USMB Coffee Shop IV

What I did not know was these preparation drops actually make my vision worse.

I was driving to the northern part of the county this morning at 9:00, about 90 minutes after finishing all three of the drops, when I perceived a shape in front of me that made me beieve there was a slower car up front. It turned pit to be a shady spot.

I have taken myself off the road until things clear up.

The one drop I take three times daily seems to be made of lemon juice. The twice daily drops must contain Vasoline petroleum jelly. Quite a potent mixture f you expect to see anything.

I'm thinking about putting a seeing eye dog harness on Daisy the Mutt. But she would have me running into trees as she chases squirrels. I have to face facts. Daisy has no career path as a working dog. She will not pull her weight in greater service to mankind. Unless she can earn her way by sleeping 18 hours a day or chasing squirrels or rolling on her back to have her belly rubbed. She is merely ornamental.

Depends on how you look at it. Sometimes things that seem only 'ornamental' justify themselves by how they enhance our lives and are sometimes therapeutic. I'm guessing your daisy has great value in both categories.
It's funny that you used the word "therapeutic". I saw an article about Therapy Dogs on my local PBS station. Friendly happy dogs were taken to nursing homes and children's hospital wards and mental health shelters. The folks all seemed to love the visits from the dogs and the dogs loved the attention, as all dogs do.

Bingo! I thought 'here's a chance for Daisy the Mut to serve others. Daisy is born and bred to crawl up on laps and get her belly rubbed. She does it naturally. She was trained to be friendly and happy. I believe that dogs will behave exactly how they have been treated.

So I made a call to the folks who coordinate the therapy dog program. It turns out that Daisy would have to undergo more formal training to become a therapy dog than I would have to take to be a butcher in a butcher shop! Instincts and natural personality get you in the door, but 40 hours of training over several weekends are required to be petted by the elderly.

Kind of silly isn't it.
True, but a crawfish boil down here is a big deal. Between mud bugs (crawfish) and pulled pork shredded Boston butt, there is no finer way to spend your day.
I'm working on promotion for making crawfish and barbecue a monthly event. The working name is Bugs and Butt.
What I did not know was these preparation drops actually make my vision worse.

I was driving to the northern part of the county this morning at 9:00, about 90 minutes after finishing all three of the drops, when I perceived a shape in front of me that made me beieve there was a slower car up front. It turned pit to be a shady spot.

I have taken myself off the road until things clear up.

The one drop I take three times daily seems to be made of lemon juice. The twice daily drops must contain Vasoline petroleum jelly. Quite a potent mixture f you expect to see anything.

I'm thinking about putting a seeing eye dog harness on Daisy the Mutt. But she would have me running into trees as she chases squirrels. I have to face facts. Daisy has no career path as a working dog. She will not pull her weight in greater service to mankind. Unless she can earn her way by sleeping 18 hours a day or chasing squirrels or rolling on her back to have her belly rubbed. She is merely ornamental.

Depends on how you look at it. Sometimes things that seem only 'ornamental' justify themselves by how they enhance our lives and are sometimes therapeutic. I'm guessing your daisy has great value in both categories.
It's funny that you used the word "therapeutic". I saw an article about Therapy Dogs on my local PBS station. Friendly happy dogs were taken to nursing homes and children's hospital wards and mental health shelters. The folks all seemed to love the visits from the dogs and the dogs loved the attention, as all dogs do.

Bingo! I thought 'here's a chance for Daisy the Mut to serve others. Daisy is born and bred to crawl up on laps and get her belly rubbed. She does it naturally. She was trained to be friendly and happy. I believe that dogs will behave exactly how they have been treated.

So I made a call to the folks who coordinate the therapy dog program. It turns out that Daisy would have to undergo more formal training to become a therapy dog than I would have to take to be a butcher in a butcher shop! Instincts and natural personality get you in the door, but 40 hours of training over several weekends are required to be petted by the elderly.

Kind of silly isn't it.
I can understand their concerns about liability, but everyone who meets Daisy first says "Awww!" and then wants to pet her. She's a natural clown and charmer.


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What I did not know was these preparation drops actually make my vision worse.

