USMB Coffee Shop IV

Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.
Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I've never even heard of it before! I don't really watch a whole lot of TV though. I work 3rd shift now, so I'm working when a lot of shows are on.

My shift is 9 PM to 5 AM.
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Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I've never even heard of it before! I don't really watch a whole lot of TV though. I work 3rd shift now, so I'm working when a lot of shows are on.

I DVR most of the shows I watch b/c I go to bed very early sometimes and prefer to watch them at my own leisure.

I awoke this morning to find a snow dusting on the ground. I texted my sister and she they have about inch. It is my fault b/c I put away the sidewalk salt and shovel. I attempted fate. lol. Go away winter! I am done with you!
Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I've never even heard of it before! I don't really watch a whole lot of TV though. I work 3rd shift now, so I'm working when a lot of shows are on.

I DVR most of the shows I watch b/c I go to bed very early sometimes and prefer to watch them at my own leisure.

I awoke this morning to find a snow dusting on the ground. I texted my sister and she they have about inch. It is my fault b/c I put away the sidewalk salt and shovel. I attempted fate. lol. Go away winter! I am done with you!

We're supposed to get snow maybe this weekend! Blech! I'm soooo sick of winter.
Morning everybody!

Just checking in and letting you all know that hubby goes in tomorrow for lab test.
We hope & pray that the infection was taken care of by this 2nd antibiotic. :)
We will know for sure by next week.
We are very happy that it was caught so early and we have some new answers to this very weird and terrible disease.

I hope by next week I have more time to come and be on the board again.
Right now I am doing everything so I don't have much of any mommy time. :cranky:
No one in Maine ate them until 20 years ago, either, because they were just all over the beach like seaweed at low tide. Then seafood restaurants realized if you put garlic and wine and lemon on them, they're a cheap substitute for clams, which are harder to dig.

Interesting. And I believe this is your first visit to the Coffee Shop, OldLady, and welcome. We are so happy you dropped in and we hope you find a refuge here from all the craziness out there on the board as many have. Of course you have to put up with our own brand of craziness in here. :) Just teasing. Anyway we're glad you came.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

View attachment 70445
Thanks! It looks lovely! Thanks, Ernie, too--depending on the day, they are both tempting.
If you decide to visit the coffee shop regularly, you'll get to know as friends some of the people you don't care much for on the rest of the board.
For instance, you'll learn that Foxfyre is everyone's mom. She loves us all but frowns on sibling rivalry. You'll learn that SaveLiberty is the world's first feline automotive sales manager. You'll learn that Galiant Warrior is a goat farmer, a professor and aircraft mechanic and is our representative from Alaska.
Me? I own a bar in Foley Alabama called Doc Holliday's.
I try not to be rude regardless, unless they really, really beg for it. I doubt I'll be making it to Alabama anytime soon, but if I do, I'll be chasing your bloody mary. When I was in New Orleans a few years ago, it was the first time I had one that had pickled vegetables in it, and it was fun having something to munch on besides a naked celery stalk. Love the pickled green beans; they were hot, too (spicy). What a concept.
QUESTION for all: Why do people who live in hot climates like Louisiana and New Mexico eat the spicy-hottest foods that make you sweat even more? You'd think us people freezing our tails off in Maine would want spicy stuff to warm up, but no--1/4 tsp of Franks in a recipe and all the neighbors run away screaming

It is one of those mysteries. Like sometimes a hot cup of coffee on a summer afternoon has a cooling effect, and I suppose in a way those chiles do too. In truth though, green chile stew and posole are considered more winter fare, but you can eat tamales, enchiladas, and tacos etc. year round.
I've tried that hot drink on a summer afternoon thing, and it has NEVER had a cooling effect, for me.
It is true, though, that the capsaicin in hot peppers can actually settle an iffy stomach. Ginger does, too. Doctors used to say STAY AWAY from spicy foods if you had an ulcer. Wonder if they still do.
Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I've never even heard of it before! I don't really watch a whole lot of TV though. I work 3rd shift now, so I'm working when a lot of shows are on.

I DVR most of the shows I watch b/c I go to bed very early sometimes and prefer to watch them at my own leisure.

I awoke this morning to find a snow dusting on the ground. I texted my sister and she they have about inch. It is my fault b/c I put away the sidewalk salt and shovel. I attempted fate. lol. Go away winter! I am done with you!
Pull out the shovel and leave it by the door for another month, MDK. Please
No one in Maine ate them until 20 years ago, either, because they were just all over the beach like seaweed at low tide. Then seafood restaurants realized if you put garlic and wine and lemon on them, they're a cheap substitute for clams, which are harder to dig.

