USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've "lost" the clothes that no longer fit, with few exceptions. Some of my German ethnic stuff remains. I suppose if I continue to lose weight, I'll fit again, and I'd like my granddaughters to enjoy the rarity of such things. Things that I know I could mend (Yes, I know how to darn socks), I still toss. I haven't the time right now to attend such things and may eventually regret that. I'll keep the darning egg and yarn, though. The partner has junk that has rusted or deteriorate beyond salvage and it needs to go away. I did let him keep the tailgate from the 2012 Dodge that we recently had replaced. He wants to repair it so we have a replacement. I suspect that will also eventually go away. Of course, even though I forbade stowage of non-operational automobiles on the property, there's still an S10 with alders growing through the frame that I will have to have hauled out of there. Who knows when one will be able to use those parts? My partner is a hard-core, out-of-control hoarder. If intervention is not provided, he will eventually die when a pile of crap falls on him.

He hoards crap?!? :ack-1:
Actually, yes. At one point, he quite proudly proclaimed that the goat shit in the kitchen was turning to soil. He was fostering a kid that needed nursing. More recently, my buddy who has been "mucking out" the partner's truck has discovered an entire layer of "shit" that features goat poo.

At least goat poo isn't quite as offensive as some poo.
Dat's a fact! Nicely pelleted and packaged as opposed to stinking piles half buried in kitty litter...
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

You say that like its a bad thing GW. :)
You guys, I just had to share this one, but have your Kleenex ready. No, it isn't gross or sad--just a really happy thing. He saved hundreds of children from the Holocaust and didn't realize they were sitting all around him.

Sir Nicholas Winton just passed away last summer, at the age of 106. :salute:

Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Almost anything interests me. No we haven't had any great views of Denali, we haven't been to anchorage yet. The thing to remember is that we're not as young as we used to be and hiking is pretty much out. Easy walking is okay, but don't expect great speed. God I hate getting old.

Just heard my first song bird back for the season. Probably a goldfinch. When the wood thrush arrives, I know its really summer. The pipes of Pan.
Down here we have Grackles...... Year round.......

Us too, and gulls. Nice listening to them squawk and caww and screech all winter. Crows in a huge old tree across the street had WWIII going on for a month.
Good morning everybody. The storm has gone, the sun is out, the birds are having some kind of noisy party outside my office window, and I need to clean the bathroom and mop the floors today. Anybody else have anything fun like that planned?
Morning Fox and all,

I just cleaned out one of the garden beds close to the house and put a couple bags of bark o mulch down. It's already too warm to do more at 10am.

Good morning everybody. The storm has gone, the sun is out, the birds are having some kind of noisy party outside my office window, and I need to clean the bathroom and mop the floors today. Anybody else have anything fun like that planned?

It's okay today, sunny but a little bit windy and chilly. Still need at least a heavy sweatshirt or jacket. That is totally normal for spring around here though. Some days are more summer like and other days are cold.
Morning Fox and all,

I just cleaned out one of the garden beds close to the house and put a couple bags of bark o mulch down. It's already too warm to do more at 10am.


Well sigh. You are much more youthful and agile and able to do that than I am these days. But I love working with plants and planting and watching things grow. So I envy you. And it actually sounds like a lot more fun than cleaning the bathroom or mopping the floors. :)
Good morning everybody. The storm has gone, the sun is out, the birds are having some kind of noisy party outside my office window, and I need to clean the bathroom and mop the floors today. Anybody else have anything fun like that planned?

It's okay today, sunny but a little bit windy and chilly. Still need at least a heavy sweatshirt or jacket. That is totally normal for spring around here though. Some days are more summer like and other days are cold.

Same here on the high desert. We all layer this time of year because sometimes you need a jacket when you go in, but short sleeves feel good when you come out of someplace. Or vice versa.
Morning Fox and all,

I just cleaned out one of the garden beds close to the house and put a couple bags of bark o mulch down. It's already too warm to do more at 10am.


Well sigh. You are much more youthful and agile and able to do that than I am these days. But I love working with plants and planting and watching things grow. So I envy you. And it actually sounds like a lot more fun than cleaning the bathroom or mopping the floors. :)
For the first time in my life, I've hired someone to clean house. Four school age kids in a three bedroom home can make for a crabby momma.
Windows keeps bugging me to download Windows 10. I don't want to!

