USMB Coffee Shop IV

I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.
Yeah...I hear ya both. My guts hurt. Sore. Probably due to the mess of whatever is going on in there that landed me in the ER to begin with. However, no stomach ache. Just lower guts. So what do I do? I go outside this afternoon and move a heavy bench to another part of the yard. And rake. And sweep. Duh on me.

But I gotta do something to keep from wanting a cig. Total quit cold turkey not even a puff day is this coming Friday. Right now, I am weaning myself hard core but the really bad day will be Friday. I wonder what I will be moving around in the yard that day? Oy.

Good for you Gracie, but remember, the old bones and joints don't bend and stretch as efficiently as they used to and injury is more likely. So all you favorite people out there take it just a little more easy please.

And in my opinion, cold turkey is the only way to quit the ciggies and stay quit. And it is a bitch, but if you just find ways to get your mind off it, it is doable and you're doing that. At first there will be cravings that will take you to your knees, but you just lean into them and wait until they pass. And as the days pass they come with less frequency, intensity, and duration until one day you realize you've gone a whole day without one. And after that it is just a matter of remembering how miserable the quitting process was to enable you not to give in to the occasional 'craving' for the pleasure of the ritual.

It takes about seven days for your body to start issuing stored chemicals to replace the nicotine and ease the craving a bit, but it takes three or four weeks for the nicotine to completely leave your system and break the addiction. After that it is psychological instead of physical, but that aspect of it is very real, but still manageable. The day will come when the whole idea of smoking is yucky to you. And you know you did it. :)
The psychological part is the hardest. Stress without tobacco is nearly impossible for me. I was doing so well here and then my stress inducer showed up at my door. I fell off the wagon, but after losing all the progress I'd made in lung function, I decided to channel my anger and use that to quit. I'm back on the patch and have been doing quite well. Nearly 2 weeks so far and not near so angry or stressed out. I won't let tobacco OR the wicked witch of the East beat me.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.

I would scold you but your pain is probably sufficient for that. I hope the chiropractor is able to get to some quick relief.
Strange... Wanted to cut out the middle man and go right to the chiropractor, but he will likely need xrays and some therapy before adjusting the spine. My insurance will pay for manipulation of the spine, but not therapy or xrays Of course, my primary care Dr can do the xrays and therapy and that gets paid for. I have a 3:15 appointment this afternoon to get this started.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.

I would scold you but your pain is probably sufficient for that. I hope the chiropractor is able to get to some quick relief.
Strange... Wanted to cut out the middle man and go right to the chiropractor, but he will likely need xrays and some therapy before adjusting the spine. My insurance will pay for manipulation of the spine, but not therapy or xrays Of course, my primary care Dr can do the xrays and therapy and that gets paid for. I have a 3:15 appointment this afternoon to get this started.

Good luck with that! Hope you make out well.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

I've never had that happen. I always plug into a surge protector. I have like 5 of them. Lol. :D
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

When my motherboard went out, the computer was so old it just made sense to replace it.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

When my motherboard went out, the computer was so old it just made sense to replace it.

I had a problem with mine once, right where the electrical outlet plugged into my laptop was loose, so it wasn't getting a connection, and I brought it in to be repaired, and they told me I would probably be better off just buying a new laptop. It was going to cost a couple of hundred dollars to fix it, and you can get a brand new laptop for pretty cheap now.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

Have to check on motherboard costs, but it sounds like a new computer is just about as cheap.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

Have to check on motherboard costs, but it sounds like a new computer is just about as cheap.
The main issue with buying a new, off the self computer is you get the configuration they give you and the operating system with all the bloatware that comes with it.
If you want Windows you can buy (authentic) Win 7 Professional for $60 shipped, Ultimate for $70, Linux for free or a small donation.
Well, Mom's cat, who is someone else's cat, had kittens. Three of them. One was born meowing and scratching and full of piss and vinegar. An hour later, the other two emerged nearly lifeless, pink and quiet.

Mom, who has never had a cat that I know of, arranged a box for the mother cat to deliver her brood in behind the furnace in the pantry. The next day Mom, who believes she has greater feline instincts than an actual cat, took the box from the pantry and put it where she thought the cat and her litter would be more comfortable. This resulted in the mother cat moving her kittens back to the place they were born, even dragging the pasteboard nursery along.

Today, the two late coming kittens were found dead. Mom went from one cat (which is someone else's) to four cats to two cats in 48 hours.

She has asked that if I and Daisy the Mutt come for a visit, we call ahead so special arrangements can be made to accommodate the cat (which is someone else's) and her surviving kitten.

This is getting ridiculous! The Big House has always welcomed prodigal sons and their dogs. But now a situation has developed and Daisy and I have to accommodate strangers.