Interesting. And I believe this is your first visit to the Coffee Shop, OldLady, and welcome. We are so happy you dropped in and we hope you find a refuge here from all the craziness out there on the board as many have. Of course you have to put up with our own brand of craziness in here. :) Just teasing. Anyway we're glad you came.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

View attachment 70445
Or you could head to Doc Hollidays for one of these:

That looks like dinner with a beverage to me. What exactly do you call that?
That's a Bloody Mary similar to what we serve at Doc's. We don't normally do bacon but we use summer sausage and an array of pickles veggies.

Just a celery stick in mine, please! :D
That's so.... common. Doc Holliday's doesn't do common.
I just heard a news report about a man in Leominster who was killed while cutting down a tree branch in a bucket truck. The man apparently wasn't wearing a harness and the branch hit the bucket, and the man fell out from 60 feet and was killed. That's scary to me because my son does that for a living. He not only works in a bucket but he also "spikes" up the trees when they can't reach it or get to it with the bucket. He's only 21, so he is still fearless. I'm going to text him right now and tell him that he'd better wear his harness and be careful!
I'm betting he will be sharing that text with all his friends.... LOL
No winter here but we did finally get some rain last night which of course means I'm walking around in a mental fog due to allergies.
(Yes I know, I know, not due to the regularly scheduled mental fog........) :D

Job update. The wife was supposed to have a Skype interview with the hospital in Vail but it was postponed one of the group interviewers was sick. They really seem to like her but we'll see. The other problem is the cost of housing in Vail is astronomical so most people live up to an hour away. The hospital does provide a shuttle to some of these places but either there's nothing (amenity wise) there or it's still pretty expensive. Denver is about 2 hours east on I70 so that would be a long commute even under good conditions. The HR person did tell the wife the cost of rentals drops when the the ski season is over with.
Blast Microsoft. They are trying to railroad me into loading down windows 10. A message just came up asking me to schedule a download on Sunday, and cancelling the schedule was misleading. I very nearly clicked on the wrong button. The bastards had better not download it.
I've managed to avoid downloading Windows 10 but the other day and upgrade for my Windows 8 showed up and I had no choice, it auto-downloaded when I updated my software. The new program SUCKS! I've made that clear in the several solicited comments as to my opinion/satisfaction with the upgrade/update. I might as well have gone with 10, but then, that's probably what the engineers had in mind in the first place.

Yeah, I just got used to Windows 8 and now they want me to "upgrade" to Windows 10. No thank you. Lol.

I finally relented and did the upgrade to Win 10. It was just easier than bucking the system, and especially since I'm the closest thing to being the 'IT guy' in our household and I needed to be able to guide others when they ran into issues. And so far it has been pretty okay. I did like Win 8.1 though.
No winter here but we did finally get some rain last night which of course means I'm walking around in a mental fog due to allergies.
(Yes I know, I know, not due to the regularly scheduled mental fog........) :D

Job update. The wife was supposed to have a Skype interview with the hospital in Vail but it was postponed one of the group interviewers was sick. They really seem to like her but we'll see. The other problem is the cost of housing in Vail is astronomical so most people live up to an hour away. The hospital does provide a shuttle to some of these places but either there's nothing (amenity wise) there or it's still pretty expensive. Denver is about 2 hours east on I70 so that would be a long commute even under good conditions. The HR person did tell the wife the cost of rentals drops when the the ski season is over with.

Maybe moving there during the low rent summer season, the landlord would keep those rates to get a year round tenant?
Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I try to avoid those horror of shows. :)
Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I try to avoid those horror of shows. :)

Same here. The fact that it was filmed in my area has compelled me, though. I am wanted to see if much has changed since I played. Hint: it hasn't. lol
I just heard a news report about a man in Leominster who was killed while cutting down a tree branch in a bucket truck. The man apparently wasn't wearing a harness and the branch hit the bucket, and the man fell out from 60 feet and was killed. That's scary to me because my son does that for a living. He not only works in a bucket but he also "spikes" up the trees when they can't reach it or get to it with the bucket. He's only 21, so he is still fearless. I'm going to text him right now and tell him that he'd better wear his harness and be careful!

