USMB Coffee Shop IV

We have stink bugs, or harlequin bugs here too. They fly around making quite a racket. It drives Daisy the Mutt absolutely nuts! They were brought in by the Dr. Frankensteins at the Department of Agriculture to eliminate a spotless ladybug a few years ago. The spotless ladybugs were brought in to do away with a plague of aphids.

So, one bug replaces another. One bug's virtues outlives its presence.

The stinkbugs actually stink if squashed. My solution is to trap them in a moist paper towel and shake them into the disposal for a wet and wild trip back to the river. Let the folks in Wheeling deal with the carcasses.

Yep, aphid problem to be "naturally" controlled by the Spotless Ladybug. I guess the weather killed off enough that we didn't get the Stinkbug treatment.
I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

You don't have snakes and spiders in Ohio? And alligators aren't a real big problem in the desert. :)

No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.
Don't move to the orient........ Always had to look in the toilet before taking a seat.........
Oh Lord!
Back in the 1990s I had the very good fortune to spend a few months in Germany. The Berlin Wall had just fallen and I was a proud, yet ugly American on the loose in Central Europe.

There I discovered the best milk chocolate bar I had ever had. The Milka Bar. They look like this:


While browsing around Amazon, I came across this chocolate offered right here in the good ol' U.S.A. I ordered a box of ten plus one.

It makes me wonder why those 'easy girls' in post war Germany went so nuts for a Hershey Bar! Hershey's chocolate is a bar of paraffin dipped in chocolate flavoring in comparison to the German made Milka!

Maybe it was availability that drove their obsession. Maybe it was a smile from and American serviceman. Maybe it was a hope for something else like a pair of nylons. But if I could have a Milka, I'd happily take it!
We have stink bugs, or harlequin bugs here too. They fly around making quite a racket. It drives Daisy the Mutt absolutely nuts! They were brought in by the Dr. Frankensteins at the Department of Agriculture to eliminate a spotless ladybug a few years ago. The spotless ladybugs were brought in to do away with a plague of aphids.

So, one bug replaces another. One bug's virtues outlives its presence.

The stinkbugs actually stink if squashed. My solution is to trap them in a moist paper towel and shake them into the disposal for a wet and wild trip back to the river. Let the folks in Wheeling deal with the carcasses.

Yep, aphid problem to be "naturally" controlled by the Spotless Ladybug. I guess the weather killed off enough that we didn't get the Stinkbug treatment.
My flower beds were happy to see the aphid go. My dog is happy to chase stink bugs around the house. Yin/Yang
No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.

These guys do laps in the bathroom in the winter.


Box Elder Bug
Have you ever dealt with stink bugs? You've got to deal with them just right or they never leave you. Puke

They have them in NC that I know of but they've been spotted around here in the Fall trying to find a warm place to stay for the Winter.

No I have not dealt with stinkbugs. Box Elder bugs seem pretty harmless. The Department of Agriculture brought in a Japanese lady bug years ago and they bite. I had an allergic reaction to it. They also smell when you vacuum them up.
We have stink bugs, or harlequin bugs here too. They fly around making quite a racket. It drives Daisy the Mutt absolutely nuts! They were brought in by the Dr. Frankensteins at the Department of Agriculture to eliminate a spotless ladybug a few years ago. The spotless ladybugs were brought in to do away with a plague of aphids.

So, one bug replaces another. One bug's virtues outlives its presence.

The stinkbugs actually stink if squashed. My solution is to trap them in a moist paper towel and shake them into the disposal for a wet and wild trip back to the river. Let the folks in Wheeling deal with the carcasses.
You put Dawn dishwashing detergent in a smallish container, fill it with water. When you see the bugs, I used to sweep it into the dustpan and then throw it into the container. They just drown in about 20 seconds and you throw them in the toilet. No smell.
You put Dawn dishwashing detergent in a smallish container, fill it with water. When you see the bugs, I used to sweep it into the dustpan and then throw it into the container. They just drown in about 20 seconds and you throw them in the toilet. No smell.

Dawn smells, just saying. :)
No. I haven't seen a bug in my house in a long time. My previous place had some but it was a lazy landlord problem. I lived down south for awhile and I couldn't take it. I was cleaning the sink after we moved in and a huge, ugly, centipede crawled out of the drain.

