USMB Coffee Shop IV

To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.

I would scold you but your pain is probably sufficient for that. I hope the chiropractor is able to get to some quick relief.
Strange... Wanted to cut out the middle man and go right to the chiropractor, but he will likely need xrays and some therapy before adjusting the spine. My insurance will pay for manipulation of the spine, but not therapy or xrays Of course, my primary care Dr can do the xrays and therapy and that gets paid for. I have a 3:15 appointment this afternoon to get this started.

Good luck with that! Hope you make out well.
Well, I have X-rays and drugs. I should be relaxed enough for a chiropractor appointment tomorrow if I can make that happen. Getting back off of the X-ray table was quite a chore. I tell you. It would have been next to impossible if it weren't for the help of the technician who's probably at least 10 years older than me.
Finally got around to "mowing" the back yard (I use a weed wacker to mow), of course it has to be windy with gusts up to 39MPH so much of the cut grass and weeds end up in the pool as I figured would happen.

We're getting the winds here today too--lots of dust in the air and the wind is stripping the blossoms off the trees so all over town it looks like confetti coming down and blowing on the ground.
To make room around the stage for 2 bands Saturday night, we moved the piano to the other end of the club. Today, we moved it back. The casters are messed up, so it needed to be slid along on cardboard. We got it moved and I lifted one end to get the cardboard out I had lifted my end probably a dozen times, but this time, I got careless and popped a disk. It's the same one between L1 and L2 that has popped out a dozen or more times since 1972. It is the first time in nearly 10 years. It's really quite painful, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Gotta see what I can do about a chiropractor in the morning. I'm on light duty for a while, I guess.

I would scold you but your pain is probably sufficient for that. I hope the chiropractor is able to get to some quick relief.
Strange... Wanted to cut out the middle man and go right to the chiropractor, but he will likely need xrays and some therapy before adjusting the spine. My insurance will pay for manipulation of the spine, but not therapy or xrays Of course, my primary care Dr can do the xrays and therapy and that gets paid for. I have a 3:15 appointment this afternoon to get this started.
Nothing strange about it. One cannot just go to a doctor any more without having to go thru another doctor for a referral so you can be farmed out so that all involved can get a cut of the bill when its paid.
I could see the chiropractor without a referral, but what they'll pay at the chiropractor's office is limited. The chiro. would like to see what he's dealing with and most will take an X-ray. Humana won't pay for an X-ray at the chiropractor, but will pay at an MD's office. Humana won't pay for therapy to relax the muscles before an adjustment, but they will gladly pay for a doctor's visit for the purpose of getting pain medication that will relax the muscles enough.
So, Humana pays a $50 office visit to an MD, $250 for an X-ray, $50 for pain medication and several $40 charges for chiropractic services.
I've had 10 or 12 X-rays at a chiropractor and have never been charged for one. I've had the shock therapy to relax muscles and been able to handle adjustments without pain meds. It seems like Humana, in their quest to save a few bucks gad doubled their cost here. I don't get it, but then, I don't have an MBA. I was trained in logic and engineering.
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.
An auger! Be careful so it does not twist your arms along with the top soil!

I could see myself dancing a strange little jig as a power auger spun me around like a dervish!

Great for setting fence posts! Also great for setting middle aged men on their rumps/
We were smart, we'd use the auger attachment with the bobcat, if it hit a big rock or thick root no one would go flying. :thup:
When I was younger and stronger I had a project in sunny Puerto Rico at NAS Roosevelt Roads. I had to determine ground water levels and a power auger was just the ticket.

The clay based soils of the base made drilling interesting. One stab at it took the auger right down to the chuck. Another took all the upper body strength I could muster to keep the spinning auger on track.

Altogether, I developed a love/hate relationship with that tool
I've used one on the 3 point hitch on my tractor. It uses the hitch to control depth and the rear hydraulic connections to spin the auger. 10" diameter holes 4 feet deep took about a minute each. It took far longer to position the tractor precisely than drill the hole.
Damn! I can't sleep. I even took one of my Tylenol PMs. :( I had a weird dream and was partly awake when I had it too! Grrr. Oh well, guess I'll be tired and sleep better tomorrow. This always seems to happen on Tuesday because Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I screw up my schedule. I'll just stay awake until 5 AM and then sleep after work. :mad:
I do it every Tuesday. You'll live. Actually, I called out for tonight. I'll be useless by closing time.
Finally got around to "mowing" the back yard (I use a weed wacker to mow), of course it has to be windy with gusts up to 39MPH so much of the cut grass and weeds end up in the pool as I figured would happen.

