USMB Coffee Shop IV

Thanks! It looks lovely! Thanks, Ernie, too--depending on the day, they are both tempting.
If you decide to visit the coffee shop regularly, you'll get to know as friends some of the people you don't care much for on the rest of the board.
For instance, you'll learn that Foxfyre is everyone's mom. She loves us all but frowns on sibling rivalry. You'll learn that SaveLiberty is the world's first feline automotive sales manager. You'll learn that Galiant Warrior is a goat farmer, a professor and aircraft mechanic and is our representative from Alaska.
Me? I own a bar in Foley Alabama called Doc Holliday's.
I try not to be rude regardless, unless they really, really beg for it. I doubt I'll be making it to Alabama anytime soon, but if I do, I'll be chasing your bloody mary. When I was in New Orleans a few years ago, it was the first time I had one that had pickled vegetables in it, and it was fun having something to munch on besides a naked celery stalk. Love the pickled green beans; they were hot, too (spicy). What a concept.
QUESTION for all: Why do people who live in hot climates like Louisiana and New Mexico eat the spicy-hottest foods that make you sweat even more? You'd think us people freezing our tails off in Maine would want spicy stuff to warm up, but no--1/4 tsp of Franks in a recipe and all the neighbors run away screaming

Lol! I like some hot and spicy foods, but some are just TOO hot. I remember ordering buffalo wings once, and those things were SO hot that they burned not only my mouth but my lips too! I think when food is too hot it ruins the flavor.

I marinated wings once in some Chinese hot sauce. I did not realize just how hot it was, and we couldn't even eat them. It was just unpleasant, to be honest. Lol.

I am the same way. While I do like hot, don't make it so hot until I can't taste it, and all I do is burn.
The heat is all relative. You get used to it. Rarely do I find the hottest wings too hot or lacking in taste. My tolerance is lower than it was when I was living a few miles from Foxy. In those days, I could eat a habenero like an apple. These days, that would be painful for me, but I might just push myself if I had a glass of milk close by.

I don't enjoy food when it is too hot. All you can really taste is the hot. Lol.
That has to be a mostly East coast thing. I don't recall mussels being on the menu in any restaurant around here, even the most prestigious fine dining ones. And they sure aren't on the traditional menus of folks around here whether Mexican, southwestern, New Mexican, Texan, Italian, various Asian cuisines, or southern which pretty well makes up the standard home fare around here. Nor were they in Texas or Kansas when I lived there.

So alas, I have never tasted mussels. :(
No one in Maine ate them until 20 years ago, either, because they were just all over the beach like seaweed at low tide. Then seafood restaurants realized if you put garlic and wine and lemon on them, they're a cheap substitute for clams, which are harder to dig.

Interesting. And I believe this is your first visit to the Coffee Shop, OldLady, and welcome. We are so happy you dropped in and we hope you find a refuge here from all the craziness out there on the board as many have. Of course you have to put up with our own brand of craziness in here. :) Just teasing. Anyway we're glad you came.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

View attachment 70445
Thanks! It looks lovely! Thanks, Ernie, too--depending on the day, they are both tempting.
If you decide to visit the coffee shop regularly, you'll get to know as friends some of the people you don't care much for on the rest of the board.
For instance, you'll learn that Foxfyre is everyone's mom. She loves us all but frowns on sibling rivalry. You'll learn that SaveLiberty is the world's first feline automotive sales manager. You'll learn that Galiant Warrior is a goat farmer, a professor and aircraft mechanic and is our representative from Alaska.
Me? I own a bar in Foley Alabama called Doc Holliday's.
I try not to be rude regardless, unless they really, really beg for it. I doubt I'll be making it to Alabama anytime soon, but if I do, I'll be chasing your bloody mary. When I was in New Orleans a few years ago, it was the first time I had one that had pickled vegetables in it, and it was fun having something to munch on besides a naked celery stalk. Love the pickled green beans; they were hot, too (spicy). What a concept.
QUESTION for all: Why do people who live in hot climates like Louisiana and New Mexico eat the spicy-hottest foods that make you sweat even more? You'd think us people freezing our tails off in Maine would want spicy stuff to warm up, but no--1/4 tsp of Franks in a recipe and all the neighbors run away screaming

It is one of those mysteries. Like sometimes a hot cup of coffee on a summer afternoon has a cooling effect, and I suppose in a way those chiles do too. In truth though, green chile stew and posole are considered more winter fare, but you can eat tamales, enchiladas, and tacos etc. year round.
If you decide to visit the coffee shop regularly, you'll get to know as friends some of the people you don't care much for on the rest of the board.
For instance, you'll learn that Foxfyre is everyone's mom. She loves us all but frowns on sibling rivalry. You'll learn that SaveLiberty is the world's first feline automotive sales manager. You'll learn that Galiant Warrior is a goat farmer, a professor and aircraft mechanic and is our representative from Alaska.
Me? I own a bar in Foley Alabama called Doc Holliday's.
I try not to be rude regardless, unless they really, really beg for it. I doubt I'll be making it to Alabama anytime soon, but if I do, I'll be chasing your bloody mary. When I was in New Orleans a few years ago, it was the first time I had one that had pickled vegetables in it, and it was fun having something to munch on besides a naked celery stalk. Love the pickled green beans; they were hot, too (spicy). What a concept.
QUESTION for all: Why do people who live in hot climates like Louisiana and New Mexico eat the spicy-hottest foods that make you sweat even more? You'd think us people freezing our tails off in Maine would want spicy stuff to warm up, but no--1/4 tsp of Franks in a recipe and all the neighbors run away screaming

Lol! I like some hot and spicy foods, but some are just TOO hot. I remember ordering buffalo wings once, and those things were SO hot that they burned not only my mouth but my lips too! I think when food is too hot it ruins the flavor.

