kind of person. You're a dreamer, so you love to create. You are fun-loving, optimistic, and a natural motivator. Dr. Ritberger adds that as a Green, you tend to hold tension in your neck and shoulders. Breathing will release this tension.
Seems I'm a "red" personality. Is that bad?

You and Hossfly are both reds. I can't see the description for red but I think he posted it yesterday. And no, it isn't bad. I'm curious if you think it is you though.
Not really. I just picture myself as more the laid-back type. I wonder whether there's a "military" connection here somewhere?
I wonder how Kooshdaka is doing? I haven't seen her in a long time..not since Greta died. I think that was her dogs name? Anyway...she was having a rough time of it and I keep looking for her to how she is.

She only posted in the Coffee Shop once or twice and did not frequent any of the very few threads I participate in. So no information. . . .sorry
She's been through the mill in some other sites I've also partaken in. Her outspoken and strongly held opinions tend to make her...unpopular. She used to post in the pet and animal threads here mostly. She's truly an advocate for animals.
Seems we are having an early Break Up. Several days of temps above freezing, today it's almost 50F! Not that I'm complaining. My students are taking their second test of the semester and Wed we start learning about carburetors. I just wish my driveway and goat pens would melt and dry soon. It's miserable for the poor critters, not to mention totally dangerous for anyone afoot. All in due time, I suppose.
Well for a day of rest I'm been bustin' my butt. Going through more boxes which means unstacking, sorting, pulling out things to donate, sell or keep. I've also pulled out 3 boxes of old paperwork, bills, etc which I'm having to go through and shred, been shredding off and on most of the day and I've only three quarter emptied one box........ The shredder just shut down because it was overheating....... :lol:

ugh. I hate doing the shredding of old bills and mail etc. I need to do it again now though.
We don't allow anything with our names on it to go in garbage. We shred...and shred.
If it has bar codes or a series of any numbers, letters, combination of both it gets shredded or completely blacked out.
Good thing I don't shred without looking at what's being shredded. Just found a check from one of my wife's former employers dated 2008........ We're searching now who to contact to see if we can have the check reissued, it's for a fairly good amount. Have no idea how we missed that and how it ended up in a pile of paid bills. :dunno:
I just checked. Prices in Florida are the same as here.

Are you aware of this website Gracie? Gives you great comparisons of housing and other cost of living stuff as well as quality of life etc.

Compare Cities
I have been using Sperling.
I can cross out Housing Authority and other senior help aids concerning rent because they have been defunded, and other groups have a waiting list of 5 to 7 years to get in a low income rental unit. pets. So I have been hitting walls since I began this hunt.
One has to be completely homeless, with no pets, no money at all, in order to get help but you have to have an address to get that help yet how can one have an address if they have no home? California is so fucked up.
I know, I know, that was an old joke.

But for our weekend class, let's do psychology.
Dr. Carol Ritberger, a renowned psychologist believes that there are 4 personality types: Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. Take this test to find out which color YOU are

A psychologist believes there are only four types of personality. Which one do you have?


For Foxfyre:
You have a GREEN personality! According to Dr. Carol Ritberger, you are generally an upbeat, "go with the flow" kind of person. You're a dreamer, so you love to create. You are fun-loving, optimistic, and a natural motivator. Dr. Ritberger adds that as a Green, you tend to hold tension in your neck and shoulders. Breathing will release this tension.

I got orange, but a couple of the questions just don't apply to me. What do I do when stuck in traffic? Well, I never honk, but that's because I don't drive......what is my home like during the holidays? I don't live in my own home. :p

I shouldn't take these types of tests. :lol:
I never told anyone, but a couple of years ago (on my 60th birthday), we had to be on foodstamps. In fact, yes, I think I did mention it but sttab was having such a field day about how poor I am, I didn't say much.
Anyway...just before my 62nd birthday, we sent them their foodstamp card back telling them we no longer needed it because I was getting my piddly 500 per month SS but it was enough to cover food since we both don't eat much anymore anyway...and the SS MrG gets, we could pay our share of utilities here, pay for gas, car insurance, etc.