It is scary when our kids have dangerous jobs (our son) or are the fearless types that aren't the most safety conscious (our daughter). But what are you going to do?
Does anyone here watch Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country? This horror of a show was filmed in the county I was born and raised. I played football aganist everyone of these teams as kid and in high school.

I try to avoid those horror of shows. :)

Same here. The fact that it was filmed in my area has compelled me, though. I am wanted to see if much has changed since I played. Hint: it hasn't. lol

That's why I have suffered through so many episodes of "Breaking Bad". Despite its rave reviews, I find it a decidedly depressing show, but watch it for glimpses of Albuquerque where I live and where it was filmed.
I got done with work about an hour ago, and now I have to stay up because I have to take my car back to the shop. Something else is wrong with it and it's making funny noises. I'm starting to get really annoyed about it. I'm only a few months away from paying it off, and it's only 5 years old!! I was hoping to keep it for at least 2 more years after I paid it off because I don't want to have make car payments every darn month!!! It would be nice if I could get the car fixed and not keep having problem after problem! So, it's not worth it to go to bed now and only sleep for a couple of hours, so I have to stay awake and have the mechanic look at my car again. Hopefully he can fix it today and I can have my car back tonight. :mad: I'm so aggravated about car problems.

It is a pain. We had a number of car trips to take this year and I was just a little leery of our 11-year-old Subaru Forrester that was retired from being a work car over three states and was well over 175,000 miles. Still a great car but was needing enough stuff you wonder what else might need replacing etc. So we finally bit the bullet and traded it on our new Subaru legacy. But since we didn't want to deplete our bank account to buy it outright, we did lease it for now and that meant I had to let my housekeeping service go to afford it without losing assets every month. I am perfectly capable of cleaning the house myself, and Hombre does help, but it still sucks. :)
No winter here but we did finally get some rain last night which of course means I'm walking around in a mental fog due to allergies.
(Yes I know, I know, not due to the regularly scheduled mental fog........) :D

Job update. The wife was supposed to have a Skype interview with the hospital in Vail but it was postponed one of the group interviewers was sick. They really seem to like her but we'll see. The other problem is the cost of housing in Vail is astronomical so most people live up to an hour away. The hospital does provide a shuttle to some of these places but either there's nothing (amenity wise) there or it's still pretty expensive. Denver is about 2 hours east on I70 so that would be a long commute even under good conditions. The HR person did tell the wife the cost of rentals drops when the the ski season is over with.

Maybe moving there during the low rent summer season, the landlord would keep those rates to get a year round tenant?
That's what I'm thinking. Have to do some more research on specific houses but say a certain property is rented out during the ski season for 4K a month and is typically only rented out 4 months out of the year, that's 12K a year. Divide that by 12 and it's $1000 per month, offer $1100 to $1200 per month to sweeten the deal for the landlord, that's an additional $1200 to $2400 in his/her pocket a year and still keeps our housing costs down. We have a relatively cheap rent and the landlord has a consistent income, a win, win all around.
I just heard a news report about a man in Leominster who was killed while cutting down a tree branch in a bucket truck. The man apparently wasn't wearing a harness and the branch hit the bucket, and the man fell out from 60 feet and was killed. That's scary to me because my son does that for a living. He not only works in a bucket but he also "spikes" up the trees when they can't reach it or get to it with the bucket. He's only 21, so he is still fearless. I'm going to text him right now and tell him that he'd better wear his harness and be careful!

It is scary when our kids have dangerous jobs (our son) or are the fearless types that aren't the most safety conscious (our daughter). But what are you going to do?
Not only did my son join the Army and go to Iraq, but he spent his time there disarming bombs. We both lied through it.
I just heard a news report about a man in Leominster who was killed while cutting down a tree branch in a bucket truck. The man apparently wasn't wearing a harness and the branch hit the bucket, and the man fell out from 60 feet and was killed. That's scary to me because my son does that for a living. He not only works in a bucket but he also "spikes" up the trees when they can't reach it or get to it with the bucket. He's only 21, so he is still fearless. I'm going to text him right now and tell him that he'd better wear his harness and be careful!

It is scary when our kids have dangerous jobs (our son) or are the fearless types that aren't the most safety conscious (our daughter). But what are you going to do?
Not only did my son join the Army and go to Iraq, but he spent his time there disarming bombs. We both lied through it.

Yeah, that would be scarier than what my kids have done/do.

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