USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning, friends! Cheers!

Well, that is a very early good morning greeting! Barely even morning! :lol: Good morning to you too, friend! I'll be going to bed soon actually, so this is kind of like my night time. :D

I was up pretty late. lol. This week has been quite taxing so I needed an evening of music. Give me a bourbon, a piano, and, I'll stay up all evening playing and singing. lol.
Good morning, friends! Cheers!

Well, that is a very early good morning greeting! Barely even morning! :lol: Good morning to you too, friend! I'll be going to bed soon actually, so this is kind of like my night time. :D

I was up pretty late. lol. This week has been quite taxing so I needed an evening of music. Give me a bourbon, a piano, and, I'll stay up all evening playing and singing. lol.

Sounds good. Of course too much bourbon can affect the quality of the playing and singing. :)
Good morning, friends! Cheers!

Well, that is a very early good morning greeting! Barely even morning! :lol: Good morning to you too, friend! I'll be going to bed soon actually, so this is kind of like my night time. :D

I was up pretty late. lol. This week has been quite taxing so I needed an evening of music. Give me a bourbon, a piano, and, I'll stay up all evening playing and singing. lol.

Sounds good. Of course too much bourbon can affect the quality of the playing and singing. :)

Indeed. It makes me sound better. lol
Glad it's finally outside weather up nort' here in Wesconsin, aye... time to burn off the winter fat. I sure hope someday my yard will be where all I have to do is mow and weed trim a little. I'm not getting any younger.
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?

Well, because as beautiful as it is there (and it surely is), I am more a warm weather southern gal. :D

I would love to go back and see how the areas I knew have changed. Definitely. Liks Anchor Point, Homer..
You would be shocked at the changes. Sometimes when I am driving through Anchorage, I recall what was where and what is there now. Wasilla, Palmer, all the smaller, more "Alaskan" places have changed so much. It's kind of sad, we lose so much of that which makes Alaska "Alaskan".

Same here. I am in a Facebook group of "You Know You're From Santa Fe if. . . ." and we often discuss how Santa Fe and New Mexico used to be compared to now. Santa Fe especially. The La Fonda Hotel in downtown Santa Fe is one of the most iconic historical landmark buildings in New Mexico with a rich history spanning centuries. And though it has an upscale classy and expensive feel, it has always sported the local traditional muted gaudy decor that made it unmistakably historical New Mexico. Well, the La Fonda recently remodeled the bar and all the territorial decor is gone. It looks like any bar would look in Denver or New York City with absolutely nothing to reflect its rich history. And to me that is really sad.
Same thing goes on here, too. I think the true downfall of Alaska is the invasion of the big-box stores. For a long time, no K-Mart, Walmart, or other such stores. Now, Anchorage has both Bass Pro Shop and Cabela's. Sadly, as soon as the big, international purveyors of cheap junk arrive and open their doors, many of the smaller, mom-an-pop shops that had a special local "flavor" disappear.
I confess, I haven't been to Anchor Point in a long time. It's too far away and I still have daily duties with the critters. Palmer has taken up a lot of the overflow inhabitants who could no longer afford to live in Anchorage, where real estate prices and property taxes have taken off these last few years.
Whew! A long day now passed. Up at 0500 to hustle the partner to get ready to go to the surgery for his ankle. I didn't notice until we were already on the road that he hadn't brushed his teeth. At least I got him to wash his hair yesterday. He made it through surgery and was ready for pickup shortly after noon. Of course, I was ecstatic to have dragged the first load of nastiness from his place to the dump. The secret to clearing out a hoarder's hoard is to do it when they cannot see what you are doing. Since they seldom know exactly what they have, or where they have it, it's difficult for them to determine what they are missing. I found two revolvers in his place. He knew where one was, but had lost track of the second one. I have now safeguarded both.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
Peach and her family for comfort,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?

Well, because as beautiful as it is there (and it surely is), I am more a warm weather southern gal. :D

I would love to go back and see how the areas I knew have changed. Definitely. Liks Anchor Point, Homer..
You would be shocked at the changes. Sometimes when I am driving through Anchorage, I recall what was where and what is there now. Wasilla, Palmer, all the smaller, more "Alaskan" places have changed so much. It's kind of sad, we lose so much of that which makes Alaska "Alaskan".

Same here. I am in a Facebook group of "You Know You're From Santa Fe if. . . ." and we often discuss how Santa Fe and New Mexico used to be compared to now. Santa Fe especially. The La Fonda Hotel in downtown Santa Fe is one of the most iconic historical landmark buildings in New Mexico with a rich history spanning centuries. And though it has an upscale classy and expensive feel, it has always sported the local traditional muted gaudy decor that made it unmistakably historical New Mexico. Well, the La Fonda recently remodeled the bar and all the territorial decor is gone. It looks like any bar would look in Denver or New York City with absolutely nothing to reflect its rich history. And to me that is really sad.
Same thing goes on here, too. I think the true downfall of Alaska is the invasion of the big-box stores. For a long time, no K-Mart, Walmart, or other such stores. Now, Anchorage has both Bass Pro Shop and Cabela's. Sadly, as soon as the big, international purveyors of cheap junk arrive and open their doors, many of the smaller, mom-an-pop shops that had a special local "flavor" disappear.
I confess, I haven't been to Anchor Point in a long time. It's too far away and I still have daily duties with the critters. Palmer has taken up a lot of the overflow inhabitants who could no longer afford to live in Anchorage, where real estate prices and property taxes have taken off these last few years.