A couple of months ago....we get a letter from the Foodstamp people stating they overpaid us 2400.00 and was THEIR mistake, but "you signed a form stating if there is an error, YOU are responsible regardless of which end made the mistake" and if we don't pay it..they will "file a judgement against us in a court of law" and file to possess our vehicles/goods/etc in the amount of $2400.00". So, we call and make arrangements to make 100 buck monthly payments and they agree and say fine, a statement will be in the mail. We are still waiting for it.
THEN, they said "just go back on foodstamps, and we will deduct the payment from the allotment you get each month" and I said "OH HAYELL NO! You will just fuck up again and we will be triple billed and triple threatened so NO THANKS".

So, we worked and paid into the system and at 60 years of age, we ask for the first time for help from the government for food....and now they want it all back.

Lovely, no?
I never told anyone, but a couple of years ago (on my 60th birthday), we had to be on foodstamps. In fact, yes, I think I did mention it but sttab was having such a field day about how poor I am, I didn't say much.
Anyway...just before my 62nd birthday, we sent them their foodstamp card back telling them we no longer needed it because I was getting my piddly 500 per month SS but it was enough to cover food since we both don't eat much anymore anyway...and the SS MrG gets, we could pay our share of utilities here, pay for gas, car insurance, etc.

A couple of months ago....we get a letter from the Foodstamp people stating they overpaid us 2400.00 and was THEIR mistake, but "you signed a form stating if there is an error, YOU are responsible regardless of which end made the mistake" and if we don't pay it..they will "file a judgement against us in a court of law" and file to possess our vehicles/goods/etc in the amount of $2400.00". So, we call and make arrangements to make 100 buck monthly payments and they agree and say fine, a statement will be in the mail. We are still waiting for it.
THEN, they said "just go back on foodstamps, and we will deduct the payment from the allotment you get each month" and I said "OH HAYELL NO! You will just fuck up again and we will be triple billed and triple threatened so NO THANKS".

So, we worked and paid into the system and at 60 years of age, we ask for the first time for help from the government for food....and now they want it all back.

Lovely, no?
That totally sucks, Gracie!
I never told anyone, but a couple of years ago (on my 60th birthday), we had to be on foodstamps. In fact, yes, I think I did mention it but sttab was having such a field day about how poor I am, I didn't say much.
Anyway...just before my 62nd birthday, we sent them their foodstamp card back telling them we no longer needed it because I was getting my piddly 500 per month SS but it was enough to cover food since we both don't eat much anymore anyway...and the SS MrG gets, we could pay our share of utilities here, pay for gas, car insurance, etc.

A couple of months ago....we get a letter from the Foodstamp people stating they overpaid us 2400.00 and was THEIR mistake, but "you signed a form stating if there is an error, YOU are responsible regardless of which end made the mistake" and if we don't pay it..they will "file a judgement against us in a court of law" and file to possess our vehicles/goods/etc in the amount of $2400.00". So, we call and make arrangements to make 100 buck monthly payments and they agree and say fine, a statement will be in the mail. We are still waiting for it.
THEN, they said "just go back on foodstamps, and we will deduct the payment from the allotment you get each month" and I said "OH HAYELL NO! You will just fuck up again and we will be triple billed and triple threatened so NO THANKS".

So, we worked and paid into the system and at 60 years of age, we ask for the first time for help from the government for food....and now they want it all back.

Lovely, no?

That sucks Gracie. I think I would see if Legal Aid or some other pro bono group couldn't help you out, or this could merit a call to your congressman to see if he/she could apply some pressure where it would help.
And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Where the hell did you get the pic of my cabin, FF? :lol: I won't fight it. They want their damn money back, fine. But they will get it little piece at a time...NO INTEREST which they agreed to. Just a flat 2400 bucks and they will go away. And stay away as far as I'm concerned.

Warning to future possibilities of folks asking for food help from the government........DON'T!

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