I marinated wings once in some Chinese hot sauce. I did not realize just how hot it was, and we couldn't even eat them. It was just unpleasant, to be honest. Lol.

I am the same way. While I do like hot, don't make it so hot until I can't taste it, and all I do is burn.
The heat is all relative. You get used to it. Rarely do I find the hottest wings too hot or lacking in taste. My tolerance is lower than it was when I was living a few miles from Foxy. In those days, I could eat a habenero like an apple. These days, that would be painful for me, but I might just push myself if I had a glass of milk close by.

I don't enjoy food when it is too hot. All you can really taste is the hot. Lol.

Me either. I don't mind a bit of heat but I don't want a lot. Actually Mexican food/southwestern cuisine can be quite mild though very flavorful.
If you decide to visit the coffee shop regularly, you'll get to know as friends some of the people you don't care much for on the rest of the board.
For instance, you'll learn that Foxfyre is everyone's mom. She loves us all but frowns on sibling rivalry. You'll learn that SaveLiberty is the world's first feline automotive sales manager. You'll learn that Galiant Warrior is a goat farmer, a professor and aircraft mechanic and is our representative from Alaska.
Me? I own a bar in Foley Alabama called Doc Holliday's.
I try not to be rude regardless, unless they really, really beg for it. I doubt I'll be making it to Alabama anytime soon, but if I do, I'll be chasing your bloody mary. When I was in New Orleans a few years ago, it was the first time I had one that had pickled vegetables in it, and it was fun having something to munch on besides a naked celery stalk. Love the pickled green beans; they were hot, too (spicy). What a concept.
QUESTION for all: Why do people who live in hot climates like Louisiana and New Mexico eat the spicy-hottest foods that make you sweat even more? You'd think us people freezing our tails off in Maine would want spicy stuff to warm up, but no--1/4 tsp of Franks in a recipe and all the neighbors run away screaming

Lol! I like some hot and spicy foods, but some are just TOO hot. I remember ordering buffalo wings once, and those things were SO hot that they burned not only my mouth but my lips too! I think when food is too hot it ruins the flavor.

I marinated wings once in some Chinese hot sauce. I did not realize just how hot it was, and we couldn't even eat them. It was just unpleasant, to be honest. Lol.

I am the same way. While I do like hot, don't make it so hot until I can't taste it, and all I do is burn.
The heat is all relative. You get used to it. Rarely do I find the hottest wings too hot or lacking in taste. My tolerance is lower than it was when I was living a few miles from Foxy. In those days, I could eat a habenero like an apple. These days, that would be painful for me, but I might just push myself if I had a glass of milk close by.

I don't enjoy food when it is too hot. All you can really taste is the hot. Lol.
Bhutanese food is so hot it gives you hiccups.
I try not to be rude regardless, unless they really, really beg for it. I doubt I'll be making it to Alabama anytime soon, but if I do, I'll be chasing your bloody mary. When I was in New Orleans a few years ago, it was the first time I had one that had pickled vegetables in it, and it was fun having something to munch on besides a naked celery stalk. Love the pickled green beans; they were hot, too (spicy). What a concept.
QUESTION for all: Why do people who live in hot climates like Louisiana and New Mexico eat the spicy-hottest foods that make you sweat even more? You'd think us people freezing our tails off in Maine would want spicy stuff to warm up, but no--1/4 tsp of Franks in a recipe and all the neighbors run away screaming

Lol! I like some hot and spicy foods, but some are just TOO hot. I remember ordering buffalo wings once, and those things were SO hot that they burned not only my mouth but my lips too! I think when food is too hot it ruins the flavor.

I marinated wings once in some Chinese hot sauce. I did not realize just how hot it was, and we couldn't even eat them. It was just unpleasant, to be honest. Lol.

I am the same way. While I do like hot, don't make it so hot until I can't taste it, and all I do is burn.
The heat is all relative. You get used to it. Rarely do I find the hottest wings too hot or lacking in taste. My tolerance is lower than it was when I was living a few miles from Foxy. In those days, I could eat a habenero like an apple. These days, that would be painful for me, but I might just push myself if I had a glass of milk close by.

I don't enjoy food when it is too hot. All you can really taste is the hot. Lol.
Bhutanese food is so hot it gives you hiccups.