We have a Bass Pro Shops here too. I like going there. They have all kinds of cool things and there is a nature trail out back, and they have a couple of huge fish tanks with bass and stuff. Also, there is a giant stuffed grizzly bear. Awesome. :)
Whew! A long day now passed. Up at 0500 to hustle the partner to get ready to go to the surgery for his ankle. I didn't notice until we were already on the road that he hadn't brushed his teeth. At least I got him to wash his hair yesterday. He made it through surgery and was ready for pickup shortly after noon. Of course, I was ecstatic to have dragged the first load of nastiness from his place to the dump. The secret to clearing out a hoarder's hoard is to do it when they cannot see what you are doing. Since they seldom know exactly what they have, or where they have it, it's difficult for them to determine what they are missing. I found two revolvers in his place. He knew where one was, but had lost track of the second one. I have now safeguarded both.

Yikes. Sounds like this guy might need some help.
Happy Friday everyone! I have big plans in the kitchen today. I got all the trappings for canning and a very sexy dinner. I love being in the kitchen all day! Cheers!
Happy Friday everyone! I have big plans in the kitchen today. I got all the trappings for canning and a very sexy dinner. I love being in the kitchen all day! Cheers!

Good morning all. And you still can stuff mdk? Is your garden already producing? Used to the grocery stores etc. all had huge displays of Mason jars and other canning supplies but you don't see them so much anymore. What do you put up?
Happy Friday everyone! I have big plans in the kitchen today. I got all the trappings for canning and a very sexy dinner. I love being in the kitchen all day! Cheers!

Good morning all. And you still can stuff mdk? Is your garden already producing? Used to the grocery stores etc. all had huge displays of Mason jars and other canning supplies but you don't see them so much anymore. What do you put up?

Indeed. I love it. My garden is in the very early stages, but I stopped at a local farm and purchased a bunch of pickling cucumbers/veggies. I am canning pickles, hot gardenia, and, stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut.
Happy Friday everyone! I have big plans in the kitchen today. I got all the trappings for canning and a very sexy dinner. I love being in the kitchen all day! Cheers!

Good morning all. And you still can stuff mdk? Is your garden already producing? Used to the grocery stores etc. all had huge displays of Mason jars and other canning supplies but you don't see them so much anymore. What do you put up?

Indeed. I love it. My garden is in the very early stages, but I stopped at a local farm and purchased a bunch of pickling cucumbers/veggies. I am canning pickles, hot gardenia, and, stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut.

Mmmm okay. I use pickles quite a bit, but don't think I have any recipes calling for hot gardenia and I'm sure stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut is an acquired taste? I do admire your ambition.
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Reactions: mdk
Morning !

We finally heard from the Doc's office.
The 2nd infection was cleared by the antibiotic, but he wants hubby to go to see a specialist and find out what really might be going on.

My Mom will be cremated next Wednesday and her funeral will be on May 2nd.
She did not want a big deal of a funeral and had a prepaid burial plan, which really helped my cousin plan and do everything.

Glad to hear hubby is well. What kind of specialist? Seems like a long time to wait for a cremation, but I'm sure all is well. Thoughts and prayers still with you.

Thank you for asking and thank you for your thoughts and prayers. :)
He is going to a urologist.
We want to know if something else might be going on for this to happen every 5 to 7 years. Maybe it can be taken care of so he does not get these infections again.

It sounds like a long time to me too, but my cousin was so busy the day he called. He had to take his own Mom to the doctor and deal with my Moms death on the same day.
I will find out why later in a day or two when he calls again.
Happy Friday everyone! I have big plans in the kitchen today. I got all the trappings for canning and a very sexy dinner. I love being in the kitchen all day! Cheers!

Good morning all. And you still can stuff mdk? Is your garden already producing? Used to the grocery stores etc. all had huge displays of Mason jars and other canning supplies but you don't see them so much anymore. What do you put up?

Indeed. I love it. My garden is in the very early stages, but I stopped at a local farm and purchased a bunch of pickling cucumbers/veggies. I am canning pickles, hot gardenia, and, stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut.

Mmmm okay. I use pickles quite a bit, but don't think I have any recipes calling for hot gardenia and I'm sure stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut is an acquired taste? I do admire your ambition.
Sauerkraut's an acquired taste.......
  • Thanks
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My wife and I are looking forward to about 20 hours of kid free time when they go to bio dad's for an overnight. Then we're all going on an overnight together. Lots of pool time for the kids, dinner out, (compliments of a dear friend, as an adoption present), movie and shopping. Big city stuff.

It's raining now, and we've had a good amount of rain this winter. Still a drought but a much safer year all around.

Love and blessings to all,

Happy Friday everyone! I have big plans in the kitchen today. I got all the trappings for canning and a very sexy dinner. I love being in the kitchen all day! Cheers!

Good morning all. And you still can stuff mdk? Is your garden already producing? Used to the grocery stores etc. all had huge displays of Mason jars and other canning supplies but you don't see them so much anymore. What do you put up?

Indeed. I love it. My garden is in the very early stages, but I stopped at a local farm and purchased a bunch of pickling cucumbers/veggies. I am canning pickles, hot gardenia, and, stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut.

Mmmm okay. I use pickles quite a bit, but don't think I have any recipes calling for hot gardenia and I'm sure stuffed hot pepper with sauerkraut is an acquired taste? I do admire your ambition.
Sauerkraut's an acquired taste.......

I like it.

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