I finally gave in because Hombre did and I'm the closest thing to an IT guy that we have. So to help him through the process, I went ahead and upgraded to WIN 10. Has been okay.

I just want to stick with 8 for a while.

As I previously posted, I am not a very techy person, so WIN 8 was a steep learning curve for me. But once I mastered it, I loved the operating system and would still prefer it over 10. But 10 has not been all that bad.
Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.
I've lived in a 28' travel trailer for 9 years. Narrow is a relative concept.

Right. Well, of course, I was talking about for me. Not you. :)
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Almost anything interests me. No we haven't had any great views of Denali, we haven't been to anchorage yet. The thing to remember is that we're not as young as we used to be and hiking is pretty much out. Easy walking is okay, but don't expect great speed. God I hate getting old.

When we went to Alaska, we spent our first night there in Anchorage and did some shopping/exploring around the hotel but didn't know where to go to do much different. All that was good though. The second night out we spent in Talkeetna at a great lodge with a balcony/deck offering the 'best view of Denali in Alaska' so they said. However, it was drizzly that day and so foggy we honestly could not see more than 20 feet beyond the deck. So that was a disappointment.

We did take a river boat tour from Talkeetna during which we were to be able to view eagle and beaver activity. Again due to the fog, visibility was limited. We saw one empty eagle nest and a tree a beaver had gnawed. But it was fun anyway.
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Almost anything interests me. No we haven't had any great views of Denali, we haven't been to anchorage yet. The thing to remember is that we're not as young as we used to be and hiking is pretty much out. Easy walking is okay, but don't expect great speed. God I hate getting old.
Views of Denali from Anchorage are sketchy, although you get a great overview of the Alaska Range on a nice day. An hour's drive North of here is Talkeetna, a small town with a great view and plenty of great places to eat, depending on what you're in the mood for. I'll make that suggestion but also think an alternate plan (in case of weather) might be in order. How would you guys like to ride in a dog sled?
Yahoo Mat-Su! Where Alaska Comes to Play | Mat-Su CVB
Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.
I've lived in a 28' travel trailer for 9 years. Narrow is a relative concept.

Right. Well, of course, I was talking about for me. Not you. :)
Biggest problem with "downsizing" your abode is it gets messy really quickly. You have to stay on top of cleaning. I downsized from a 2400+ sf home and haven't looked back. I do miss having my library, though.
Okay in a
Okay Gracie, I think I found your house--not a teepee but better. Total cost $11,000 finished and ready to move in. The only thing is you would need to find a location with the requisite utilities and where zoning restrictions would allow it.








PHOTOS: She Was Told It Couldn’t Be Done. So She Took $11,000 And Built THIS. The Inside? Wow!
Okay in a warmer climate. Six months of winter in there and I'd be screeching.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so narrow.
I've lived in a 28' travel trailer for 9 years. Narrow is a relative concept.

Right. Well, of course, I was talking about for me. Not you. :)
Biggest problem with "downsizing" your abode is it gets messy really quickly. You have to stay on top of cleaning. I downsized from a 2400+ sf home and haven't looked back. I do miss having my library, though.
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Almost anything interests me. No we haven't had any great views of Denali, we haven't been to anchorage yet. The thing to remember is that we're not as young as we used to be and hiking is pretty much out. Easy walking is okay, but don't expect great speed. God I hate getting old.

When we went to Alaska, we spent our first night there in Anchorage and did some shopping/exploring around the hotel but didn't know where to go to do much different. All that was good though. The second night out we spent in Talkeetna at a great lodge with a balcony/deck offering the 'best view of Denali in Alaska' so they said. However, it was drizzly that day and so foggy we honestly could not see more than 20 feet beyond the deck. So that was a disappointment.

We did take a river boat tour from Talkeetna during which we were to be able to view eagle and beaver activity. Again due to the fog, visibility was limited. We saw one empty eagle nest and a tree a beaver had gnawed. But it was fun anyway.
Yup, that sounds about right. When were you here? May is probably the best month to visit (IMHO) because the weather is good, winter is pretty much gone away, and the locals haven't been worn down by the invading hoards of tourists that come through later in the season.

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