USMB Coffee Shop IV

I used to work with a girl who lived in Alaska for a while, and she said it was breathtakingly beautiful but that a lot of people have "light therapy" for depression when they have their "dark season." Too cold for me!
Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.
I've lived in a 28' travel trailer for 9 years. Narrow is a relative concept.

Right. Well, of course, I was talking about for me. Not you. :)
Biggest problem with "downsizing" your abode is it gets messy really quickly. You have to stay on top of cleaning. I downsized from a 2400+ sf home and haven't looked back. I do miss having my library, though.
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Almost anything interests me. No we haven't had any great views of Denali, we haven't been to anchorage yet. The thing to remember is that we're not as young as we used to be and hiking is pretty much out. Easy walking is okay, but don't expect great speed. God I hate getting old.

When we went to Alaska, we spent our first night there in Anchorage and did some shopping/exploring around the hotel but didn't know where to go to do much different. All that was good though. The second night out we spent in Talkeetna at a great lodge with a balcony/deck offering the 'best view of Denali in Alaska' so they said. However, it was drizzly that day and so foggy we honestly could not see more than 20 feet beyond the deck. So that was a disappointment.

We did take a river boat tour from Talkeetna during which we were to be able to view eagle and beaver activity. Again due to the fog, visibility was limited. We saw one empty eagle nest and a tree a beaver had gnawed. But it was fun anyway.
Yup, that sounds about right. When were you here? May is probably the best month to visit (IMHO) because the weather is good, winter is pretty much gone away, and the locals haven't been worn down by the invading hoards of tourists that come through later in the season.

This was some years ago and we went in August. It wasn't really cold--light jacket weather--but we had light rain pretty much the whole time. Of course a lot of the people on our tour and on our boat were disappointed, but we desert dwellers didn't mind it at all.
I used to work with a girl who lived in Alaska for a while, and she said it was breathtakingly beautiful but that a lot of people have "light therapy" for depression when they have their "dark season." Too cold for me!

I think if you keep your rooms adequately lighted when you're awake, most people would cope with the darkness pretty well. Lately you have had more cold weather than folks around Anchorage or Juneau have had I think. :) There was a time of my life I would have relished it, but not so much now. But Alaska is a stunningly beautiful place, and I can see why those who choose to live there do love it.
Alaska IS breath taking. Light all summer, dark all winter and beyond cold as a rule i the winter. I lived there once upon a time as well.
I didn't so much need light therapy, as I did warmth!!
I used to work with a girl who lived in Alaska for a while, and she said it was breathtakingly beautiful but that a lot of people have "light therapy" for depression when they have their "dark season." Too cold for me!
We call the "dark season" winter and "cabin fever" is that depression that can affect some people. Summer is more astounding and you can tell the cheechacos from the sourdoughs because the newbies put tinfoil in the bedroom windows.
Okay in a
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.
I've lived in a 28' travel trailer for 9 years. Narrow is a relative concept.

Right. Well, of course, I was talking about for me. Not you. :)
Biggest problem with "downsizing" your abode is it gets messy really quickly. You have to stay on top of cleaning. I downsized from a 2400+ sf home and haven't looked back. I do miss having my library, though.
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Almost anything interests me. No we haven't had any great views of Denali, we haven't been to anchorage yet. The thing to remember is that we're not as young as we used to be and hiking is pretty much out. Easy walking is okay, but don't expect great speed. God I hate getting old.

When we went to Alaska, we spent our first night there in Anchorage and did some shopping/exploring around the hotel but didn't know where to go to do much different. All that was good though. The second night out we spent in Talkeetna at a great lodge with a balcony/deck offering the 'best view of Denali in Alaska' so they said. However, it was drizzly that day and so foggy we honestly could not see more than 20 feet beyond the deck. So that was a disappointment.