Yeah, no thanks. :cheeky-smiley-018:
I'm back at the Luxuious Pimplebutt Estare after the first cataract surgery. The ophthalmologists and opritricanscassure mr that everything went well, the new left lens is in place and I should avoid weight lifting for the foreseeable future. Please forgive any typos as I have had so many drops squirted in my eye and this keyboard is still a bit challenging.
A laser sliced my iris, I had one of those A CLOCKWOK ORABGR clamps put in af the laser was lowered on mt eye so close that the left eye was governed by it and I could n longer see from it. Then came the light show. Two minutes of that and I was on the move again into yet another room,

There the pushed anesthetic into yor IV, the never thing I knew was I was in the recovery
The procedure was amazing to me, a medical sissy and layman. But it seemed mundane and routine to all the professionals there. The first stage was more preparation. Blood pressure, weight, blood sugar levels and then a wait.

Next they rolled me into a room where a NASA inspired machine sliced my iris. Seven minutes later they pushed anesthetic into the IV and I came to in yet another room.
So, here I am. Finally able to have a late breakfast with time enough to tap out this report.


Can you see me in your peripheral vision?

This new lens just might work out!

Yesterday I would have told you about the dried twigs wrapped around a wooden flutelike

But today I see what Daisy responds to as 'that damn cat!' playing a foolish game of Hide & Seek.

I went for a walk and Daisy went for a run this afternoon. Today I did not trip OB any of the recently blown down branches and boughs. I even spotted two squirrels before Daisy,

It's odd, I just took off the welder's goggles and the light level on my iPad is blinding.
Green Tobasco sauce is too hot for me, so I'm wimpy when it comes to hot spicy food. Besides, I pay for it with the other end and that is not pleasant. I can imagine the holes in my stomach it would cause. So I pass on all hot stuff.
I'm back at the Luxuious Pimplebutt Estare after the first cataract surgery. The ophthalmologists and opritricanscassure mr that everything went well, the new left lens is in place and I should avoid weight lifting for the foreseeable future. Please forgive any typos as I have had so many drops squirted in my eye and this keyboard is still a bit challenging.
A laser sliced my iris, I had one of those A CLOCKWOK ORABGR clamps put in af the laser was lowered on mt eye so close that the left eye was governed by it and I could n longer see from it. Then came the light show. Two minutes of that and I was on the move again into yet another room,

There the pushed anesthetic into yor IV, the never thing I knew was I was in the recovery
The procedure was amazing to me, a medical sissy and layman. But it seemed mundane and routine to all the professionals there. The first stage was more preparation. Blood pressure, weight, blood sugar levels and then a wait.

Next they rolled me into a room where a NASA inspired machine sliced my iris. Seven minutes later they pushed anesthetic into the IV and I came to in yet another room.
So, here I am. Finally able to have a late breakfast with time enough to tap out this report.


Can you see me in your peripheral vision?

This new lens just might work out!

Yesterday I would have told you about the dried twigs wrapped around a wooden flutelike

But today I see what Daisy responds to as 'that damn cat!' playing a foolish game of Hide & Seek.

I went for a walk and Daisy went for a run this afternoon. Today I did not trip OB any of the recently blown down branches and boughs. I even spotted two squirrels before Daisy,

It's odd, I just took off the welder's goggles and the light level on my iPad is blinding.
I go in for consultation on the 18th. I hope these guys have the same nasa machine yours did!
Meanwhile..I just waylaid a big assed flareup that was trying really hard to become full blown but it went away. Until today. wtf? Then I remembered....rain tomorrow. Maybe that is why.
Mussels too. Mussels are SOOOO good.


That has to be a mostly East coast thing. I don't recall mussels being on the menu in any restaurant around here, even the most prestigious fine dining ones. And they sure aren't on the traditional menus of folks around here whether Mexican, southwestern, New Mexican, Texan, Italian, various Asian cuisines, or southern which pretty well makes up the standard home fare around here. Nor were they in Texas or Kansas when I lived there.

So alas, I have never tasted mussels. :(
No one in Maine ate them until 20 years ago, either, because they were just all over the beach like seaweed at low tide. Then seafood restaurants realized if you put garlic and wine and lemon on them, they're a cheap substitute for clams, which are harder to dig.

Interesting. And I believe this is your first visit to the Coffee Shop, OldLady, and welcome. We are so happy you dropped in and we hope you find a refuge here from all the craziness out there on the board as many have. Of course you have to put up with our own brand of craziness in here. :) Just teasing. Anyway we're glad you came.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

View attachment 70445
Or you could head to Doc Hollidays for one of these:

That looks like dinner with a beverage to me. What exactly do you call that?
Blast Microsoft. They are trying to railroad me into loading down windows 10. A message just came up asking me to schedule a download on Sunday, and cancelling the schedule was misleading. I very nearly clicked on the wrong button. The bastards had better not download it.
I've managed to avoid downloading Windows 10 but the other day and upgrade for my Windows 8 showed up and I had no choice, it auto-downloaded when I updated my software. The new program SUCKS! I've made that clear in the several solicited comments as to my opinion/satisfaction with the upgrade/update. I might as well have gone with 10, but then, that's probably what the engineers had in mind in the first place.

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