USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yesterday, I walked out the backyard and a herd of 6 bucks were munching on whatever they pleased. I squirted them with the hose and they liked it..I'm thinking my backyard is their official potty spot and afternoon, they'll expect sprinkles...:eusa_doh:

We have a lot of rabbits around here. They hang out right by the front door just grazing in the grass. You walk by and they may hop once or twice but they just keep grazing.

I doubt anyone could keep a vegetable garden here.

Rabbits are better than moose. One year, a moose at all my Johnny-jump-ups and peonies, planted right up next to the house!
Rabbits are indeed better than moose ... especially in the oven.
Happy Sunday morning! Have had my coffee. 22 years ago today I married Mrs. BBD. The rest is history. I am certain that I got the best part of the deal. Took her a while to get me "house broken" but afterwards it's been a real joy. Got to go get ready to go to mass. I know in some of my past posts I mentioned that we were not Catholic but we are in the process of converting. When we go to the store I keep looking for some of that "Pope on a rope soap" but so far I haven't been able to find it. Hope everybody has a great day.
Yesterday, I walked out the backyard and a herd of 6 bucks were munching on whatever they pleased. I squirted them with the hose and they liked it..I'm thinking my backyard is their official potty spot and afternoon, they'll expect sprinkles...:eusa_doh:

We have a lot of rabbits around here. They hang out right by the front door just grazing in the grass. You walk by and they may hop once or twice but they just keep grazing.

I doubt anyone could keep a vegetable garden here.
Marigolds keep the wabbits away.
Intercropping either pigweed or marigold with tomatoes works wonders.

The science indicates the marigold is more effective, although much common myth says it doesn't work.

Science does.
Morning' All! We're finally going to have a nice warm day today...vv cool late spring-early summer so far this year. I'm ready for a bit of heat.
Good morning everybody. We were naughty and skipped church today--just too much to do for another 24 hours and then I should be able to relax a bit. Hope everybody is having a great Sunday.

Happy 22nd wedding anniversary to the BBD's. Do you know how difficult it is to find an anniversary card or cake for the BBD's? But I thought this was cute:

And. . . .

On this day in history, June 29, 1956 – The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 is signed, officially creating the United States Interstate Highway System. Around the same date in 1985 - (June 27, 1985) - the fabled Route 66 was officially removed from road maps having been completely by-passed by the interstate highways. Kansas was the first state to complete a segment of the interstate system and Nebraska was the first state to complete all of their planned interstate system and the system was declared complete in 1993 when Interstate 105 opened in Los Angeles. (If you look at an interstate map though, you can still see breaks in the grid that look uncomfortably incomplete.)

Contrary to popular myth, the interstate highway system was not thought up by President Eisenhower, who signed it into law, but had been on the drawing board since the 1930's. And, also contrary to popular myth, the interstate system was not primarily a defense strategy but was always conceived as a boon to national commerce. Eisenhower and others did recognize its value for defense however and that was no doubt part of the debate for the project to become law.
Good morning everybody. It's still officially morning here for the next five minutes or so...

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A good Sunday morning to y'all!
Coffee du jour is Guatemalan Free Market Estate. Yummy!

It's been a while since I stopped by, but I've been pretty busy and what time I spend here, I've been devoting to the 2nd Amendment.

Business is good at Doc's. We've added a second poker night and we're up to 20 players 2 nights a week. Some of the folks bring wives and significant others so it does improve the take. Mondays and Wednesdays are typically slow in the bars here and we've doubled our average gross with no added cost except for the 2 dozen Krispy Kreams I pick up.
I have material for a 3rd table and the fabric is on order. Another week and we can seat 30 for the tournaments.
We continue to feature live entertainment a couple times a month. Last Tuesday, a fellow named Zachary Thomas Diedrich came in for a beer. He got to talking music with another customer and went back to his truck and came back with a guitar.
He asked me if he could play a song or 2 and ended up playing Country music for almost 2 hours.
Customers left him $52 in tips and my wife hired him for Friday night.

We did OK and might have him back again.
If you're into Country, give him a listen.

Yesterday, I walked out the backyard and a herd of 6 bucks were munching on whatever they pleased. I squirted them with the hose and they liked it..I'm thinking my backyard is their official potty spot and afternoon, they'll expect sprinkles...:eusa_doh:

We have a lot of rabbits around here. They hang out right by the front door just grazing in the grass. You walk by and they may hop once or twice but they just keep grazing.

I doubt anyone could keep a vegetable garden here.
Marigolds keep the wabbits away.

There's always a solution like that. Thanks!

I wish I were there for a day. It is one glorious feeling to dine outdoors with an ocean companion. :thup:

But instead, I may go to Burger King, because of your signature. How often can a girl take watching a live burger without having one? :lol:
Burger King has good tasting oatmeal too!

"Why eat with a clown when you can dine with a King"?
~~Burger King

I wish I were there for a day. It is one glorious feeling to dine outdoors with an ocean companion. :thup:

But instead, I may go to Burger King, because of your signature. How often can a girl take watching a live burger without having one? :lol:
We can have the best of both worlds. It's just a matter of heading to the Burger King drive-thru and bringing the take out order to the nice scenery depicted above...:D

I wish I were there for a day. It is one glorious feeling to dine outdoors with an ocean companion. :thup:

But instead, I may go to Burger King, because of your signature. How often can a girl take watching a live burger without having one? :lol:
Burger King has good tasting oatmeal too!

"Why eat with a clown when you can dine with a King"?
~~Burger King
Not to mention that Burger King's Whopper is way tastier than McDonald's Big Mac. I find the meat in McDonald's Big Mac tastes like cardboard.

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