I feel guilty being so resentful of a cat, but did I mention the cat is someone else's?
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I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.
Not that simple, yes the mobo will work with any hard drive but that's not where the problem is, it's with compatible RAM and CPUs. In order to simply replace the mobo you need to replace the fried mobo with one that is similar in configuration.
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About to go play with my new toy. So excited.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.

I would scold you but your pain is probably sufficient for that. I hope the chiropractor is able to get to some quick relief.
Strange... Wanted to cut out the middle man and go right to the chiropractor, but he will likely need xrays and some therapy before adjusting the spine. My insurance will pay for manipulation of the spine, but not therapy or xrays Of course, my primary care Dr can do the xrays and therapy and that gets paid for. I have a 3:15 appointment this afternoon to get this started.
Nothing strange about it. One cannot just go to a doctor any more without having to go thru another doctor for a referral so you can be farmed out so that all involved can get a cut of the bill when its paid.
Yeah...I hear ya both. My guts hurt. Sore. Probably due to the mess of whatever is going on in there that landed me in the ER to begin with. However, no stomach ache. Just lower guts. So what do I do? I go outside this afternoon and move a heavy bench to another part of the yard. And rake. And sweep. Duh on me.

But I gotta do something to keep from wanting a cig. Total quit cold turkey not even a puff day is this coming Friday. Right now, I am weaning myself hard core but the really bad day will be Friday. I wonder what I will be moving around in the yard that day? Oy.

Good for you Gracie, but remember, the old bones and joints don't bend and stretch as efficiently as they used to and injury is more likely. So all you favorite people out there take it just a little more easy please.

And in my opinion, cold turkey is the only way to quit the ciggies and stay quit. And it is a bitch, but if you just find ways to get your mind off it, it is doable and you're doing that. At first there will be cravings that will take you to your knees, but you just lean into them and wait until they pass. And as the days pass they come with less frequency, intensity, and duration until one day you realize you've gone a whole day without one. And after that it is just a matter of remembering how miserable the quitting process was to enable you not to give in to the occasional 'craving' for the pleasure of the ritual.

It takes about seven days for your body to start issuing stored chemicals to replace the nicotine and ease the craving a bit, but it takes three or four weeks for the nicotine to completely leave your system and break the addiction. After that it is psychological instead of physical, but that aspect of it is very real, but still manageable. The day will come when the whole idea of smoking is yucky to you. And you know you did it. :)
The psychological part is the hardest. Stress without tobacco is nearly impossible for me. I was doing so well here and then my stress inducer showed up at my door. I fell off the wagon, but after losing all the progress I'd made in lung function, I decided to channel my anger and use that to quit. I'm back on the patch and have been doing quite well. Nearly 2 weeks so far and not near so angry or stressed out. I won't let tobacco OR the wicked witch of the East beat me.
Meanwhile....I went to bed a little past up around 9ish and did some piddling around in the back yard. No shakes until about 15 minutes ago. So..I went to the shed, lit the half one I had yesterday, and it tasted awful so I stabbed it out. My clothes stink. My bedding stinks. I can SMELL it. Its gross.

Yes, this time, I'm gonna do it. But I gotta get some gum.
I've been trying to do my chores and eat in between posting here. Finally finished all my laundry and put everything away, cleaned the kitchenette and did a little vacuuming. Woofed down a bacon and egg sandwich too! I feel like superwoman! Lol! :lol: I have to go now and try to get in a nap so that I'm up in time to have some dinner before work! TTYL! Have a good day! :bye1:
Not that simple, yes the mobo will work with any hard drive but that's not where the problem is, it's with compatible RAM and CPUs. In order to simply replace the mobo you need to replace the fried mobo with one that is similar in configuration.

Option A - Ex wife has an older laptop that needs a new hard drive. I can pay her $65 for the drive and she will install it in the laptop and copy my drive info onto the new one. Total cost $65

downside - older computer

Option B - Buy a new Dell with 4GB memory and 500GB hard drive for $249. Ex will still move data over for free.

downside - more money

Option C - get new motherboard for $65- 260 for my computer and hope everything else is okay.

downside - a lot of unknowns
Not that simple, yes the mobo will work with any hard drive but that's not where the problem is, it's with compatible RAM and CPUs. In order to simply replace the mobo you need to replace the fried mobo with one that is similar in configuration.

Option A - Ex wife has an older laptop that needs a new hard drive. I can pay her $65 for the drive and she will install it in the laptop and copy my drive info onto the new one. Total cost $65

downside - older computer

Option B - Buy a new Dell with 4GB memory and 500GB hard drive for $249. Ex will still move data over for free.

downside - more money

Option C - get new motherboard for $65- 260 for my computer and hope everything else is okay.

downside - a lot of unknowns
If you replace the mobo with the same model everything else can be reused, the only cost is the new mobo. :dunno:

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