I was driving to the northern part of the county this morning at 9:00, about 90 minutes after finishing all three of the drops, when I perceived a shape in front of me that made me beieve there was a slower car up front. It turned pit to be a shady spot.

I have taken myself off the road until things clear up.

The one drop I take three times daily seems to be made of lemon juice. The twice daily drops must contain Vasoline petroleum jelly. Quite a potent mixture f you expect to see anything.

I'm thinking about putting a seeing eye dog harness on Daisy the Mutt. But she would have me running into trees as she chases squirrels. I have to face facts. Daisy has no career path as a working dog. She will not pull her weight in greater service to mankind. Unless she can earn her way by sleeping 18 hours a day or chasing squirrels or rolling on her back to have her belly rubbed. She is merely ornamental.

Depends on how you look at it. Sometimes things that seem only 'ornamental' justify themselves by how they enhance our lives and are sometimes therapeutic. I'm guessing your daisy has great value in both categories.
It's funny that you used the word "therapeutic". I saw an article about Therapy Dogs on my local PBS station. Friendly happy dogs were taken to nursing homes and children's hospital wards and mental health shelters. The folks all seemed to love the visits from the dogs and the dogs loved the attention, as all dogs do.

Bingo! I thought 'here's a chance for Daisy the Mut to serve others. Daisy is born and bred to crawl up on laps and get her belly rubbed. She does it naturally. She was trained to be friendly and happy. I believe that dogs will behave exactly how they have been treated.

So I made a call to the folks who coordinate the therapy dog program. It turns out that Daisy would have to undergo more formal training to become a therapy dog than I would have to take to be a butcher in a butcher shop! Instincts and natural personality get you in the door, but 40 hours of training over several weekends are required to be petted by the elderly.

Kind of silly isn't it.
I can understand their concerns about liability, but everyone who meets Daisy first says "Awww!" and then wants to pet her. She's a natural clown and charmer.



Yes, I know a number of dogs like that. Not a mean or contentious bone in their body, not spooked by anything, and adaptable around just about anything. And all would be perfect to cheer up a nursing home resident etc.. But as you say, the training and certification is expensive and strenuous.
Got buzzed by two Bald Eagles today. Suckers came in low behind me after a dead rabbit on the street. Must have flinched when first one went by, guy behind me started cracking up, then boom other goes by and they're gone.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Rod, GW's partner,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I'm back at the Luxuious Pimplebutt Estare after the first cataract surgery. The ophthalmologists and opritricanscassure mr that everything went well, the new left lens is in place and I should avoid weight lifting for the foreseeable future. Please forgive any typos as I have had so many drops squirted in my eye and this keyboard is still a bit challenging.
A laser sliced my iris, I had one of those A CLOCKWOK ORABGR clamps put in af the laser was lowered on mt eye so close that the left eye was governed by it and I could n longer see from it. Then came the light show. Two minutes of that and I was on the move again into yet another room,

There the pushed anesthetic into yor IV, the never thing I knew was I was in the recovery
The procedure was amazing to me, a medical sissy and layman. But it seemed mundane and routine to all the professionals there. The first stage was more preparation. Blood pressure, weight, blood sugar levels and then a wait.

Next they rolled me into a room where a NASA inspired machine sliced my iris. Seven minutes later they pushed anesthetic into the IV and I came to in yet another room.
So, here I am. Finally able to have a late breakfast with time enough to tap out this report.
I'm back at the Luxuious Pimplebutt Estare after the first cataract surgery. The ophthalmologists and opritricanscassure mr that everything went well, the new left lens is in place and I should avoid weight lifting for the foreseeable future. Please forgive any typos as I have had so many drops squirted in my eye and this keyboard is still a bit challenging.
A laser sliced my iris, I had one of those A CLOCKWOK ORABGR clamps put in af the laser was lowered on mt eye so close that the left eye was governed by it and I could n longer see from it. Then came the light show. Two minutes of that and I was on the move again into yet another room,

There the pushed anesthetic into yor IV, the never thing I knew was I was in the recovery
The procedure was amazing to me, a medical sissy and layman. But it seemed mundane and routine to all the professionals there. The first stage was more preparation. Blood pressure, weight, blood sugar levels and then a wait.

