USMB Coffee Shop IV

Taking Mrs. BBD out to a fancy eating establishment tonight because tomorrow is our 22nd wedding anniversary. She's upstairs getting ready. She doesn't know it but tonight I'm going to wear a suit! Can't decide if I shall wear a blue suit or my "power" black suit. Because it's evening, I think I'll wear the black suit. I'm sure she will be surprised. Going to go all out for the lady tonight. Might even let her "super-size" her fries!:lol:
Taking Mrs. BBD out to a fancy eating establishment tonight because tomorrow is our 22nd wedding anniversary. She's upstairs getting ready. She doesn't know it but tonight I'm going to wear a suit! Can't decide if I shall wear a blue suit or my "power" black suit. Because it's evening, I think I'll wear the black suit. I'm sure she will be surprised. Going to go all out for the lady tonight. Might even let her "super-size" her fries!:lol:

Yeah, let's all give it up for BBD...he's going to be having anniversary sex tonight.:banana: :clap:
Came home to find these critters having a feast in my front yard....there was a baby, but I couldn't get him to be still so I could take his pic.

They look great. Just imagine how much fresh venison meat you can get from one of those critters.
I never hit my daughter as punishment but one time, she was playing around and broke a lamp. She was around 8 and I just slapped her in the arm in a fit of temper. She laughed at me just like these idiots are laughing. I felt stupid doing it too.
When I was a kid I recall that some of my friends folks would occassionally spank them. For instance one time we were playing baseball and my best friend broke a window. His father used a paddle on his rear and told him ... "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you". lol ... I'll bet it didn't ...

When my son broke his toes, the Doctor walks in with a huge needle and tells him " this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me" :eek: She was so funny it actually eased his tension :lol:
Good way to take his mind off the toes. You can bet he was focused on the huge needle.
Taking Mrs. BBD out to a fancy eating establishment tonight because tomorrow is our 22nd wedding anniversary. She's upstairs getting ready. She doesn't know it but tonight I'm going to wear a suit! Can't decide if I shall wear a blue suit or my "power" black suit. Because it's evening, I think I'll wear the black suit. I'm sure she will be surprised. Going to go all out for the lady tonight. Might even let her "super-size" her fries!:lol:

Yes, go with the power suit. Have a great time
Taking Mrs. BBD out to a fancy eating establishment tonight because tomorrow is our 22nd wedding anniversary. She's upstairs getting ready. She doesn't know it but tonight I'm going to wear a suit! Can't decide if I shall wear a blue suit or my "power" black suit. Because it's evening, I think I'll wear the black suit. I'm sure she will be surprised. Going to go all out for the lady tonight. Might even let her "super-size" her fries!:lol:

Plus, the black suit matches your avatar.
You are such a good dog! Enjoy your dinner.
Gotta tell this story from yesterday and today.

In late October, 2011, I had a pretty serious foot/ankle injury on the job and did the splint-thing for a week. It healed amazingly fast, so I am still thankful to this day for that.

But ever since then, my foot "tells" me when a storm is coming. It starts to hurt pretty badly about an hour before a storm hits.

So, Friday, as I was bringing my little one home to my place for the weekend, as we left her school (in the community where she and her mother live), my foot started hurting pretty damned bad. Now, there were some clouds in the sky, but not that many. So, in the tram on the way to get some ice cream at little Miss Statalina's favorite cafe where I live, I told her I thought it was going to storm really hard, let's stop at a DM Mart and buy some new umbrellas.

She looked at me like I was :cuckoo: - but I told her we were going to buy those umbrellas. 45 minutes later, we were shopping at D Mart just about a minute's walk away from said cafe, bought the umbellas and went outside - and it started to pour like crazy, almost on cue.

At that cafe, she then asked me how I knew, and I explained the whole thing with the injury and my now-weather-vane foot. Her eyes widened with a little bit of amazement.

So today, before we went out the door to go do stuff, I see my daughter looking at my foot, studying it....


Ahh, these are the moments...

Seems you're reaching an age where such things begin to "tell" you when the weather will be changing. No matter how insignificant such injuries seemed at the time, nor how well and quickly you healed, the twinges start to increase in intensity. Up until I broke my foot two years ago, it was an old motorcycle injury that always kicked up when the barometer changed. Now, it's both.
Welcome to becoming "well seasoned".
How's your baby girl doing this weekend. She seems to be such a joy for you.

Well, it does suck to have to admit I am not 19 anymore, but tis true, tis true, stuff starts to hurt when you cross over the magic 50....

Little Miss Statalina is doing well, thanks.

Today was also a major breakthrough for her, linguistically speaking.

We went to SEA LIFE, which is an aquarium chain, there is one just 12 miles on down the road, so I got a year's pass for both of us and we go 5 times a year or so.

Well, one of the new exhibits was over crabs, and they decided to do the section like it was a horror/sci-fy film:


Everything is printed in both German and English.

