USMB Coffee Shop IV

Slept late, this being my only true free day while semester is in session. Working on a pot of milk that shall be transformed into provolone, later smoked for extra flavor. Actually, I'm putting off going outside because it is an awful mess right now. Those 12 inches of snow decided to melt all at once, creating a flowing stream down the driveway, ankle-deep slush, and flooding my barn and goat pens.
Slept late, this being my only true free day while semester is in session. Working on a pot of milk that shall be transformed into provolone, later smoked for extra flavor. Actually, I'm putting off going outside because it is an awful mess right now. Those 12 inches of snow decided to melt all at once, creating a flowing stream down the driveway, ankle-deep slush, and flooding my barn and goat pens.

Provolone! Good choice.
I always put the young'uns on one end of the piano and me on the other. Lift with the legs, not the back.

Last Wednesday saw a lightning strike take out my computer. Thought is was a power supply, but it is now reported that the motherboard was fried. The same day the starter went out on the Yukon. Both are business expenses before the landscape season starts...

Hopefully the hard drive is okay and we can transfer data.

It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.
Not that simple, yes the mobo will work with any hard drive but that's not where the problem is, it's with compatible RAM and CPUs. In order to simply replace the mobo you need to replace the fried mobo with one that is similar in configuration.

My point was just that if your motherboard dies for whatever reason, you can still use your hard drive (or get the info off of it if you decide to use a new one). Whether you just replace the motherboard or get an entirely new PC is immaterial; either way, the odds are that your old hard drive will plug into any new motherboard. :)
It wasn't lightning but I did have a motherboard go out on one computer. They got the info off the hard drive with no problem though. And it's nice to have the business deductions, but not having the expense at all is better.

If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

Have to check on motherboard costs, but it sounds like a new computer is just about as cheap.
The main issue with buying a new, off the self computer is you get the configuration they give you and the operating system with all the bloatware that comes with it.
If you want Windows you can buy (authentic) Win 7 Professional for $60 shipped, Ultimate for $70, Linux for free or a small donation.

But. . .depending on what you do with the computer. . .we dumped all the WIn 7 on our computers because we couldn't run some of our favorite games on it. The older Microsoft Word program we have doesn't like Win 7 very well either. No problem with Win 8, 8.1, or 10.
Whichever one works best for each person. I have some old games that won't work on 7 or 10 even in XP mode. I have an old, first generation duo core computer sitting in the closet I may refurbish just to run XP on.

I've actually got a second HD in my older PC that has XP on it. I wasn't sure how to run a physical disc on a virtual PC with XP, and unfortunately my old mp3 player doesn't work on OSs after XP. For old games, though, would virtual PC be easier for you?
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
If you have a motherboard problem you can generally just plug the hard drive into whatever new motherboard you get.

I've had lightning fry parts of my computer on a couple of occasions.

Have to check on motherboard costs, but it sounds like a new computer is just about as cheap.
The main issue with buying a new, off the self computer is you get the configuration they give you and the operating system with all the bloatware that comes with it.
If you want Windows you can buy (authentic) Win 7 Professional for $60 shipped, Ultimate for $70, Linux for free or a small donation.

But. . .depending on what you do with the computer. . .we dumped all the WIn 7 on our computers because we couldn't run some of our favorite games on it. The older Microsoft Word program we have doesn't like Win 7 very well either. No problem with Win 8, 8.1, or 10.
Whichever one works best for each person. I have some old games that won't work on 7 or 10 even in XP mode. I have an old, first generation duo core computer sitting in the closet I may refurbish just to run XP on.