Nothing against the people, I prefer it right where I am.

These guys do laps in the bathroom in the winter.


Box Elder Bug
Have you ever dealt with stink bugs? You've got to deal with them just right or they never leave you. Puke

They have them in NC that I know of but they've been spotted around here in the Fall trying to find a warm place to stay for the Winter.

No I have not dealt with stinkbugs. Box Elder bugs seem pretty harmless. The Department of Agriculture brought in a Japanese lady bug years ago and they bite. I had an allergic reaction to it. They also smell when you vacuum them up.
We have stink bugs, or harlequin bugs here too. They fly around making quite a racket. It drives Daisy the Mutt absolutely nuts! They were brought in by the Dr. Frankensteins at the Department of Agriculture to eliminate a spotless ladybug a few years ago. The spotless ladybugs were brought in to do away with a plague of aphids.

So, one bug replaces another. One bug's virtues outlives its presence.

The stinkbugs actually stink if squashed. My solution is to trap them in a moist paper towel and shake them into the disposal for a wet and wild trip back to the river. Let the folks in Wheeling deal with the carcasses.
You put Dawn dishwashing detergent in a smallish container, fill it with water. When you see the bugs, I used to sweep it into the dustpan and then throw it into the container. They just drown in about 20 seconds and you throw them in the toilet. No smell.
A buddy of mine heard about the Dawn dishwashing liquid trick.

His stinkbug infestation was largely on the outside of his house. He added Dawn to a pump up sprayer and went to work on his roof, dousing stinkbugs left right and center. He should have paid closer attention to proportions though. The rest of the summer, every rain made his roof look like a car wash gone crazy!
Back in the 1990s I had the very good fortune to spend a few months in Germany. The Berlin Wall had just fallen and I was a proud, yet ugly American on the loose in Central Europe.

There I discovered the best milk chocolate bar I had ever had. The Milka Bar. They look like this:


While browsing around Amazon, I came across this chocolate offered right here in the good ol' U.S.A. I ordered a box of ten plus one.

It makes me wonder why those 'easy girls' in post war Germany went so nuts for a Hershey Bar! Hershey's chocolate is a bar of paraffin dipped in chocolate flavoring in comparison to the German made Milka!

Maybe it was availability that drove their obsession. Maybe it was a smile from and American serviceman. Maybe it was a hope for something else like a pair of nylons. But if I could have a Milka, I'd happily take it!

My wife likes Milka and we buy it regularily... Good chocolate :)
We got rain and not really cold.
We sure need the rain.
Never have been a fan of snow, even when I grew up in Colo. :)

I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

Sorry we don't have alligators, but we do have Mountain Lions.
I don't mind the snakes or tarantula's :biggrin:
Don't like the snow,no,no. :)
Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day and, if there's anything to tradition (and I dearly hope there is), grade schoolers everywhere are wrapping shoe boxes in red, pink and white paper, cutting a slot in the lids and anticipating St. Valentine's Day messages from their classmates.

Little paper cards with hearts and puppies and kittens and flowers meant to suggest some innocent romance or affection. I always wanted a Valentine from Mary Lynn Schoolcraft, the cutest girl in the second grade. I don't know if she wanted one from me, but I always reserved the sweetest one for her.

Later, the candy, the wee sugary hearts with sentiments like "Oh! You kid!" and "Be Mine" were passed around for everyone to enjoy. Milk chocolate in the shape of hearts, jelly beans and Good & Plenty (a confection I never appreciated. Licorice, ya know). All that candy could take a boy's thoughts away from even Mary Lynn Schoolcraft, but just for a moment.

Happy St. Valentine's Day everybody!

I was a fairly shy and, in my eyes, not one of the popular kids in grade school. (My classmates from that era that I am still in touch with don't seem to remember me that way for which I am grateful.) But I always dreaded the school Easter egg hunt because I never seemed to find eggs like my classmates did. And I dreaded Valentine's Day for fear nobody would put valentines in my decorated shoe box and I would be terribly embarrassed. Some always did, but the fear never went away.

By high school I was out of my shell and felt like I could stand my ground socially, but back then. . .not so much.