We did take a river boat tour from Talkeetna during which we were to be able to view eagle and beaver activity. Again due to the fog, visibility was limited. We saw one empty eagle nest and a tree a beaver had gnawed. But it was fun anyway.
Yup, that sounds about right. When were you here? May is probably the best month to visit (IMHO) because the weather is good, winter is pretty much gone away, and the locals haven't been worn down by the invading hoards of tourists that come through later in the season.

This was some years ago and we went in August. It wasn't really cold--light jacket weather--but we had light rain pretty much the whole time. Of course a lot of the people on our tour and on our boat were disappointed, but we desert dwellers didn't mind it at all.
Yeah, late July and August are traditionally our rainy season.
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?

Well, because as beautiful as it is there (and it surely is), I am more a warm weather southern gal. :D

I would love to go back and see how the areas I knew have changed. Definitely. Liks Anchor Point, Homer..
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?

Well, because as beautiful as it is there (and it surely is), I am more a warm weather southern gal. :D

I would love to go back and see how the areas I knew have changed. Definitely. Liks Anchor Point, Homer..
You would be shocked at the changes. Sometimes when I am driving through Anchorage, I recall what was where and what is there now. Wasilla, Palmer, all the smaller, more "Alaskan" places have changed so much. It's kind of sad, we lose so much of that which makes Alaska "Alaskan".
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?

Well, because as beautiful as it is there (and it surely is), I am more a warm weather southern gal. :D

I would love to go back and see how the areas I knew have changed. Definitely. Liks Anchor Point, Homer..
You would be shocked at the changes. Sometimes when I am driving through Anchorage, I recall what was where and what is there now. Wasilla, Palmer, all the smaller, more "Alaskan" places have changed so much. It's kind of sad, we lose so much of that which makes Alaska "Alaskan".

Ohh What are places like Palmer like now? Also what is Anchor Point like now?
Morning !

We finally heard from the Doc's office.
The 2nd infection was cleared by the antibiotic, but he wants hubby to go to see a specialist and find out what really might be going on.

My Mom will be cremated next Wednesday and her funeral will be on May 2nd.
She did not want a big deal of a funeral and had a prepaid burial plan, which really helped my cousin plan and do everything.
I wouldn't mind visiting, but sure would never want to live there again. Where are you gallantwarrior
I lived in Anchor Point and then Anchorage.
My main place is in Willow but circumstances have put my goat herd on Birchwood until I can make sure they will be adequately sheltered in Willow. I also own a place in Anchorage where my partner usually stays. Anchor Point is a nice place, I've been fishing and clamming from there. Why not live here? When would you prefer visiting?

Well, because as beautiful as it is there (and it surely is), I am more a warm weather southern gal. :D

I would love to go back and see how the areas I knew have changed. Definitely. Liks Anchor Point, Homer..
You would be shocked at the changes. Sometimes when I am driving through Anchorage, I recall what was where and what is there now. Wasilla, Palmer, all the smaller, more "Alaskan" places have changed so much. It's kind of sad, we lose so much of that which makes Alaska "Alaskan".

Same here. I am in a Facebook group of "You Know You're From Santa Fe if. . . ." and we often discuss how Santa Fe and New Mexico used to be compared to now. Santa Fe especially. The La Fonda Hotel in downtown Santa Fe is one of the most iconic historical landmark buildings in New Mexico with a rich history spanning centuries. And though it has an upscale classy and expensive feel, it has always sported the local traditional muted gaudy decor that made it unmistakably historical New Mexico. Well, the La Fonda recently remodeled the bar and all the territorial decor is gone. It looks like any bar would look in Denver or New York City with absolutely nothing to reflect its rich history. And to me that is really sad.
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Morning !

We finally heard from the Doc's office.
The 2nd infection was cleared by the antibiotic, but he wants hubby to go to see a specialist and find out what really might be going on.

My Mom will be cremated next Wednesday and her funeral will be on May 2nd.
She did not want a big deal of a funeral and had a prepaid burial plan, which really helped my cousin plan and do everything.

Glad to hear hubby is well. What kind of specialist? Seems like a long time to wait for a cremation, but I'm sure all is well. Thoughts and prayers still with you.

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