So, in order to get now totally horrified looking little Miss Statalina to go through this exhibit, I did what every good father does: I bribed her with Gummibears (oh, hello, [MENTION=45886]Mad_Cabbie[/MENTION] !!). So, being the attorney in the family (oh, hi, [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] !!!), she decided to negotiate for double Gummibears and asked me very loud, in German, "Papa, if I read everything in English, do I get two Gummibear packs?" She had never yet read anything out loud in English, at least in my presence. So, figuring this was gonna be a one-pack Gummibear deal, I said "yepp". And she then proceeded to read every single sign and description in perfect English in a clear, loud, ringing 7 year old soprano voice. It took me a minute to pick my jaw up from the floor. Since her very first day, I have spoken only English with her, but she is stubborn about responding in kind and has never been willing to read in "Englisch". Whodathunk it would take a scary crabs-exhibit at an aquarium to get her in gear??? :rofl:

She is also learning viola, so she practices every day. Being a pro musician, I learn to keep my mouth shut and let her make and learn from her mistakes. But today, she also wanted to improvise with Papa at the end of her practice session, so she started to play "Alle meine Ente" on her viola and I jammed from the piano. It was a hoot. PapaStat rule: no practice = no Scooby Doo. She practices a lot. :D

She is a joy. The joy of my life.

Thanks for asking, [MENTION=31362]gallantwarrior[/MENTION]. Hope you are well and prospering.
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It's so hot and humid today, I'm actually sweating.

Sorry for getting so personal...:omg:
Gotta tell this story from yesterday and today.

In late October, 2011, I had a pretty serious foot/ankle injury on the job and did the splint-thing for a week. It healed amazingly fast, so I am still thankful to this day for that.

But ever since then, my foot "tells" me when a storm is coming. It starts to hurt pretty badly about an hour before a storm hits.

So, Friday, as I was bringing my little one home to my place for the weekend, as we left her school (in the community where she and her mother live), my foot started hurting pretty damned bad. Now, there were some clouds in the sky, but not that many. So, in the tram on the way to get some ice cream at little Miss Statalina's favorite cafe where I live, I told her I thought it was going to storm really hard, let's stop at a DM Mart and buy some new umbrellas.

She looked at me like I was :cuckoo: - but I told her we were going to buy those umbrellas. 45 minutes later, we were shopping at D Mart just about a minute's walk away from said cafe, bought the umbellas and went outside - and it started to pour like crazy, almost on cue.

At that cafe, she then asked me how I knew, and I explained the whole thing with the injury and my now-weather-vane foot. Her eyes widened with a little bit of amazement.

So today, before we went out the door to go do stuff, I see my daughter looking at my foot, studying it....


Ahh, these are the moments...

It's called arthiritis or reumatism.....for some reason, some people start getting pain in their muscles when there's rain grandmother used to be able to tell that it was going to rain.....

That's funny that your little princess now thinks you've got a magic foot....:D

And she remembers the injury: it happened on a Thursday afternoon before her weekend was to begin on Friday and I couldn't get around at all. I remember her staring at my splint and crying out of fear. So, she was able to connect the dots.

Magic Foot.... I like that. :D
Some of the deer groups east of Fredericksburg, Mertex, are awesome to watch in the early morning dawn.
Yesterday, I walked out the backyard and a herd of 6 bucks were munching on whatever they pleased. I squirted them with the hose and they liked it..I'm thinking my backyard is their official potty spot and afternoon, they'll expect sprinkles...:eusa_doh:
Gotta tell this story from yesterday and today.

In late October, 2011, I had a pretty serious foot/ankle injury on the job and did the splint-thing for a week. It healed amazingly fast, so I am still thankful to this day for that.

But ever since then, my foot "tells" me when a storm is coming. It starts to hurt pretty badly about an hour before a storm hits.

So, Friday, as I was bringing my little one home to my place for the weekend, as we left her school (in the community where she and her mother live), my foot started hurting pretty damned bad. Now, there were some clouds in the sky, but not that many. So, in the tram on the way to get some ice cream at little Miss Statalina's favorite cafe where I live, I told her I thought it was going to storm really hard, let's stop at a DM Mart and buy some new umbrellas.

She looked at me like I was :cuckoo: - but I told her we were going to buy those umbrellas. 45 minutes later, we were shopping at D Mart just about a minute's walk away from said cafe, bought the umbellas and went outside - and it started to pour like crazy, almost on cue.

At that cafe, she then asked me how I knew, and I explained the whole thing with the injury and my now-weather-vane foot. Her eyes widened with a little bit of amazement.

So today, before we went out the door to go do stuff, I see my daughter looking at my foot, studying it....


Ahh, these are the moments...

It's called arthiritis or reumatism.....for some reason, some people start getting pain in their muscles when there's rain grandmother used to be able to tell that it was going to rain.....

That's funny that your little princess now thinks you've got a magic foot....:D

And she remembers the injury: it happened on a Thursday afternoon before her weekend was to begin on Friday and I couldn't get around at all. I remember her staring at my splint and crying out of fear. So, she was able to connect the dots.