Next they rolled me into a room where a NASA inspired machine sliced my iris. Seven minutes later they pushed anesthetic into the IV and I came to in yet another room.
So, here I am. Finally able to have a late breakfast with time enough to tap out this report.

So how do you see?
I'm back at the Luxuious Pimplebutt Estare after the first cataract surgery. The ophthalmologists and opritricanscassure mr that everything went well, the new left lens is in place and I should avoid weight lifting for the foreseeable future. Please forgive any typos as I have had so many drops squirted in my eye and this keyboard is still a bit challenging.
A laser sliced my iris, I had one of those A CLOCKWOK ORABGR clamps put in af the laser was lowered on mt eye so close that the left eye was governed by it and I could n longer see from it. Then came the light show. Two minutes of that and I was on the move again into yet another room,

There the pushed anesthetic into yor IV, the never thing I knew was I was in the recovery
The procedure was amazing to me, a medical sissy and layman. But it seemed mundane and routine to all the professionals there. The first stage was more preparation. Blood pressure, weight, blood sugar levels and then a wait.

Next they rolled me into a room where a NASA inspired machine sliced my iris. Seven minutes later they pushed anesthetic into the IV and I came to in yet another room.
So, here I am. Finally able to have a late breakfast with time enough to tap out this report.


Can you see me in your peripheral vision?

It's not so much the taste, but the texture. It feels like something I'd spit out if I was outside.

Properly seasoned, breaded, and deep fried takes care of the texture issue though. And except for the Cajuns who put the stuff in their gumbo, all proper southerners eat their okra properly fried.
I'm back at the Luxuious Pimplebutt Estare after the first cataract surgery. The ophthalmologists and opritricanscassure mr that everything went well, the new left lens is in place and I should avoid weight lifting for the foreseeable future. Please forgive any typos as I have had so many drops squirted in my eye and this keyboard is still a bit challenging.
A laser sliced my iris, I had one of those A CLOCKWOK ORABGR clamps put in af the laser was lowered on mt eye so close that the left eye was governed by it and I could n longer see from it. Then came the light show. Two minutes of that and I was on the move again into yet another room,

There the pushed anesthetic into yor IV, the never thing I knew was I was in the recovery
The procedure was amazing to me, a medical sissy and layman. But it seemed mundane and routine to all the professionals there. The first stage was more preparation. Blood pressure, weight, blood sugar levels and then a wait.

Next they rolled me into a room where a NASA inspired machine sliced my iris. Seven minutes later they pushed anesthetic into the IV and I came to in yet another room.
So, here I am. Finally able to have a late breakfast with time enough to tap out this report.

So how do you see?
When I'm tested by a machine my newly repaired left eye works great! But I real life situations, I'm still blurry, probably due to the drops.
There was no 'hands of Jesus! Moment yer.
So, I just tried to make an over the phone payment for my car loan. You wouldn't BELIEVE how difficult they make it just to pay a damn bill!!! My social security number and my account number are not good enough anymore. They now demand that customers give them the amount of the last payment they made, the year and model of the car, etc. What a bogus scam. What they are doing is trying to get you to sign on to online "recurring" payments so that they can just go into your account and take the amount every month, so they are making it more hard to do over the phone payments. They don't ask for all that information on the website. I am not giving them my account information online though. Screw that!
When they do a shoulder they write their initials on it to avoid mistakes. Do you have a Mike Tyson looking left eye?
So, I just tried to make an over the phone payment for my car loan. You wouldn't BELIEVE how difficult they make it just to pay a damn bill!!! My social security number and my account number are not good enough anymore. They now demand that customers give them the amount of the last payment they made, the year and model of the car, etc. What a bogus scam. What they are doing is trying to get you to sign on to online "recurring" payments so that they can just go into your account and take the amount every month, so they are making it more hard to do over the phone payments. They don't ask for all that information on the website. I am not giving them my account information online though. Screw that!

Remembering they are not paying you , but the other way around. Maddening.
Yeah so I ended up calling back and just giving them the make and year of my car (which I had to go check on because I couldn't remember the year). If they are going to demand that information, they had better start including it with my bill because they are making it a HUGE inconvenience just to pay a darn bill! I asked them, are you really worried that somebody else is going to pay my bill for me? Assholes.

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