Tomorrow is Hombre and my wedding anniversary--let's just say we've been married more years than many of our Coffee Shoppers have lived at all. And we rarely ever celebrate on the 14th because the restaurants are packed and it's just generally not as much fun as going out on a less frenetic night.
married on St. Valentine's Day! That's an easy way to kill two birds, as they say. And who could forget an anniversary when that day is hyped up all over the place.

Happy anniversary, Foxy! And may your remaining anniversaries be outnumbered only by the joys that lay ahead.

Actually that's why we chose that date--easy to remember and already romantic. Hombre and I were just now agreeing that we would not buy each other a card or candy or whatever, but instead would take a leisurely stroll through one or two of our favorite stores and buy something or some things together that we both really want.
Must suck if you really wanted chocolates or a card.

But that's just the thing. Boxed chocolates generally pretty well suck and a card is sweet and appreciated, we're already together to express our affection for each other. And a card is almost immediately discarded or pitched in a box somewhere and forgotten. So though Hombre felt obligated to get both, I really asked him not to and let's just do something we would both enjoy. He was okay with that.

We just ordered a new hand held vacuum cleaner together since his favorite little vacuum croaked over the weekend. And yes, it was really sweet. :)
We got rain and not really cold.
We sure need the rain.
Never have been a fan of snow, even when I grew up in Colo. :)

I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

Sorry we don't have alligators, but we do have Mountain Lions.
I don't mind the snakes or tarantula's :biggrin:
Don't like the snow,no,no. :)
Well if I ever see you up here in the Winter I'm gonna smack ya with a snowball.
Back in the 1990s I had the very good fortune to spend a few months in Germany. The Berlin Wall had just fallen and I was a proud, yet ugly American on the loose in Central Europe.

There I discovered the best milk chocolate bar I had ever had. The Milka Bar. They look like this:


While browsing around Amazon, I came across this chocolate offered right here in the good ol' U.S.A. I ordered a box of ten plus one.

It makes me wonder why those 'easy girls' in post war Germany went so nuts for a Hershey Bar! Hershey's chocolate is a bar of paraffin dipped in chocolate flavoring in comparison to the German made Milka!

Maybe it was availability that drove their obsession. Maybe it was a smile from and American serviceman. Maybe it was a hope for something else like a pair of nylons. But if I could have a Milka, I'd happily take it!

My wife likes Milka and we buy it regularily... Good chocolate :)
Back in the 1990s I had the very good fortune to spend a few months in Germany. The Berlin Wall had just fallen and I was a proud, yet ugly American on the loose in Central Europe.

There I discovered the best milk chocolate bar I had ever had. The Milka Bar. They look like this:


While browsing around Amazon, I came across this chocolate offered right here in the good ol' U.S.A. I ordered a box of ten plus one.

It makes me wonder why those 'easy girls' in post war Germany went so nuts for a Hershey Bar! Hershey's chocolate is a bar of paraffin dipped in chocolate flavoring in comparison to the German made Milka!

Maybe it was availability that drove their obsession. Maybe it was a smile from and American serviceman. Maybe it was a hope for something else like a pair of nylons. But if I could have a Milka, I'd happily take it!

My wife likes Milka and we buy it regularily... Good chocolate :)

Never heard of it. Actually Hersheys isn't that bad for a reasonably priced chocolate. But okay, I'll have to hunt up some Milka. (I got talked into trying Godiva chocolate once and paid the exhorbitant price to get some. And I was underwhelmed.)
We got rain and not really cold.
We sure need the rain.
Never have been a fan of snow, even when I grew up in Colo. :)

I actually loved snow up on the mountain--there was something about sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea watching it pile up on the deck outside the sliding glass doors. But we were much younger and stronger then, more sure footed, more able to dig ourselves out. Before we got our 4-wheel drive, and then AWD I sometimes could not get my little Mercury Capri up the hill to get home when the road was snow packed and then icy from traffic. I would get as far as I could, put it in the ditch on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way if somebody didn't pick me up. (Somebody usually did.) No way I could do that now.

I have never liked it and did not like playing in it when I was a kid.
Give me the desert, I love! :)
I like that we have winter. I never could stand the South, with all the snakes, spiders, alligators, etc... I'll take a little extra snow anytime. :)

Sorry we don't have alligators, but we do have Mountain Lions.
I don't mind the snakes or tarantula's :biggrin:
Don't like the snow,no,no. :)
Well if I ever see you up here in the Winter I'm gonna smack ya with a snowball.

