USMB Coffee Shop IV

What came immediately to mind when you see this picture?:


At first glance it looked like a fancy caterpillar! Lol. :D

That was what I thought immediately--some kind of exotic caterpillar. And then I saw what it really was.
Gee, what happened? I caught up with my CS reading earlier today, around midday, to be exact. I expected to have at least some additional reading by now...nothing except the red circle thingy.
Oh, well...It's been a bit since I was able to "scribble" here. Last Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed I was able to spend some time at my Willow place (Spring Break). I have to start preparing for my move up there this summer. I got some heavy stuff moved around, two 100 lb propane tanks (full) and a mattress moved upstairs. I also granted myself permission to read "Dragonfly in Amber" (over 1000 pages), which I managed in a day and a half. The snow was still too deep to reasonably pace off where I want to put fences for the goats, though. It snowed about an inch on Tues, but that wasn't enough to hinder an inventory of my lumber on hand.
We got a lovely Equinox treat, though, about 12 inches of snow. What was a lovely, clean coating Saturday and Sunday has now turned into a slushy morass because the temperatures have risen and stayed above freezing since last night. Is Spring really here? I hope so!
I took my old lady cat to the vet's last Thursday and her cyst is infected. She's on antibiotics and I am keeping her wound clean and dressed. She's doesn't seem to be suffering any discomfort, has a good appetite, and uses the box regularly. Her blood work shows no indication of renal failure, which at her age is astounding.
Season 5 "Game of Thrones" is out in DVD and I am binge watching right now. I usually fall asleep watching TV so having the DVD lets me review the parts I miss.
I hope Peach & Mr. Peach, as well as Gracie, can overcome their health difficulties. May Ringel & Mrs. Ringel finally find the "where" where they belong and a suitable and satisfying job for Mrs. Ringel. Sixfoot, I am quite familiar with Chugiak, I am quite familiar with the place. Heartfelt congratulations to Welfare Queen and Sherry on their marriage. Also, congrats to Dahrma and the new family. And Ernie, you keep on rockin' on at Doc's. Anyone I haven't managed to mention, it is not intentional, I just went through almost 15 pages of CS and my memory is not what it once was.
Y'all have a great night and a better tomorrow.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.
Too bad our physical being cannot keep up with our psychic being as we age. With the lifting and toting I've been doing lately, I consider myself fortunate not to have done damage. Hopefully, your chiropractor can make you better, Ernie. How'd your big night go?
Yeah...I hear ya both. My guts hurt. Sore. Probably due to the mess of whatever is going on in there that landed me in the ER to begin with. However, no stomach ache. Just lower guts. So what do I do? I go outside this afternoon and move a heavy bench to another part of the yard. And rake. And sweep. Duh on me.

But I gotta do something to keep from wanting a cig. Total quit cold turkey not even a puff day is this coming Friday. Right now, I am weaning myself hard core but the really bad day will be Friday. I wonder what I will be moving around in the yard that day? Oy.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.
Too bad our physical being cannot keep up with our psychic being as we age. With the lifting and toting I've been doing lately, I consider myself fortunate not to have done damage. Hopefully, your chiropractor can make you better, Ernie. How'd your big night go?
It was fantastic! Highest attendance and highest gross yet. Everyone had a great time with zero drama. Incredibly, we only had one drink and no stomach contents hit the floor all night.
Yeah...I hear ya both. My guts hurt. Sore. Probably due to the mess of whatever is going on in there that landed me in the ER to begin with. However, no stomach ache. Just lower guts. So what do I do? I go outside this afternoon and move a heavy bench to another part of the yard. And rake. And sweep. Duh on me.

But I gotta do something to keep from wanting a cig. Total quit cold turkey not even a puff day is this coming Friday. Right now, I am weaning myself hard core but the really bad day will be Friday. I wonder what I will be moving around in the yard that day? Oy.

Good for you Gracie, but remember, the old bones and joints don't bend and stretch as efficiently as they used to and injury is more likely. So all you favorite people out there take it just a little more easy please.

