USMB Coffee Shop IV

Wow, 8 hours of sleep and I feel like it's gonna be a 4 pot of coffee day.........

That reminds me. I just finished up my breakfast shake and haven't had any coffee yet. I knew something was missing. So off to the kitchen quickly I go. . .
Senior moment? :D

It is possible. I can be focused to a fault when I need to be, and that comes naturally to me. But there has always been the side of me that is also very detractable. I will be headed into the kitchen intending to tidy up and it's "oh look, computer. . ."
Wow, 8 hours of sleep and I feel like it's gonna be a 4 pot of coffee day.........

That reminds me. I just finished up my breakfast shake and haven't had any coffee yet. I knew something was missing. So off to the kitchen quickly I go. . .
Senior moment? :D

It is possible. I can be focused to a fault when I need to be, and that comes naturally to me. But there has always been the side of me that is also very detractable. I will be headed into the kitchen intending to tidy up and it's "oh look, computer. . ."
I was speaking from a position of experience....... :lol:
I purchased a new digital Nikon camera today, and I also got a secondhand telephoto lens for my Pentax.
I had two films developed and only about 10 out of fifty were any good. Most of them were slightly out of focus.
The reason for that is that I cannot focus my old telephoto lens without wearing my reading glasses. But the new telephoto lens is far clearer and more powerful, so I do not have that problem. I can focus it without glasses.

My new digital camera has a powerful zoom feature, so I should be able to get some good pics of the foxes now.
Holy Shit Caffeineman!!!

I just completed an unusual inspection at a local trailer park. Before you draw any conclusions, this particular trailer park is well maintained and is occupied by senior citizens. The house in question is rented by a matronly older woman and her three Yorkshire Terriers.

Now, yorkies as you know are small dogs, not more than ten pounds. Daisy the Mutt (a miniature poodle dwarfs them in comparison) This pleasant old lady has three vinyl clad cables that she uses to tie her brood of yorkies to as they go about their outside business. These cables are the diameter and seem to provide the strength to safely moor the Delta Queen to a riverside dock. But these three little yorkies schlep these cables around the front patio and yard.

She had placed the dogs in the front bedroom of the trailer as a precaution. She was afraid that the male dog might attack me. These dog's teeth aren't big enough to break the cuticle on the crust of a custard pie, let alone human skin, but there they were, yapping away in the bedroom for my safety.

I told her that I would have to go into that room as part of the inspection. She winced, opened the door and collected the one dog she thought would be most likely to bite me. Everyone here knows I'm a dog guy and bear no animus to my canine friends.

The most offensive dog was carried from the room in her motherly arms, snarling, snapping and yapping away with the attitude of a Michael Vick trained pit bull. The other two immediately began to swarm my feet, tails a waggin' and bellies exposed for thorough rubbing. I gleefully accommodated them.

In my line of work, an affinity for pooches is a requirement.
Okay, I'm freshly back from the laundry room, and all I have to say about that is:


Also I have some decisions to make and would appreciate some thoughtful insight.

In reorganizing and culling the stuff in my kitchen, I realize that decades of baking, broiling, toasting etc. have left a lot of my baking pans and sheets looking pretty crappy.

So the decision is:

1. Leave them looking crappy--they still do function.
2. Expend the considerable elbow grease necessary with stainless steel cleaner and Brillo or S.O.S. pads to clean them up.
3. Throw them away and get new ones.

What do you think?
Okay, I'm freshly back from the laundry room, and all I have to say about that is:


Also I have some decisions to make and would appreciate some thoughtful insight.

In reorganizing and culling the stuff in my kitchen, I realize that decades of baking, broiling, toasting etc. have left a lot of my baking pans and sheets looking pretty crappy.

So the decision is:

1. Leave them looking crappy--they still do function.
2. Expend the considerable elbow grease necessary with stainless steel cleaner and Brillo or S.O.S. pads to clean them up.
3. Throw them away and get new ones.

What do you think?
How about a decisive n tree?

Here we go: do you serve the baked goods in the same dish or pan they were baked in?.yes, throw the pan away and buy a new one.

Did you decide to throw away the dish? How about PMing Nosmo about a new Fiestaware dish?

If no, you do not serve in that dish, keep it.

Is that pan beyond the point of a thorough cleaning?

If yes, throw it away for hygienic reasons.

If you throw it away, why not PM Nosmo about getting a new Fiestaware dish?

See how some simple it is?
Okay, I'm freshly back from the laundry room, and all I have to say about that is:


Also I have some decisions to make and would appreciate some thoughtful insight.

In reorganizing and culling the stuff in my kitchen, I realize that decades of baking, broiling, toasting etc. have left a lot of my baking pans and sheets looking pretty crappy.

So the decision is:

1. Leave them looking crappy--they still do function.
2. Expend the considerable elbow grease necessary with stainless steel cleaner and Brillo or S.O.S. pads to clean them up.
3. Throw them away and get new ones.

What do you think?
When I see something cooked in a brand new, shiny baking pan, I assume the worst, thinking that this is their first attempt at cooking.
Okay, I'm freshly back from the laundry room, and all I have to say about that is:


Also I have some decisions to make and would appreciate some thoughtful insight.

In reorganizing and culling the stuff in my kitchen, I realize that decades of baking, broiling, toasting etc. have left a lot of my baking pans and sheets looking pretty crappy.

So the decision is:

1. Leave them looking crappy--they still do function.
2. Expend the considerable elbow grease necessary with stainless steel cleaner and Brillo or S.O.S. pads to clean them up.
3. Throw them away and get new ones.

What do you think?
Obviously you need to contribute to the economy by joining the needless and wasteful throwawaysociety......... Oh and make sure you do it on credit so the bankers can make their payments on their multi-million dollar homes, yachts and Lear Jets....... :thup:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

I'm spending the weekend in Mobile, AL for the regional APA 9-ball pool tournament. The event is called "City Cup" If my team, Doc Holliday's own "Sure Shots" win, we will be going to Las Vegas this fall for the National Championship. Yes, it's 4:30 AM. I can't sleep and I have to be at the event at 8:00. Wake up call in 2 hours, dammit.
Oh dear, I tried to upload a picture of foxes from my new digital camera, but the file is too large.
I just checked the size and its four and a half megabytes. Bummer.

Edit: never mind, I cropped it down to 1meg and it posted ok, But I am still not happy with it.
It is not clear enough, and one problem may be the day is cloudy. I am still hoping for a good shot of the foxes in sunlight.
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