Not gonna happen, ever ,cuz I don't do winter's ! :)
Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day and, if there's anything to tradition (and I dearly hope there is), grade schoolers everywhere are wrapping shoe boxes in red, pink and white paper, cutting a slot in the lids and anticipating St. Valentine's Day messages from their classmates.

Little paper cards with hearts and puppies and kittens and flowers meant to suggest some innocent romance or affection. I always wanted a Valentine from Mary Lynn Schoolcraft, the cutest girl in the second grade. I don't know if she wanted one from me, but I always reserved the sweetest one for her.

Later, the candy, the wee sugary hearts with sentiments like "Oh! You kid!" and "Be Mine" were passed around for everyone to enjoy. Milk chocolate in the shape of hearts, jelly beans and Good & Plenty (a confection I never appreciated. Licorice, ya know). All that candy could take a boy's thoughts away from even Mary Lynn Schoolcraft, but just for a moment.

Happy St. Valentine's Day everybody!

I was a fairly shy and, in my eyes, not one of the popular kids in grade school. (My classmates from that era that I am still in touch with don't seem to remember me that way for which I am grateful.) But I always dreaded the school Easter egg hunt because I never seemed to find eggs like my classmates did. And I dreaded Valentine's Day for fear nobody would put valentines in my decorated shoe box and I would be terribly embarrassed. Some always did, but the fear never went away.

By high school I was out of my shell and felt like I could stand my ground socially, but back then. . .not so much.

Tomorrow is Hombre and my wedding anniversary--let's just say we've been married more years than many of our Coffee Shoppers have lived at all. And we rarely ever celebrate on the 14th because the restaurants are packed and it's just generally not as much fun as going out on a less frenetic night.

I was the opposite in a lot of ways. Before high school I think I tended to get along with just about anyone. In high school, while I had my clique, I was much more of an outsider. :p
Back in the 1990s I had the very good fortune to spend a few months in Germany. The Berlin Wall had just fallen and I was a proud, yet ugly American on the loose in Central Europe.

There I discovered the best milk chocolate bar I had ever had. The Milka Bar. They look like this:


While browsing around Amazon, I came across this chocolate offered right here in the good ol' U.S.A. I ordered a box of ten plus one.

It makes me wonder why those 'easy girls' in post war Germany went so nuts for a Hershey Bar! Hershey's chocolate is a bar of paraffin dipped in chocolate flavoring in comparison to the German made Milka!

Maybe it was availability that drove their obsession. Maybe it was a smile from and American serviceman. Maybe it was a hope for something else like a pair of nylons. But if I could have a Milka, I'd happily take it!

My wife likes Milka and we buy it regularily... Good chocolate :)
Back in the 1990s I had the very good fortune to spend a few months in Germany. The Berlin Wall had just fallen and I was a proud, yet ugly American on the loose in Central Europe.

There I discovered the best milk chocolate bar I had ever had. The Milka Bar. They look like this:


While browsing around Amazon, I came across this chocolate offered right here in the good ol' U.S.A. I ordered a box of ten plus one.

It makes me wonder why those 'easy girls' in post war Germany went so nuts for a Hershey Bar! Hershey's chocolate is a bar of paraffin dipped in chocolate flavoring in comparison to the German made Milka!

Maybe it was availability that drove their obsession. Maybe it was a smile from and American serviceman. Maybe it was a hope for something else like a pair of nylons. But if I could have a Milka, I'd happily take it!

My wife likes Milka and we buy it regularily... Good chocolate :)

Never heard of it. Actually Hersheys isn't that bad for a reasonably priced chocolate. But okay, I'll have to hunt up some Milka. (I got talked into trying Godiva chocolate once and paid the exhorbitant price to get some. And I was underwhelmed.)

You should try some seroogy's.
Seroogy's Homemade Chocolates - Since 1899
I have been worried sick since yesterday because my sister always rings me on Sunday but she didn't and I rang her home phone and her mobile until late last night and she did not answer. But she finally rang in answer to my message on her mobile and said she forgot to ring and she is away in the country.

I will be able to sleep tonight because I laid awake most of last night worrying.

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