And in my opinion, cold turkey is the only way to quit the ciggies and stay quit. And it is a bitch, but if you just find ways to get your mind off it, it is doable and you're doing that. At first there will be cravings that will take you to your knees, but you just lean into them and wait until they pass. And as the days pass they come with less frequency, intensity, and duration until one day you realize you've gone a whole day without one. And after that it is just a matter of remembering how miserable the quitting process was to enable you not to give in to the occasional 'craving' for the pleasure of the ritual.

It takes about seven days for your body to start issuing stored chemicals to replace the nicotine and ease the craving a bit, but it takes three or four weeks for the nicotine to completely leave your system and break the addiction. After that it is psychological instead of physical, but that aspect of it is very real, but still manageable. The day will come when the whole idea of smoking is yucky to you. And you know you did it. :)
Happy Tuesday (my Monday - LOL). Have to do some laundry, do some cleaning, go to the store and get in a nap today before work! I'm working from 9 PM to 5 AM tonight.


I thought you didn't like the night shift? 9 to 5 am is a strange shift to me. When I worked the night shift it was always 11 to 7. But maybe 9 to 5 would be easier. I don't know.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.

I would scold you but your pain is probably sufficient for that. I hope the chiropractor is able to get to some quick relief.
Happy Tuesday (my Monday - LOL). Have to do some laundry, do some cleaning, go to the store and get in a nap today before work! I'm working from 9 PM to 5 AM tonight.


I thought you didn't like the night shift? 9 to 5 am is a strange shift to me. When I worked the night shift it was always 11 to 7. But maybe 9 to 5 would be easier. I don't know.

I didn't like it, but I'm doing it anyway because that's when they need me the most. They were offering perks for those of us who were willing to do the overnight shift, so . . . . :D Hours are very flexible. I can choose whatever hours I want with my transcription job.

It's actually not bad. Before I was doing 12 AM to 8 AM, and hated that shift. 9 PM to 5 AM is better because I have time to get some sleep in the morning and still time to take of what has to be done during the day and even take a small nap in the afternoon.

I don't really care for my 4 PM to midnight shift over the weekend much though. That is kind of screwing with my sleep schedule.
Happy Tuesday (my Monday - LOL). Have to do some laundry, do some cleaning, go to the store and get in a nap today before work! I'm working from 9 PM to 5 AM tonight.


I thought you didn't like the night shift? 9 to 5 am is a strange shift to me. When I worked the night shift it was always 11 to 7. But maybe 9 to 5 would be easier. I don't know.

I didn't like it, but I'm doing it anyway because that's when they need me the most. They were offering perks for those of us who were willing to do the overnight shift, so . . . . :D Hours are very flexible. I can choose whatever hours I want with my transcription job.

It's actually not bad. Before I was doing 12 AM to 8 AM, and hated that shift. 9 PM to 5 AM is better because I have time to get some sleep in the morning and still time to take of what has to be done during the day and even take a small nap in the afternoon.

I don't really care for my 4 PM to midnight shift over the weekend much though. That is kind of screwing with my sleep schedule.
Happy Tuesday (my Monday - LOL). Have to do some laundry, do some cleaning, go to the store and get in a nap today before work! I'm working from 9 PM to 5 AM tonight.


I thought you didn't like the night shift? 9 to 5 am is a strange shift to me. When I worked the night shift it was always 11 to 7. But maybe 9 to 5 would be easier. I don't know.

I didn't like it, but I'm doing it anyway because that's when they need me the most. They were offering perks for those of us who were willing to do the overnight shift, so . . . . :D Hours are very flexible. I can choose whatever hours I want with my transcription job.

It's actually not bad. Before I was doing 12 AM to 8 AM, and hated that shift. 9 PM to 5 AM is better because I have time to get some sleep in the morning and still time to take of what has to be done during the day and even take a small nap in the afternoon.

I don't really care for my 4 PM to midnight shift over the weekend much though. That is kind of screwing with my sleep schedule.

That makes sense. I hated the 3 to 11 shift not because it screwed up my sleep cycle, but because it took the hours that I use most for fun time or socializing. My preference was the 3 to 7 shift that I usually worked, but I could do a 11 to 7 without too much trouble as necessary.

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