USMB Coffee Shop IV

Don't make me get all mushy and tell you that he's my Prince Charming. He's super smart and hot as hell...definitely the whole package.

I think you mushed... ;)
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Wound up in the ER this morning. Got home around 2pm and went straight to bed because I was so exhausted. HATED the ambulance. That won't happen again if I can help it.

What was wrong? They don't know but suspect stomach flu. I never heard of a stomach flu that caused itching all over my body, hives, welts, intense and excruciating chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, non stop puking and explosive diarrhea all at the same time. If there is such a flu, hope you never get it.

Oh wow Gracie. Scary stuff and so sorry you had to endure that. But the fact they didn't keep you I guess is one good thing--the verdict must have been much less awful than the symptoms were.

I haven't had stomach flu in a long time, but have had it where it was pretty important to decide whether to lean over the pot or sit. And sometimes I made a bad decision there.
The photo on the vigil list last night is the Olde Pink House Restaurant in Savannah. A high end restaurant with a 5 star rating and they serve fried green tomatoes. Just looks like someplace our Sherry is supposed to dine and well, WQ loves Sherry so. . . .
Every day I usually scan the headlines on the Drudge Report. RCP etc. to get the gist of what today's news is probably going to be. And I'm sometimes sorry I did because those headlines are usually full of doom and gloom re the economy, climate change, disasters, terrorist plots--you know, the usual the world is going to hell in a hand basket stuff.

But today it was a weird mix. Two stand outs were a guy dressed in an Easter Bunny outfit starting a fist fight in a Jersey City mall and a guy with a bionic penis losing his virginity. And I say to myself, SELF, if that's as bad as it gets today, we're probably all okay.

Have a great Monday everybody.
Wound up in the ER this morning. Got home around 2pm and went straight to bed because I was so exhausted. HATED the ambulance. That won't happen again if I can help it.

What was wrong? They don't know but suspect stomach flu. I never heard of a stomach flu that caused itching all over my body, hives, welts, intense and excruciating chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, non stop puking and explosive diarrhea all at the same time. If there is such a flu, hope you never get it.

Oh wow Gracie. Scary stuff and so sorry you had to endure that. But the fact they didn't keep you I guess is one good thing--the verdict must have been much less awful than the symptoms were.

I haven't had stomach flu in a long time, but have had it where it was pretty important to decide whether to lean over the pot or sit. And sometimes I made a bad decision there.
A local bar tender who's actually a good friend despite being delightfully weird got her dose of stomach flu last week. She spent 4 days in the hospital. Had a feeding tube for a while, but couldn't even hold that down so she was on IV nutrients. She got out Friday afternoon and worked the day shift at the bar yesterday and stopped by Doc's last night. They seem to have gotten her back to her natural weird self.
Wound up in the ER this morning. Got home around 2pm and went straight to bed because I was so exhausted. HATED the ambulance. That won't happen again if I can help it.

What was wrong? They don't know but suspect stomach flu. I never heard of a stomach flu that caused itching all over my body, hives, welts, intense and excruciating chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, non stop puking and explosive diarrhea all at the same time. If there is such a flu, hope you never get it.

Ugh, That sounds awful! Hope you are feeling better..
Feeling a tad better. I think I had an allergic reaction to something on top of whatever the stomach bug was...but have no clue what it could be. Just being really careful, living on jello, sleeping a lot, until I see my reg doc on Thursday.
Feeling a tad better. I think I had an allergic reaction to something on top of whatever the stomach bug was...but have no clue what it could be. Just being really careful, living on jello, sleeping a lot, until I see my reg doc on Thursday.

Good that you feel better. It does sound like some sort of reaction.
Good morning all. I don't know the exact date/day, but I have a feeling that our Sherry and WelfareQueen are tying the knot sometime this weekend, and I'm sure our entire Coffee Shop family join me in wishing them every happiness.


Thanks, Foxy.:) We head off Monday on our honeymoon.:banana: I'm super excited to visit Savannah and Charleston... romantic cities, as well as filled with history, which we both love. We were going to also do Asheville, but decided to take our time and save that for a fall trip and enjoy the autumn scenery.:thup:
Congratulations to both of you! I wish you many long years of shared happiness and adventure.:cheers2:
Wound up in the ER this morning. Got home around 2pm and went straight to bed because I was so exhausted. HATED the ambulance. That won't happen again if I can help it.

What was wrong? They don't know but suspect stomach flu. I never heard of a stomach flu that caused itching all over my body, hives, welts, intense and excruciating chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, non stop puking and explosive diarrhea all at the same time. If there is such a flu, hope you never get it.
Aw, Hon, that sounds terrible, and not at all like any flu I've ever heard of either. Hopefully, you'll manage a little less stress and that will help. Heart's with you and best wishes.

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