Magic Foot.... I like that. :D

Didn't Mozart write that? :eusa_think:
Yesterday, I walked out the backyard and a herd of 6 bucks were munching on whatever they pleased. I squirted them with the hose and they liked it..I'm thinking my backyard is their official potty spot and afternoon, they'll expect sprinkles...:eusa_doh:

We have a lot of rabbits around here. They hang out right by the front door just grazing in the grass. You walk by and they may hop once or twice but they just keep grazing.

I doubt anyone could keep a vegetable garden here.
Tonight is Fight Night. They are showing UFC live from San Antonio Texas for the first time. Five hours total (including the prelims).

Just started ... let the fights begin ...
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Gotta tell this story from yesterday and today.

In late October, 2011, I had a pretty serious foot/ankle injury on the job and did the splint-thing for a week. It healed amazingly fast, so I am still thankful to this day for that.

But ever since then, my foot "tells" me when a storm is coming. It starts to hurt pretty badly about an hour before a storm hits.

So, Friday, as I was bringing my little one home to my place for the weekend, as we left her school (in the community where she and her mother live), my foot started hurting pretty damned bad. Now, there were some clouds in the sky, but not that many. So, in the tram on the way to get some ice cream at little Miss Statalina's favorite cafe where I live, I told her I thought it was going to storm really hard, let's stop at a DM Mart and buy some new umbrellas.

She looked at me like I was :cuckoo: - but I told her we were going to buy those umbrellas. 45 minutes later, we were shopping at D Mart just about a minute's walk away from said cafe, bought the umbellas and went outside - and it started to pour like crazy, almost on cue.

At that cafe, she then asked me how I knew, and I explained the whole thing with the injury and my now-weather-vane foot. Her eyes widened with a little bit of amazement.

So today, before we went out the door to go do stuff, I see my daughter looking at my foot, studying it....


Ahh, these are the moments...

Seems you're reaching an age where such things begin to "tell" you when the weather will be changing. No matter how insignificant such injuries seemed at the time, nor how well and quickly you healed, the twinges start to increase in intensity. Up until I broke my foot two years ago, it was an old motorcycle injury that always kicked up when the barometer changed. Now, it's both.
Welcome to becoming "well seasoned".
How's your baby girl doing this weekend. She seems to be such a joy for you.

Well, it does suck to have to admit I am not 19 anymore, but tis true, tis true, stuff starts to hurt when you cross over the magic 50....

Little Miss Statalina is doing well, thanks.

Today was also a major breakthrough for her, linguistically speaking.

We went to SEA LIFE, which is an aquarium chain, there is one just 12 miles on down the road, so I got a year's pass for both of us and we go 5 times a year or so.

Well, one of the new exhibits was over crabs, and they decided to do the section like it was a horror/sci-fy film:

View attachment 30486

Everything is printed in both German and English.

So, in order to get now totally horrified looking little Miss Statalina to go through this exhibit, I did what every good father does: I bribed her with Gummibears (oh, hello, [MENTION=45886]Mad_Cabbie[/MENTION] !!). So, being the attorney in the family (oh, hi, [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] !!!), she decided to negotiate for double Gummibears and asked me very loud, in German, "Papa, if I read everything in English, do I get two Gummibear packs?" She had never yet read anything out loud in English, at least in my presence. So, figuring this was gonna be a one-pack Gummibear deal, I said "yepp". And she then proceeded to read every single sign and description in perfect English in a clear, loud, ringing 7 year old soprano voice. It took me a minute to pick my jaw up from the floor. Since her very first day, I have spoken only English with her, but she is stubborn about responding in kind and has never been willing to read in "Englisch". Whodathunk it would take a scary crabs-exhibit at an aquarium to get her in gear??? :rofl:

She is also learning viola, so she practices every day. Being a pro musician, I learn to keep my mouth shut and let her make and learn from her mistakes. But today, she also wanted to improvise with Papa at the end of her practice session, so she started to play "Alle meine Ente" on her viola and I jammed from the piano. It was a hoot. PapaStat rule: no practice = no Scooby Doo. She practices a lot. :D

She is a joy. The joy of my life.

Thanks for asking, [MENTION=31362]gallantwarrior[/MENTION]. Hope you are well and prospering.

She appears to be a very talented young lady. Having learned multiple languages during the course of my life, and having observed some multi-linguistic families, I have a theory that: youngsters learn languages very easily, and that, if the occasion to use each language is isolated to specific environments, they learn even faster.
1. When I lived in Germany, my daughter attended a German Kindergarten. Although there were children a wide range of backgrounds, they all spoke German in "school". At home, we spoke English. My daughter spoke both languages very well. She also picked up a bit of Czech because her "bestie" was Czech.
2. My BIL is Puerto Rican. When my nieces were young, Papi spoke Spanish with them and my sister spoke English. All three girls are bi-lingual.
Of course, it is essential that the youngsters have opportunities to use/learn all languages they are exposed to and immersed in to maintain proficiency.

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