We're getting the winds here today too--lots of dust in the air and the wind is stripping the blossoms off the trees so all over town it looks like confetti coming down and blowing on the ground.
Yup, pretty much a light dust storm here also.
Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat.Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I saw a picture yesterday Of a pair of glasses sitting on a balcony rail yesterday. One lens of them had a brownish substance on it and through the other, one could see a clearer, but smaller version of the buildings in the background. It became clear to me exactly where the photo was taken, namely fairly high up above Central Park in New York City. Then I read below and find that these glasses were the ones worn by John Lennon when he was shot.
I actually posted the photo to facebook, only asking friends to help me sort out my feelings. I was between fascinated and disgusted. Thoughts?
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When we're young and poor, we use the post hole digger. When we gain a bit of wisdom, we've hopefully gotten to where we can afford toys like that. If I was going to run a fence requiring 30 or 40 or more posts, I'd buy the 3 point hitch hydraulic auger that can handle up to 18" bits. It would cost $8-900 but so worth it.
Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat.Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I saw a picture yesterday Of a pair of glasses sitting on a balcony rail yesterday. One lens of them had a brownish substance on it and through the other, one could see a clearer, but smaller version of the buildings in the background. It became clear to me exactly where the photo was taken, namely fairly high up above Central Park in New York City. Then I read below and find that these glasses were the ones worn by John Lennon when he was shot.
I actually posted the photo to facebook, only asking friends to help me sort out my feelings. I was between fascinated and disgusted. Thoughts?

I don't know. I honestly say it doesn't trigger a lot of emotion in me but I never got caught up in the John Lennon cult. So it is only of moderate interest to me knowing how many were deeply involved in that particular piece of our history.
Slept late, this being my only true free day while semester is in session. Working on a pot of milk that shall be transformed into provolone, later smoked for extra flavor. Actually, I'm putting off going outside because it is an awful mess right now. Those 12 inches of snow decided to melt all at once, creating a flowing stream down the driveway, ankle-deep slush, and flooding my barn and goat pens.

Provolone! Good choice.
Smoked provolone! The smoking adds extra flavor. I still have to wax these cheeses and then they'll be good to go for a while.
It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)
When I was in my early 20s that was all we used and I helped install upwards of 60 fences over a 5 year period, working part time. I also had a full time job........
Trees are always falling on the fences around the horse pasture and corn fields. I begged my dad for years to buy an auger. His reply was always "Don't need one of those when I have two perfectly good children." He helped me hold it today and of course was like "Should of got one of these years ago." Now he wants me to fence in a new pasture. :rofl:

Hey CrèmeBrulee, good to see you again. And I'm jealous that you HAVE a horse pasture and corn fields. Do you have horses to go in those pastures? Then I'm REALLY jealous. :)
Thank you. Yes. We have horses to go in the pastures. Mine is an Arabian but he is a bit long in the tooth. I really need to start looking ahead now that I think about it. He is almost as old as I am. Some quarter horses and a pony. We got my nephews some miniature horses and a sulky to pull. They rarely ride so the things are just sitting around getting fat and mean.

Yes, IMO horses are not that much different from dogs and cats in that they benefit from a lot of human interaction and reinforcement. If they don't get it, they get to the point they think they neither need it or want it. Quarter horses are great--my nephew and his sons all raise those. But Arabians are really special. Even the elderly ones.
A buddy of mine and his GF had Arabians up here. They had the top stallion in state (AK) and four mares. Whenever the GF was out of town, I was enlisted to feed, clean, and exercise the horses. I have to say, that stallion had a tremendous personality, far more interesting than any of the mares. When I rode him, I had to trot him hard for 20-30 minutes before I could put him through his paces. Otherwise, he was so full of piss and vinegar and he'd crow-hop and buck. Arabians are certainly graceful animals, IMHO. My favorite horses now are the Gypsy Vanners. If I ever get situated and can afford it, I'd like to have one or two of them. I'd also have to build my own vardo to go camping.
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.
An auger! Be careful so it does not twist your arms along with the top soil!

I could see myself dancing a strange little jig as a power auger spun me around like a dervish!

Great for setting fence posts! Also great for setting middle aged men on their rumps/
We were smart, we'd use the auger attachment with the bobcat, if it hit a big rock or thick root no one would go flying. :thup:
When I was younger and stronger I had a project in sunny Puerto Rico at NAS Roosevelt Roads. I had to determine ground water levels and a power auger was just the ticket.

The clay based soils of the base made drilling interesting. One stab at it took the auger right down to the chuck. Another took all the upper body strength I could muster to keep the spinning auger on track.