I've actually got a second HD in my older PC that has XP on it. I wasn't sure how to run a physical disc on a virtual PC with XP, and unfortunately my old mp3 player doesn't work on OSs after XP. For old games, though, would virtual PC be easier for you?
Probably cheaper since I've donated or sold all my older RAM and the old D2 RAM is very expensive, twice the price of the newer D3 and D4 RAM.
That's the way I dig fence post holes. Pound it down, smoosh it together, haul it up. It's a bitch.
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When I was in my early 20s that was all we used and I helped install upwards of 60 fences over a 5 year period, working part time. I also had a full time job........
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When I was in my early 20s that was all we used and I helped install upwards of 60 fences over a 5 year period, working part time. I also had a full time job........
Trees are always falling on the fences around the horse pasture and corn fields. I begged my dad for years to buy an auger. His reply was always "Don't need one of those when I have two perfectly good children." He helped me hold it today and of course was like "Should of got one of these years ago." Now he wants me to fence in a new pasture. :rofl:
Damn! I can't sleep. I even took one of my Tylenol PMs. :( I had a weird dream and was partly awake when I had it too! Grrr. Oh well, guess I'll be tired and sleep better tomorrow. This always seems to happen on Tuesday because Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I screw up my schedule. I'll just stay awake until 5 AM and then sleep after work. :mad:

Tylenol PMs don't work well with me either. I have found that a couple of melatonin and an extra strength Tylenol (to help with incidental aches and pains) is pretty effective though.
Damn! I can't sleep. I even took one of my Tylenol PMs. :( I had a weird dream and was partly awake when I had it too! Grrr. Oh well, guess I'll be tired and sleep better tomorrow. This always seems to happen on Tuesday because Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I screw up my schedule. I'll just stay awake until 5 AM and then sleep after work. :mad:

Tylenol PMs don't work well with me either. I have found that a couple of melatonin and an extra strength Tylenol (to help with incidental aches and pains) is pretty effective though.

They work good for me usually. I only took one and I should have taken two.
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When I was in my early 20s that was all we used and I helped install upwards of 60 fences over a 5 year period, working part time. I also had a full time job........
Trees are always falling on the fences around the horse pasture and corn fields. I begged my dad for years to buy an auger. His reply was always "Don't need one of those when I have two perfectly good children." He helped me hold it today and of course was like "Should of got one of these years ago." Now he wants me to fence in a new pasture. :rofl:

Hey CrèmeBrulee, good to see you again. And I'm jealous that you HAVE a horse pasture and corn fields. Do you have horses to go in those pastures? Then I'm REALLY jealous. :)
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When I was in my early 20s that was all we used and I helped install upwards of 60 fences over a 5 year period, working part time. I also had a full time job........
Trees are always falling on the fences around the horse pasture and corn fields. I begged my dad for years to buy an auger. His reply was always "Don't need one of those when I have two perfectly good children." He helped me hold it today and of course was like "Should of got one of these years ago." Now he wants me to fence in a new pasture. :rofl:

Hey CrèmeBrulee, good to see you again. And I'm jealous that you HAVE a horse pasture and corn fields. Do you have horses to go in those pastures? Then I'm REALLY jealous. :)
Thank you. Yes. We have horses to go in the pastures. Mine is an Arabian but he is a bit long in the tooth. I really need to start looking ahead now that I think about it. He is almost as old as I am. Some quarter horses and a pony. We got my nephews some miniature horses and a sulky to pull. They rarely ride so the things are just sitting around getting fat and mean.
What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When I was in my early 20s that was all we used and I helped install upwards of 60 fences over a 5 year period, working part time. I also had a full time job........
Trees are always falling on the fences around the horse pasture and corn fields. I begged my dad for years to buy an auger. His reply was always "Don't need one of those when I have two perfectly good children." He helped me hold it today and of course was like "Should of got one of these years ago." Now he wants me to fence in a new pasture. :rofl:

Hey CrèmeBrulee, good to see you again. And I'm jealous that you HAVE a horse pasture and corn fields. Do you have horses to go in those pastures? Then I'm REALLY jealous. :)
Thank you. Yes. We have horses to go in the pastures. Mine is an Arabian but he is a bit long in the tooth. I really need to start looking ahead now that I think about it. He is almost as old as I am. Some quarter horses and a pony. We got my nephews some miniature horses and a sulky to pull. They rarely ride so the things are just sitting around getting fat and mean.

Yes, IMO horses are not that much different from dogs and cats in that they benefit from a lot of human interaction and reinforcement. If they don't get it, they get to the point they think they neither need it or want it. Quarter horses are great--my nephew and his sons all raise those. But Arabians are really special. Even the elderly ones.
Finally got around to "mowing" the back yard (I use a weed wacker to mow), of course it has to be windy with gusts up to 39MPH so much of the cut grass and weeds end up in the pool as I figured would happen.

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