Altogether, I developed a love/hate relationship with that tool
I've used one on the 3 point hitch on my tractor. It uses the hitch to control depth and the rear hydraulic connections to spin the auger. 10" diameter holes 4 feet deep took about a minute each. It took far longer to position the tractor precisely than drill the hole.
I've thought about getting an auger for the tractor, but we have to get into some pretty rough, wooded terrain to drill fence holes. The one- or two-person hand-held auger would work better for us, I think.
Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat.Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I saw a picture yesterday Of a pair of glasses sitting on a balcony rail yesterday. One lens of them had a brownish substance on it and through the other, one could see a clearer, but smaller version of the buildings in the background. It became clear to me exactly where the photo was taken, namely fairly high up above Central Park in New York City. Then I read below and find that these glasses were the ones worn by John Lennon when he was shot.
I actually posted the photo to facebook, only asking friends to help me sort out my feelings. I was between fascinated and disgusted. Thoughts?

I don't know. I honestly say it doesn't trigger a lot of emotion in me but I never got caught up in the John Lennon cult. So it is only of moderate interest to me knowing how many were deeply involved in that particular piece of our history.
John Lennon was very important to me. I remember pulling up into my friends house for band practice when the news came over the radio that John had been murdered in NYC. None of us could move for hours. We just sat there while they played his music.
Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat.Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I saw a picture yesterday Of a pair of glasses sitting on a balcony rail yesterday. One lens of them had a brownish substance on it and through the other, one could see a clearer, but smaller version of the buildings in the background. It became clear to me exactly where the photo was taken, namely fairly high up above Central Park in New York City. Then I read below and find that these glasses were the ones worn by John Lennon when he was shot.
I actually posted the photo to facebook, only asking friends to help me sort out my feelings. I was between fascinated and disgusted. Thoughts?

I don't know. I honestly say it doesn't trigger a lot of emotion in me but I never got caught up in the John Lennon cult. So it is only of moderate interest to me knowing how many were deeply involved in that particular piece of our history.
John Lennon was very important to me. I remember pulling up into my friends house for band practice when the news came over the radio that John had been murdered in NYC. None of us could move for hours. We just sat there while they played his music.
I had just bought Double Fantasy and was listening to it on my way home from my 2nd shift job. As I pulled up to my house, "Watching the Wheels" was playing and I sat there for a minute or so before I ejected the cassette. I was reaching for the key to kill the engine and I heard that he had been shot. I sat there in silence for 10 or 15 minutes until his death was confirmed before going in and waking up the wife.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

My point was just that if your motherboard dies for whatever reason, you can still use your hard drive (or get the info off of it if you decide to use a new one). Whether you just replace the motherboard or get an entirely new PC is immaterial; either way, the odds are that your old hard drive will plug into any new motherboard. :)

Hey, there is an idea, just put the old hard drive into the new desk top. They have the same 4GB memory and 500GB hard drive capacities. Anyone foresee an issue?
About to go play with my new toy. So excited.

What is that for? It looks like one of those things you drill a hole in the ice?

It is for drilling post holes for fences. We needed more garden space.

Used one of these my whole life. Dug the first hole and said to hell with this. Went to the store and got an auger.:)

Hard as they are to use, hand post hole diggers are easier and safer than the power ones.
My Presbyterian faith is low on pageantry. We don't have the elaborate vestments, the aroma of incense and the beautiful altars and choral screens found in St. Aloysius Catholic or St. Stephens Episcopal. Ours is more understated, Spartan, and dare I say, harsh.

But tomorrow evening the Presbyterians go all out for Maundy Thursday service. It has always been my favorite service because of the drama. Drama in Trinity Presbyterian? The 'tea and cookies' congregation on top of the hill? Yup! Drama with a capital "D".

Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, Christ's anguished prayers in Gethsemane and His betrayal and arrest. Church elders take their places behind the altar as the Last Supper is recreated. While Da Vinci portrayed that scene in frescos in Milan showing the disciples with questioning expressions, we humble Presbyterians portray it with my Uncle Robert and Al Volkner (who runs the hardware store), Jim Douglas (who is president of a local savings and loan), Kenny Grafton ( a veterinarian), Bob Gray (he owns an auto parts store) and Mitch Milligan (a plumber).

Uncle Robert plays Judas, a plumb role. At twilight, the lights in the sanctuary dim and go off. Uncle Robert, er, ah, Judas leaves the altar place and goes down the back steps to the kitchen where a vat of hot coffee is in perpetual brew. As the church gets darker, Marion Hales, the church organist, goes absolutely ape! She literally pulls all the stops and plays the darkest, loudest minor chords available on the massive pipe organ. The combination of those sounds and the dark inside my church always puts a corkscrew up my spine.

We rise and leave in silence only to go home and have pie.

Here's hoping your Easter weekend is warm and bright and just a little unnerving given the reason for this season.

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